Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2515: Fierce murderer

"How is it possible? Mr. Qin, did he really suppress Kuizhen Zhenjun?"

For a long time, the sound of squatting sounded up. He was asking about Phoenix, but his tone sounded dry. He couldn’t believe that such a thing happened. ∈↗Vertical novels, "It seems to be." Phoenix has no confidence in Qin Lang, but he also saw the greatness of Kuitun Zhenjun. Indeed, he is not sure whether Qin Lang really suppresses Kuitun Zhenjun. Living.

"If Mr. Qin really suppresses Kuitun Zhenjun, then I am willing to assist Mr. Qin to achieve a certain hegemony!" Yuxiu suddenly said that as a master and genius of the Qilin family, he has seen countless powerful people. There is no shortage of tyrannical existence than Qin Lang. However, as a human race, Qin Lang has such tyrannical means and potential at a young age. Even a thousand years old demon has been suppressed by Qin Lang. Based on this, he can be sure that Qin Lang’s future achievements must be Even if there are countless strong people in the world of the beasts, but they can surpass Qin Lang in terms of talent and potential, there are very few.

In addition, 麒休 itself is also a genius character, and has a unicorn blood, can be described as a promising future, but 麒休 will compare himself with Qin Lang, suddenly think that his gap with Qin Lang is so big, he is nothing at all It is. Moreover, after knowing that Qin Lang suppressed Qukuzhen Zhenjun, the cultivation of the realm will inevitably be greatly improved. Even if the whole beast is to be seen, Qin Lang will certainly become a giant.

From cooperation to assistance, this is two very different attitudes, and as a member of the mythical world, it is not surprising that he made such a decision, because the place like the animal kingdom was originally speaking with strength.

However, at this time, Qin Lang did not answer the words of Xiu Xiu, because he is still fully decomposing and absorbing the benefits left by Kui Zhenzhen.

This guy, Kuitun Zhenjun, was "killed" by Qin Lang alive. Even if the burial celestial being was hit by a gap in Qin Lang, if Kui Yuzhen wanted to escape, he should have a chance, at least At that time, Qin Lang may not be able to stop Kui Zhen Zhenjun. However, Kuitun Zhenjun did not think about the problem of failure from beginning to end. He only thought about how long it would take to completely suppress Qin Lang. As a result, Kuitun Zhenjun was involved in the Temple of the Undead, and then Qin Lang used the slaves of the artifacts in the Temple of the Undead, the ghost of time and the poisonous beasts and billions of creatures in the kingdom of Qin Lang’s own gods. The squeeze is dry.

Qin Lang is different from Kuitun Zhenjun. He will not despise his opponent, and will not give Kui Yuzhen any chance to counterattack. Moreover, Qin Lang shamelessly uses the mark to blew himself to deal with Kuitun Zhenjun, weaken his power and finally let Kuitun Zhenjun drinkes and hates in the temple of the undead, which makes Kuizhen Zhenjun simply dead!

However, Kuitun Zhenjun is not vegetarian. When he finally realized that he might be completely suppressed by Qin Lang, Kuitun Zhenjun took the practice of self-destructing the **** mark and the gods. The final counterattack of this old demon will almost undead. Most of the temple's arrays were destroyed, but when Kuitun Zhenjun saw that Qin Lang's artifacts could be repaired by himself, he was finally desperate. When Kuitun Zhenjun lost his fighting spirit, it was natural that Qin Lang sealed the victory. Then Qin Lang suppressed it through the loneliness of the Temple of the Undead, and then let Xiao Xiao swallow all the vitality and strength released by Kui Zhenzhen. Do not give Kui Yu Zhenjun a chance to turn over.

Kuitun Zhenjun originally thought that he still had the opportunity to escape, but after seeing Qin Lang’s hot and sultry means, Kuitun Zhenjun finally understood that he still greatly underestimated the strength of Qin Lang and made a fatal mistake. Kuitun Zhenjun himself did not think about the problem of escape from the beginning!

In the face of a strong enemy, if you do not prepare for both hands, it is really dangerous. When Kuitun Zhenjun realizes that he will fail, it is too late to escape. So he can only be in Qinlang. Under the suppression, it constantly consumes its own vitality, and finally it is completely suppressed by Qin Lang. The life of Kui Yuzhen is gradually digested by Qin Lang and Xiao Xiao.

When thoroughly suppressing Kuitun Zhenjun, Qin Lang was already a cold sweat. Although it was locked in the victory, this contest was the most dangerous battle of Qin Lang’s life. Qin Lang not only did his best, but even used all the Power and killer, if it is not Kuizhen Zhenjun despise Qin Lang, it is really unpredictable to kill this war.

If it is really "the heavens are still forgiven, and you can't live for yourself", if Kuitun Zhenjun is not the opponent of Xiaolang Qinlang, it may not fall so badly. Now, everything has been settled. Although Kuitun Zhenjun has been cultivated for thousands of years, it still falls so far. Under the operation of the will of heaven, it seems that no one can change his destiny.

"Heavenly will!!"

Qin Lang couldn't help but sigh, then turned the palm of his hand and ignited the Celsius furnace to begin the final refining of the Warcraft fault zone.

Because Qin Lang has already suppressed Kuitun Zhenjun, even if it is the original strength of the Warcraft fault zone, it can not resist the will of Qin Lang. After all, this Warcraft fault zone was originally created by Kui Yuzhen, naturally in Kui Zhenzhen. Jun’s will is in control, and now Qin Lang has suppressed Kuitun Zhenjun, and he has absolute control over this Warcraft fault zone!

Absolute dominance!

This means that all the Warcraft and spiritual resources of the Warcraft Broken Belt are under the control and control of Qin Lang. Now he refines the entire Warcraft fault zone, which is almost unobstructed.

However, when the final refining of the Warcraft fault zone in Qinlang was carried out, there were always people with short-sighted eyes. For example, at this time, there were a group of monks who were once again appearing near the Warcraft fault zone, and these Tengu families The monk actually set the goal on Qin Lang's body.

No way, Qin Lang has a pseudo-identity of the monks and beasts at this time, but it is still too young after all, and many monks in the world of comprehension are used to measuring the cultivation of a person by life. Therefore, these Tiangou families The monk stared at Qin Lang, which is also a very normal thing.

The head of a Tengu monk named 苟铁, this guy is also a little famous among the Tengu family. This time, the trip to the Warcraft Broken Belt is on the one hand for the experience, and on the other hand for the purpose of fishing in the Warcraft fault zone. The pen benefits, this is the same as many monks who go to the Warcraft Broken Belt.


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