Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 597: Tomoko

When Qin Lang left the nursing home, Wu Minghou’s injury was basically cured. <-"

When Qin Lang left, a guard from the sanatorium drove him to leave, because Wu Caiyun did not intend to drive Qin Lang in person. In the eyes of Wu Caiyun, it seems that Qin Lang’s classmates have lost their value.

Before leaving the sanatorium, Qin Lang handed some of the crimes of Ye Jia to Wu Minghou.

These evidences are not only the things that Ma Zhenyong got about Ye’s smuggling of arms, but also some evidence that later Yelang got some Yejia’s smuggling through Wolongtang and Wuyitang, and the evidence of the original Yejia’s real estate company’s illegality. .

Many criminal evidences show that Ye’s sin is really difficult.

Qin Lang gave the evidence to Wu Minghou because he believed that Wu Minghou should make proper use of the evidence.

Wu Minghou is definitely not the role of Lei Junyi.

In addition, Qin Lang knows that Wu Minghou has begun to deal with Ye Jia.

Moreover, Qin Lang agrees with Wu Minghou's way of dealing with Ye Jia: first break the road and completely encircle.

Wu Minghou is right. It is useless to arrest the few corrupt people of Ye Family. Even if Ye Family is driven out of Pingchuan Province, their descendants can also get drunk with huge overseas wealth. In the days of the same, you can enjoy the folk bourgeoisie that they have collected in a foreign country.

Qin Lang handed the evidence to Wu Minghou. When the right time is right, Wu Minghou can completely fight Ye Family and let Ye Jiayong never turn over.

Of course, even in the face of Wu Minghou, Qin Lang is not unconditionally trusted, and the evidence that Qin Lang gave to Wu Minghou, he himself has been copied.

Just returned to Anrong City, Qin Lang's mobile phone rang.

The phone was called by my mother Xue Yinglian, so Qin Lang quickly pressed the answer button.

"Son, you didn't seem to be going home last night?" Xue Yinglian seemed to know this question. "You seem to watch the movie with the girl and watch it all night?"

Watching a movie and watching it all night?

Who believes?

Xue Yinglian was not a gossip woman, but her son, who was not too gossip, became a gossip.

The reason why Xue Yinglian is so gossip, of course, is to speculate on the relationship between his son and the girl last night by knocking the side.

In particular, Xue Yinglian cares about whether Qin Lang has had anything to do with the girl.

"Mom, we are just watching movies." Qin Lang's explanation seems to have no meaning of silver three hundred and two, but he has no way, because he and Wu Caiyun have nothing to do with each other, so their The relationship is really simple.

"Yes? Where did you go to watch the movie?" Xue Yinglian then asked.

"Renhe Film City." Qin Lang directly thought of the name of a movie city known in memory.

"Renhe Film City? Are you sure?" Xue Yinglian said, "Son, I don't think you actually learned to lie with your mom. Renhe Film City has no market."

"What!" Qin Lang did not expect his mother to be so easy to fool the past, only to swear by the scalp, "Mom, actually I didn't go to see the movies with her, we just --"

"No need to explain, my mom knows." Xue Yinglian said, "Mom is also coming over, knowing that your young people are youthful and instigated, just like the words of the ancients - **. Well, ** is a little bit It’s normal for your young people to ignite passion. It’s normal for your mom to call you. I want to remind you that passion is risky and some things should be cautious. First of all, you must be sure when you are passionate. Are you doing security measures well? Then, if you don't have security measures, you should take immediate remedial measures. Don't ruin your lifelong happiness for a moment of enthusiasm... Well, you understand the meaning of your mom. Have you? Remember, don't be lucky, be sure to do all kinds of contraception, so as not to accidentally cast a big mistake..."

After listening to Xue Yinglian's remarks, Qin Lang had a feeling of brain teasing, and he had to admit that his mother's imagination was really rich. Of course, Qin Lang can also affirm one thing: when his mother calls, his father must be there, which is obviously the result of their mutual deliberation.

Obviously, Xue Yinglian and Qin Nan are both wondering what has been done between Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun.

Also, think about it carefully, Wu Caiyun came to Qinlang to "watch the movie" late at night, and then Qin Lang did not return to the night, lonely or widowed, how could it really be just a movie at night? Moreover, even if you look at movies in the cinema, this lonely or widowed woman will probably have problems.

Qin Lang wanted to explain it again, but he knew that this matter would be more and more black, unless he said the true identity of Wu Caiyun, but it is obviously not appropriate to do so, and even if the identity of Wu Caiyun is said Qin Nan and Xue Yinglian probably won't believe it.

"Well, well, I must pay attention to safety precautions after the passion." Qin Lang said in a very serious tone, he knew that this is the only way to let the mother shut up.

Sure enough, listening to Qin Lang said, Xue Yinglian went on to say: "Son, my mom doesn't blame you. After all, you are in a period of strong hormones. Well, you know that it is safe to pay attention. In addition, if you have time, you can The girl about the date came to eat at our house."

"Oh, I see."

Hanging up the phone, Qin Lang can not help but sigh: really is the son of Mo Ruo!

Since it is an unclear explanation, Qin Lang will give up the explanation. Let Xue Yinglian and Qin Nan continue to think infinitely.

After returning to Anrong City, Qin Lang immediately met Lu Qingshan and others to discuss matters.

After a detailed discussion with Wu Minghou, Qin Lang strengthened his own ideas: to control the forces of the black and the Tao, and then to change the entire pattern of the rivers and lakes from the bottom up, not only to reinvigorate the poisonous sects, but also to purify the pollution of the rivers and lakes, so that the forces of the rivers and lakes are not It will become a tributary and tool of some powerful people, and it can become a pillar of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

As Wu Minghou said, the highest purpose of the Dragon Snake Force - all for the benefit of the country and the nation! Although this sounds a bit fake, if someone can do something for this purpose, he must be a person who can be respected by most people.

Although Qinlang is only a river and lake person, people from the rivers and lakes can also do something for the rise of the Chinese nation. These people, Wu Minghou, can fight for peace and stability of the country and the nation in an obscure manner, and solve the intrusion and provocation of foreign enemies. Qin Lang can at least do something to purify the "intermediate zone" of society and curb the sinful twins.









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