Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2340: The tyrannical


The feared person can not find the long-term attack, and suddenly pulls back and then stands in a place 10 meters away from Qinlang. He said to Qin Lang: "It's amazing! I don't think there is such a mysterious place in the martial arts. It makes me a little surprised."

Obviously, the strength of Qin Lang has won the respect of this horrible candidate.

However, Qin Lang can ignore the opponent's thoughts, whether it despise himself or respect himself, Qin Lang has the same view on it: suppression!

The strength of this fearful candidate may have reached the level of horror of the explosion, especially the speed, which has reached the limit, which may be the crystallization of the science of the Apocalypse Empire. However, when this horrible candidate stopped, Qin Lang discovered the other's anomalies:

On the body of this fearful person, there are some strange runes in vagueness!


This is Qin Lang once contacted, but has never been a mystery!

It is a ghost, of course, it is also a kind of name, because Qin Lang knows that this thing is not the kind of "rune" that monks used in general, but another kind of strange rune invented by wisdom civilization. It is a "ghost", because it is impossible to interpret the meaning of this rune through immortality, because this thing is not a product of immortality at all!

This is the product of the Apocalypse Empire!

Qin Lang once saw such a rune on Pisces Yupei, and “interpreted” some mysteries through Tumeng, knowing that this rune is actually a very mysterious “circuit”, or energy symbol, which can be used from the void. The extraction of strength can also be used for other purposes. Even Qin Lang has learned a few "ghost symbols", but it is also a limited number. It is impossible to fully understand the mysteries.

At this time, Qin Lang saw the looming "ghost character" from this horrible candidate. He knew that this should be the mystery of the fearful person. The reason why they are so powerful is because of this "ghost character". s reason.

Although the tyrannast is powerful, its strength is comparable to that of the real fairy, but the strength of the fearful person is more than ten times that of the tyrannical fighter, and its speed is even more difficult for the tyrannical fighter, but now it seems that this Everything is because the power of the "ghost" in the body of the chosen person is not only a ghost, but a lot, and is fully integrated into their bodies.

Qin Lang does not know that ghosts can actually be combined with the flesh. It sounds incredible, but the Apocalypse Empire has the most powerful scientific and technological power in the world, so it may not be surprising if you have such a mysterious "ghost". Without some killers, how can the Apocalypse Empire dare to scream with the fairy world?

Undoubtedly, these ghosts naturally attracted the attention of Qin Lang, and even caused Qin Lang's greed. This made Qin Lang very much want to understand the mystery of the ghost, so he decided to suppress this feared person, not directly Kill it.

If there is no endless sea and small cockroaches, it is impossible for Qin Lang to suppress this celestial chosen person, because the speed of the other party can come and go freely, but now Qin Lang still has his own advantages, so he thinks that he can suppress each other.

"Wudao has a unique way, and you have something unique. You know what you know." Qin Lang said to this fearful person, "The avenue is three thousand, any road has reached the extreme, and it is full of power!"

"No more nonsense!" This fearful person chooses a cold cry. "While your martial arts has its own uniqueness, it can't be my opponent! Just for me, it's just warming up!"

"Bragging - hey, really is not bragging!" Qin Lang originally wanted to laugh at the other side, but soon he could not laugh, because the strength of this selected person rose again, the vitality around the body fluctuated more strongly Now!

Interestingly, the practice of this heavenly candidate is actually a "sin of the Taoist method". It can be seen that although this fearful person is the top technology product of the Apocalypse Empire, it is also a monk, and it is still a pure immortal practice!

In a sense, this is also the combination of metaphysics and science!

Imagine that the terrorists are a race, but for the Apocalypse Empire, they are just a "technical product" or a "scientific weapon." Since it is a technological weapon, it is of course the apocalyptic technology. crystallization.

Not to mention, the genes of the fearful people are indeed very strong, very suitable for fighting and spiritual practice. The newly born terrorist warriors have more power than the adults of a Chinese race, because the fearful people are not one at all. Race, but a biological weapon, their meaning is the weapon!

Therefore, although the terrorists are powerful, they do not have their own meaning. Unless they completely get rid of the shackles of the Apocalypse Empire one day, they are still only a weapon.

However, the combination of the fearful people and the immortal martial arts has created a real "super warrior". Even Qin Lang has to admit this. Those tyrannical fighters, or the chosen ones, are simply The horror of the battle exists, the immortal, the real Buddha are not their opponents, these guys are simply the embodiment of horror!

I believe that even if it is a fairyland, it will be very tricky. I am afraid that the strength of my own genes and the combination of the two are really difficult to cope with. Fortunately, even if it is a fearful family, practicing the Taoist martial arts requires time and spiritual resources to accumulate, so it means that it is impossible for the feared people to cultivate too many "cultivating warriors" because the Apocalypse Empire cannot be as unique as the immortal world. Practice resources.

The winners and the terror fighters should all belong to the "cultivation fighters". Although such a fearful warrior is tyrannical, the number should not be too much. This is a place to comfort Qin Lang. Otherwise, if the feared monks of the Apocalypse Empire are also flooded, it will be a disaster for the Chinese world.

The strength of the fearful man is still rising. At this time, the ghosts in the body are also starting to shine. It seems that these ghosts are extracting endless vitality from the void for its use.

"Damn! This ghost is really a evil door!" Qin Lang couldn't help but swear, this fearful person is already powerful and outrageous. Now it is possible to extract vitality from the void indefinitely. This is simply a metamorphosis!

Of course, Qin Lang himself can also extract strength from the void, but he hopes that such ability is only a single family, others will not, but now it seems that it is not good, at least this fearful person is completely done this, Qin Lang There is no advantage in front of the other party.


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