Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 279: Endgame

Juvenile medical fairy 279_ juvenile medical immortal full text free reading _ Chapter 279 chapter endgame from

"I think the latter is more likely."

Qin Lang gave a conclusion after thinking about it, and then gave the reason. "Wolongtang is in charge of Ye Family, but Ye’s mind is obviously not on the rivers and lakes, but on the officialdom. For the Yejia people, Wolongtang It’s just a tool for the service of Ye’s rights, so Ye’s people won’t let things on the rivers and lakes affect their political rights. In this case, they are unlikely to openly work with us. If Ye Jia’s people really want to openly quit the gang, they have already done so, and they don’t have to wait until today.”

Hou Kuiyun nodded, Qin Lang's analysis hit the nail on the head, saying that Wolongtang is only a tool of Ye Family. They want to use this tool to provide a greater role for the rise of the family. It will definitely not affect the politics of Ye Family because of Wolongtang. future. The Wolongtang under the control of Ye Family is now a deformed existence, not a real river gang.

"Xiao Qin, your analysis is good. It seems that after the Ye family's people have to deal with us, they should only secretly start." Hou Kuiyun said, "It's just that the gun is easy to hide and the arrow is hard to prevent! If the Ye family is looking for someone Assassination, but it is impossible to prevent."

"Master, do the assassination, I am a professional." Tang San smiled. "Or else the father will give you some money, will I help you to kill a few Yejia people?"

Tang San is obviously a joke, although it is said that Tangmen may not put Wolongtang in his eyes, but it is only a Tang three, and it is impossible to confront the entire Wolongtang and the whole Ye Family. If Ye Jiazhen is really just a paper tiger, it is impossible to stand up in Pingchuan for many years! With the ability of Tang San, it is not a problem to kill a few important roles of Ye Jiafei, but it is not easy to deal with the core elements of Ye Family.

"Tang San, you have to think about picking up your own business to make money. Now the old man and Lu Qingshan are two-sleeve breeze. What kind of money will pay you expensive commissions." Qin Lang said with a smile, after Tang San opened such a joke, the atmosphere began to change. It’s easy to get up.

"I rely on you. If you say that I am like a profiteer, the fees I charge for killing you are all 'friendship prices'. I almost lost my own money. You are too embarrassed to say." Tang San is somewhat dissatisfied. Said, "Moreover, Lu Qingshan has no money, but there is not a rich boss Liu here."

Wherein, the Chinese team is moving from Yang Qingshan to the two people, and I have already indicated that it’s a little different. Ye Jia’s attitude toward Liu Zhijiang is only one: killing chickens and monkeys!

Liu Zhijiang is the Ye family to kill the fat chicken.

Now that Liu Zhijiang is going to rely on Lu Qingshan and Hou Kuiyun, this kind of trust can't be said in the vernacular, but it has to be put out with some practical action, so Liu Zhijiang said in a deep voice: "To help Lu Daxiao revitalize the gang, I You can take out 20 million revival funds as a gang, and Lu Da Shao and Yang Shu are solely responsible."

Although Liu Zhijiang is not working on the affairs of the rivers and lakes, he is still very good at doing business. He has already weighed it. Wolongtang and Ye Jia want all his life and life. In contrast, the 20 million "Revival Fund" for Lu Qingshan has made him a bit painful, but it is nothing compared to his own personal life. And once Lu Qingshan’s revival is successful, as the first batch of heroes, Liu Zhijiang’s benefits will not only be 20 million.

"Hey, isn't there money?" Tang said with a smile. "Although 20 million is not too much, it is enough to kill a few key members of Ye Family. Hey, Lu Qingshan may wish to consider If you let me do this, I will definitely give you a friendly price."

"Tang San, you are still a little bit safe, and the matter of dealing with Ye Family is definitely not an assassination. And even if you succeed in assassination, you will never have a rest in the future. Don't forget the political background of Ye Family." "Qin Lang poured a pot of cold water on Tang San, lest this guy acted impulsively." The Yejia people not only have the background of rivers and lakes, but also have a political background. This determines that once there are people from the rivers and lakes who deal with the Ye family, then the state machine will start, which will inevitably give the most powerful blow to this force. Because the state machine will never tolerate the influence of rivers and lakes on politics, this is unquestionable, and it has been the same throughout the dynasties.

Tang San also knows that Qin Lang is telling the truth, but he said in his mouth: "It shouldn't matter if you kill two occasionally?"

Qin Lang can only smile, then go on to say: "Tang III, since you are a professional user who is engaged in assassination, don't prevent some advice from the old man and Lu Qingshan, and see how to deal with the dark action of Ye Family."

"My suggestion is to kill and kill. To best deal with Ye’s assassination, the best way is to assassinate them and let them be afraid. Yes, Ye Family does not doubt that you are a Tangmen. Just a series of assassinations were carried out, so that Ye Jia also let other people in Wolongtang know that Lu Qingshan is not a good one. There are Tangmenzhong people who support him in the back!" Tang San said his thoughts.

If you think about it carefully, Tang San’s statement is not unreasonable. If Ye’s family has no political background, this method may be the most direct and simple, but now it is obviously not feasible. Even the old poisons are against the “six doors”. Some taboos, Qin Lang is not easy to temporarily get rid of the "six doors" stalking, he does not want to be monitored again by these people for 24 hours.

"It is definitely not a good idea to kill and kill, because even if Lu Qingshan relies on this method to reinvigorate the gang, it will inevitably be completely suppressed by the state machine. Peaceful development is the mainstream of today's society, and it is also the mainstream thought of the rivers and lakes, **** slaughter. The years have gone forever, and now anyone who dares to open the **** slaughter will inevitably be killed by the 'six doors'! There is no residue left!" Qin Lang once again reminded Tang San. There is no doubt that this guy in Tang San is a sharp knife, a sharp knife, but if it is not used well, this knife will hurt himself.

"Xiao Qin is right." Hou Kuiyun also reminded Tang San that "Xiao Tang, since the ancient times, the 'six doors' are not easy to provoke, and now it is even worse. So they don't find your troubles. Not bad, don't take the initiative to find them troubles - as for the assassination of Ye family, I have already thought of a way: Negotiation!"

"Negotiation? Wrong?" Tang San reacted the most. He said with disappointment, "Don't you be confused, the Ye family can't wait to get rid of you immediately. You still have to negotiate with them?"

"Tang San - Father's idea seems to be good."

Qin Lang suddenly laughed. "The old man is not the old rivers and lakes. This hand is used very well. The Ye family is a politician. Nature likes to negotiate, and now they don't know what the father and Lu Qingshan want. I don't know your true strength, so compared to assassination, negotiations are more suitable for them. However, you should post a wide post to let the important people of the entire gang know about this matter. The more people know, The more concerns Ye Family has, the less they will dare to poison you before the negotiations."

"I still talk about a fart! Ye Jia's killer is on the road!" At this time, Qin Lang's ear sounded the warning of old poison. After listening to this, Qin Lang could not help but be shocked.


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