Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 325: Stormy

"You don't need to be so nervous." Qin Lang smiled faintly. "If you really want to hide, I don't have to hide abroad. What's more, if Tang Zhenggang's son is poisoned, it should be three days later. Don't worry now."

"You don't know, the passport is very slow to go abroad!" Tang San is somewhat anxious for Qin Lang.

"I said Tang San, you really don't need to worry so much. Moreover, in my opinion, Tang Zhenggang is either an old stubborn, a big silly. Forced, but he can't be stupid enough to ignore his son's life and death." Said with confidence.

"What do you mean - Tang Zhenggang will bow to you?" Tang San said with a slight sigh, he felt that this is unlikely, with Tang Zhenggang's temper, it should not be possible to bow to Qin Lang.

"If he really cares about his son's life and death, he will bow his head." Qin Lang said faintly, "If he feels that loading is more important than his son's life and death, then I have nothing to say. Anyway, there are three In the daytime, I have something to worry about. Right, it is Lu Qingshan, we should pay more attention to it."

“Is Lu Qingshan not negotiating with Ye Family?” Tang San said. “Since the negotiations are over, there should be nothing. The negotiations cannot be completed yet. Let’s start killing Ye Family’s people?”

"Yejia people, we have not done one." Qin Langhehe smiled.

"Ye Zhongjun is stupid. It is now a fool, not to mention it." Tang San said, "If I am Lu Qingshan, I will kill all the Yejia people directly, and I don't need to negotiate with them."

"I understand now - you really have no interest in the position of the doorkeeper of Tangmen." Qin Lang sighed deliberately.


"Because of your character, you can't do the position of the doorkeeper." Qin Lang said, "As the boss of the door, naturally it is impossible to do things according to his own preferences. Those who are willing to be enemies are destined to be the boss, even if it is The boss can't be too long. You think about it, whether it's in the book or in reality, but the big brother who really speaks loyalty will die very strong in the end, and the ones that survive will be those who only pursue the interests. Unscrupulous people."

"That's true. However, Lu Qingshan does not seem to be the kind of unscrupulous person." Tang San said, "As you said, Lu Qingshan should not be suitable for being the big brother of their gang."

"Yes, Lu Qingshan is really not suitable. However, who made him the only descendant of Lu family." Qin Lang sighed. "But also, if Lu Qingshan can't do anything, we can be friends and brothers. Help him with whatever means, isn't it?"

"Oh, that's right." Tang San smiled. "I don't want to be a boss, but I still hope to have a brother who is the boss. Then I call Lu Qingshan and ask him to come out to drink the bar and find a place." It’s definitely good for a drink of rain! This bird weather is not suitable for class and is not suitable for killing.”

"Then I will call Zhao Wei, otherwise if this guy knows that we don't call him, I will complain about it for a long time." Qin Lang laughed.

At this time, both of them left behind the things of Tang Zhenggang.

After almost half an hour, Lu Qingshan and Zhao Wei took a taxi to the agreed place to meet with Qin Lang and Tang San.

The place where Qin Lang and Tang San picked was the “water fisherman”. After Zhao came here, he whispered to Qin Lang and said, “How do you ask me to come here to eat and drink?”

This place was the place where Liu Zhijiang invited Qin Lang to eat the last time. Zhao Wei also came to eat with Qin Lang. As a result, Feng Kui found someone to assassinate Qin Lang that night, and Zhao Wei was almost killed. Of course, it is Zhao Wei who feels that he was almost killed. In fact, in Qin Lang’s view, it can only be considered as a surprise.

"Call you to eat and drink for free, so much nonsense!" Qin Lang snorted.

"Rely! Last time I almost drowned in this river, there is already a psychological shadow." Zhao Yu depressed.

"Zhao Wei, after you drink some wine, the shadows are gone!" Tang San has already ordered the dishes, and the four people went to the small private room on the second floor.

At this time, the weather on the river was swaying, and the water and the sky were connected.

The whole world has become a world of water.

I have to say that it is really cool to drink and eat meat in this kind of place.

After a bottle of beer, Qin Lang asked Lu Qingshan about the negotiations with Ye Family.

Mentioning this matter, Lu Qingshan looked distressed: "The negotiation of dogs and farts! The people of Ye Family are purely procrastinating and coping, and the boss of the Wolong Hall has appeared once in the atrium, and has never appeared in the future. ""

"This is what I expected early." Qin Lang said, "Yejia people, certainly will not let you become the brother of the old brothers, this is an inevitable thing. However, I did not expect the Ye family to be so arrogant, but only If Ye Zhongting does this, it is equal to the slap in the face of the old man who is fanning."

"The veterans of the old brothers are some 'old fruits', and the influence is certainly not that big. The people of Yejia don't give them face, that is normal." Tang San inserted a sentence, "This year is the first By relying on strength, who is paying attention to what is the mainstream of spending?"

"I agree with Tang San." Zhao Wei nodded and said, "I told Qin Lang before. The most important thing now is to recruit soldiers, and quickly expand our strength and territory, and then directly fight with the people of Wolongtang, and their The site has become ours, turning their assets into us, and turning their women... oh, this is fine. In short, very simple things, you are too complicated, and there are gang negotiations in film and television. But there has never been a success, and in the end it will become a situation of fire."

"Besides the last sentence, the rest are nonsense." Qin Langbai took a look at Zhao Wei. "If Lu Qingshan, our strength is better than Ye Jiaqiang, we don't have to negotiate with them at all. The key is that the strength is not as good as others. Although the elders of the old age are all 'old fruit', and few people can really fight. But they can't say that they are completely useless. These people can stand on the side of Lu Qingshan, which means the righteousness. Something stands on the side of Lu Qingshan."

"Dayi? Justice? These are the most useless things!" Tang San used a knife to cleanly open a roast trotters and took a sip to say, "I want to see it, directly cast a dagger action, will All the leaves of the leaf family are killed!"

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