Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2232: Wrong choice

Of course, Li Yanting’s previous glory and glory is also very hateful, so Qin Lang’s first request to these three forces is to send the seven people’s chambers completely to kill them!

"These seven families are now the guests of the Holy See, and they themselves have a strong influence." A representative of the Holy See has boldly explained to Qin Lang that the people of the Seven Chambers of Commerce are not good at dealing with it.

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with me." Qin Lang said, "I only give you an hour. If you can't meet my conditions after an hour, then you will go to the funeral with the seven chambers of commerce." ”

Qin Lang’s words are of course a threat. Although Qin Lang does not know whether this threat is useful or not, it is useless, so Qin Lang has reason to do it himself. After all, I used to be a neighbor of the global village. Without enough reason, Qin Lang is really not good at it.

"Mr. Qin, then we will go back and prepare." The representative of the Temple of Olympus is ready to slip away. In any case, he promised Qin Lang at this time, and stabilized him. As for whether or not to hand over the members of the seven chambers of commerce, That is the latter thing, and this kind of thing should be decided by the heads of several major forces, not someone can decide.

Qin Lang waved his hand and signaled that these guys could leave, but the time given by Qin Lang was very clear, that is an hour, if these three forces can not satisfy Qin Lang, then Qin Lang will be hands-on.

The retreat of the Huaxia World is still proceeding in an orderly manner. There are things that Jianmu and Danling’s young monks are preparing to transmit. Qin Lang is still very reassured. For space transmission, Jianmu is an expert, and this is called mastery. The scientists of Tumen and Xerox, who are in space science, can't keep up. In order for these two scientists to build such a huge space portal, they must have a lot of time to demonstrate and build, and within a short time, they will not be satisfied with Qin Lang.

An hour's time, but it's a flick.

Soon, the time given by Qin Lang arrived, and the people of the three major forces did not lose their appointments. They all concentrated on the Chinese world, and they were imposing. It seems that they did not want to hand over the members of the seven chambers of commerce. Instead, they wanted to Asking Qin Lang and the Huaxia World for a crime.

The Temple of Olympus has dispatched nearly a hundred advanced warplanes, or flying warships, because the technology of the Temple of Olympus has indeed improved a lot. The fighters are now completely different. In addition to the fighter planes, there are two huge aerospace warships. There are about 2,000 mechs and 2,000 biochemical warriors on the warship. As for the commanders on the warships, they are naturally owned by the Temple of Olympus. The existence of "the **** position".

The people of the Holy See are also on the battleship, not the same as the Temple of Olympus. The Holy See is not a science and technology route, but a pure faith and a spiritual line. The soldiers of the Holy See are all sacred swordsmen. There is also a bright Master. In addition, there are some dark creatures in the dark to follow the Holy See. These dark creatures are members of the former Dark Council. In the end, the two forces of light and dark actually hooked up and dealt with the Chinese world.

In the Tianzhu Kingdom, the relationship with the Temple of Olympus and the Holy See has not been very close. Therefore, the people of the Tianzhu Kingdom have formed another camp. These guys are devout believers in Buddhism, and their fighters call it It is Luohan, and the leader is called Bodhisattva or Buddha. Interestingly, in the Tianzhu Kingdom, there are already Buddhist monks who have appeared in the world. This means that the Tianzhu Buddha country has completely become a colony of the Buddha world, and there is no autonomy at all. Of course, the situation of the Holy See and the Temple of Olympus is similar, probably not much better, because if they do not rely on strong aliens, it will not be able to support the present.

Although the original Earth World is only the bottom of the black iron world, the special position of the Earth World makes it still useful. It can be a springboard to the heavens, then the Temple of Olympus and the Holy See, Scorpio. The existence of the Buddha State also has value. They are obviously the role of the aliens as slaves and slaves.

Originally, these guys voluntarily chose the road, Qin Lang can not be too much responsibilities, but these guys themselves are humbled by the inferiority of the aliens, actually want to bully the Chinese world, but also want to scream with Qin Lang, which seems very unrecognizable .

But this is also one of the inferiority of the human beings on earth: people who bully themselves are always good at it!

"The Holy See, the Olympus Temple, the Scorpio Buddha, all of you have come. Is this a member of the Chamber of Commerce who is going to hand over the seven people, or is it ready to fight directly with our Chinese world?" Wanma, but not afraid, because in the demon world, he faced more and stronger opponents.

"I don't know what life and death are! When you are in the world, you haven't been born yet!" At this time, a yellow-skinned old man walked out of the camp of the Holy See, shouting at Qinlang, no doubt this old The guy is one of the members of the Seven Chambers of Commerce. "Kids! You really don't know how to live and die, don't hurry down and confess, otherwise it's not just your own life, but these **** poor bones, they must be with you. Burial!"

There is no doubt that this old guy should be one of the seven people's chambers of commerce. Although the old guy's cultivation is not high, but it is a high weight, don't underestimate the ability of the seven-person chamber of commerce, you must know Before the world of the earth has not been robbed, these seven chambers of commerce have become the richest people in the world, and this is only the assets they can see. If you add invisible assets, these seven chambers of commerce Even more than some giants in Europe and the United States have to go beyond, because the forbearance of Chinese businessmen is not in the hands of European and American giants. At one time, the seven-person chamber of commerce was even rich in the heyday, even if it was a monopoly of many European countries, it was indirectly controlled by seven chambers of commerce.

As for the ravages of the heavens and the earth, many people think that these black sheep of the seven chambers of commerce should be attacked by the destruction of the top, but in reality the reality is always "good people do not live long lives, the evils live for a thousand years", the seven chambers of commerce because they have prepared, so the world When the robbery came, they lost only money, and their status and personnel losses were not great.


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