Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2735: Causal

"Yes." This epoch-making tyrant is quietly saying, "I know what you think, you want to get a hope for the Chinese people. But I can't take risks for you, no risk at all! Because I know new The more races in the cosmic coordinates, the greater the risk that the dragons need to face! The existence of the Chinese race is only for sacrifice, so you can only face your own destiny!"

"Understand." Qin Lang's tone is calm and cold. "It's the so-called "everything stays in the line and sees each other in the future." I don't think you have to do things so absolutely. If so, then I have nothing to say!"

"Don't send it. I believe that we will not have another chance to meet in the future." Feng Tiantian said.

"Oh... good! Very good!" Qin Lang said this, the body gradually became transparent, and finally completely left the Dragon World.

When Qin Lang disappeared, the wind sighed and sighed: "I really can't think of it. Among the Chinese people, there are people who have been promoted to the era hegemony, but they still can't escape their own destiny. Without the coordinates of the new universe, they will die!"

"You can't sigh for the Chinese people. The essence of life is that the strong is the continuation and the weak are dead. The Chinese hegemony is born with an era hegemony. Maybe it's just a return to the light. Can it be said that their essence is stronger than us? What's more, as you said, without the coordinates of the new universe, they will die undoubtedly - just, if he wants to fight for the acquisition of the coordinates of the new universe without any consequences, it is a little trouble!" The dragon's epoch, It is believed that Qin Lang may break the cans and find trouble in the dragon world.

"No, this person is very proud, just as proud as the dragon's strong, even if we refused his request, he could not be an enemy of the dragon world, but there is no incense in the dragon world. "The windy sky shook his head. "In addition, he is also very rational. It is not a wise choice to know that any race, any world and the dragon world at this time, the Chinese world needs to preserve its strength and prepare for the final disaster."

"He won't find trouble in the dragon world. Otherwise, he must completely suppress it. As for the incense, we have enough confidence in the dragon world to reach the next cosmic era. We have already planned a half-cosm era, so long. Time preparation is enough!" The dragon's epoch is full of confidence.

"You have such confidence is very good." Feng Xing Tian Xing said, "We have made a lot of sacrifices for the continuation of the Dragon's life, so we absolutely will not allow our plan to fail!"

"The instructor is assured that with your experience and all the efforts made by our dragon community, we will be able to successfully reach the next cosmic era!" The dragon's epoch is full of confidence.


Huaxia World, Long Xianhe listened to Qin Lang’s complaints and said: “It’s so awful! I didn’t think that the Fuzhou Civilization and the Dragon’s empire’s hegemony were so unremarkable that even one hope would not leave us. If it doesn't work, we will forcefully enter the Dragon World and force them to give us a statement. Anyway, what we want is a new universe coordinate!"

"No need!" Qin Lang shook his head and said, "Long Xianhe, you are also an overlord of the era. Why is it so cool? You should know that any battle of an era hegemon can bring a huge and devastating blow to a world. If we fight with the dragon world, then our Chinese world is also very difficult to preserve. What's more, we broke with the dragon world, but since then we have been passers-by, everyone has no incense, and can not be said to be an enemy. So, the matter of forcing the dragon world I can't think about it later."

"I just don't feel reconciled!" Long Xianhe Road, "Why is the Fuxi civilization so inclined to the dragon world, the Huaxia Terran is also a descendant of the Fuxi civilization, why can't it give the Chinese people a hope?"

"There is no way, survival is not an easy thing, it is bound to be abandoned and sacrificed." Qin Lang sighed, "What's more, I think the cosmic coordinates of the Fuxi civilization and the dragon world should also pay a great price. So it’s normal for them not to share with us."

"But, the owner, you have not said, in the **** void, there are many universes? Just find a universe that suits us, shouldn't it be difficult?" Long Xianhe wondered.

"Yes, there are still a lot of universes in the **** void, and there is a new universe born, but if you want to find a universe that belongs to the Chinese people, the opportunity is very embarrassing. This is equivalent to the help of the epoch hegemon. In the case of a light speed spacecraft, it is as difficult for human beings to find a planet suitable for survival. Most of the universe's planets are not suitable for human survival. The rest of the living beings can survive. It does not mean that human beings can survive! If it is too far away, it will not be able to arrive at all. Even if there is a suitable living condition, the new universe is also the first. It must be the third level of the universe. The first and second levels of the universe are not suitable for the Chinese race, unless we Reducing itself to a low-level cosmic creature is tantamount to 'self-destructive martial arts'; and the high-level universe is not suitable for us, and once it is targeted by high-level cosmic creatures, the two sides will fight, we are likely to be destroyed. !and so--"

"Master, I understand what you mean." Long Xianhe said very distressedly, "So, it is very difficult to find a new universe suitable for the survival of the Chinese people! This is equivalent to finding an oasis in the desert, in the ocean. Looking for an island with fresh water? Also, if this is the case, then the coordinates of the new universe are indeed valuable assets, and it is normal for people not to share with us."

"You figured it out." Qin Lang smiled a little, knowing that Long Xianhe finally wanted to understand the truth. However, although Long Xianhe is the hegemon of the Dragon Age, it is now completely in line with the China World.

"I figured it out, but it doesn't mean that I am upset in my heart!" Long Xianhe Road, "According to the owner's meaning, we have to find the coordinates of a new universe now, but the master is definitely not the one who is waiting for you, so no. Know that you have any way to solve our dilemma?"

"Sit and wait, I can't do it. I believe that we will soon get the coordinates of the new universe. The living people can't let the urine die. We Chinese people have come to this step, and we can't even find a new cosmic coordinate. Qin Lang said, "You are squatting. Before the universe is shattered, there will always be something that will detonate before the universe."

"What is the owner referring to?"

"Cause and effect!" Qin Lang said, "causality, will inevitably be detonated before the universe burst."

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