Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 422: Monster in the sewer

The words of two people clearly fell into the ears of Qin Lang. There are more than one snake here, which makes Qin Lang somewhat interested. If it is just a snake, it may be accidentally run away, but if there is more than one, it proves that there should be a snake group in the underground of this area. .

If it is a snake group, Qin Lang can naturally be used. Now, Qin Lang's rat group has been broken up by the sound wave repeller, and it can't be broken. If there is a snake group, it can be used.

So, I touched the past in the direction of the two people, and at the same time I thought about how to faint the two people, so as not to expose their whereabouts.

However, when Qin Lang was close to the two people, he saw that the two men ran away, and even the flashlight was thrown away. It seemed that something terrible was seen!

The flashlight fell into the sewage, and the light in the sewer became dark, but at the moment the light dimmed, Qin Lang saw something:

It should be a pair of eyes, a pair of green eyes like the green night pearl!

Green eyes, maybe very good-looking, if in normal times, it will be reminiscent of a mixed-race, but in this gloomy sewer, it will only reminiscent of horrible things: ghosts, monsters, etc.!

It's no wonder that the two men ran away, apparently because of this green and faint eyes.

Of course, maybe the two people could see the true colors of this green faint eyes, and then they were scared to escape.

Although Qin Lang is not so timid, but does not dare to rush to the past, although Qin Lang does not believe in ghosts, ghosts and the like, but he believes that "monsters" are still there, the world is not surprising, the so-called monsters, should be poisonous A variant of a zerg, alien or animal. Moreover, this can be explained scientifically. In general, genetically mutated organisms are often deformed. Many births die, but few mutants survive and have This is not the case with the power and ability of ordinary species.

Even among human beings, there are some “exotics” with genetic mutations. These people are even born with more powerful power than martial artists. However, all countries have the same attitude towards such people. Once they are present, they will be monitored and supervised immediately, and finally compiled for use by the state.

In China, the six-door people not only supervise the martial arts, but also supervise these "dissidents", the so-called special-function people, who will not let them abuse special abilities.

At about 50 meters from the green eye, Qin Lang stopped, because at this time he vaguely felt an inexplicable danger. The owner of this green eye seemed to carry a violent force and Fierce momentum.

Of course, this is purely a feeling.

Qin Lang stopped his footsteps, only looking far away at the pair of green eyes that were still visible in the darkness.

It is indeed a double eye, but Qin Lang knows that the normal person's eyes will not turn green, only the cat's eyes will be light at night.

But things are not absolute. The human eye can turn green and become a little light. It is a "poisonous person." Those who have been tempered by drugs, their toxins will penetrate into their heads, and they will change their facial features. Let the eyes have some strange colors. This is why judging a normal, abnormal person can often be judged by the eyes.

The eyes are the window of the mind. People who have lost their minds or abnormal minds can often judge through their eyes and eyes. For example, those who are mad, their eyes and eyes must be different from normal.

Therefore, now Qin Lang can basically be sure of two points: First, that pair of eyes must be the human eye; second, that person must be an abnormal human!

In the face of this abnormal human, Qin Lang did not dare to approach.

But at this time, the people who left before returning and returning seem to have gathered more people into the sewer.

Qin Lang hurry to hide at the corner and wait and see.

In the case of not knowing what this abnormal human being is, Qin Lang does not want to be close to it, but if these people are willing to take the lead, Qin Lang is very happy.

Listening to the sound of water in the sewer, this time at least seven or eight people entered the sewer, but these people obviously do not believe in any monsters, one of them said: "I grass, where are the monsters, are you two eyes?"

"I still have green eyes. I said that you two, wouldn't you think of fireflies as a ghost fire?" Another person joked.

"Serious! Let's figure out the situation and say it. Right, Lao Liu, what monster eyes do you say, where?"

"Just in the front, you can see it with a flashlight..."

"Well, is it here? I am grass! There are really ghosts! Go out! Let the soldiers go down!"

"Paralyzed! You wait for Laozi..."


These few people came fast and ran fast, and Qin Lang was speechless.

However, he is also understandable. After all, it is not easy for the first person to live this year. Not many people are willing to work hard for thousands of January wages. If the sewer is in a shackle, they don’t mind exerting force. It is thrown out, but if it is a ghost below, they run faster than anyone else.

These few people managed to escape. Qin Lang believes that they will definitely not return within a short period of time. They should seek reinforcements. But the strange thing is that the "monster" did not catch up, which proves the monster's attacking desire. Hope should not be very strong, since these people have experimented, Qin Lang is also a little relieved, began to carefully approach this "monster".

Fifty meters, forty meters... twenty meters... ten meters...

Qin Lang finally saw the true face of this "monster".

This "person" does not seem to know how old it is, because he has an "old" atmosphere all over his body. His beard is half a meter long, and all his clothes have become cloth. The strip, the body is skinny, but from the string of beads hanging around his neck and the bare head, this guy should be a monk.

However, it is not very similar to say that he is a monk, because his eyes do not have a half-poetry of the Buddha's compassion, and he releases a wild and horrible atmosphere, and at this time he is eating a snake with relish, just like Just like eating the most delicious things in the world, there is a sound in the mouth, and he seems to eat the snake's bones.

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