Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 608: Han Yu's covenant

Hongmen is a long-lasting legendary gang. Even in the "Lakes of the Rivers and Lakes", it is famous, and Hongmen has experienced many dynasties and changes of the times. It is still enduring, but it is spreading all over the world. Ye, this fully shows that Hongmen’s “management experience” is worth learning. After the opening of the Xiangxiang Hall, 6 Qingshan spent a lot of time to ask Lin Shilong and Lin Yuhao about Hongmen’s “management experience” and tried to apply some management experience suitable for the national conditions to Wolongtang, hoping to complete Wolong in a short time. The integration of the church.

6 Qingshan is the owner of Wolongtang. In this case, it is natural that things must be done. Although Qinlang has to help 6 Qingshan to solve some things, he is still busy.

This is not, around three in the afternoon, Qin Lang actually received an unexpected call.

The phone was called by Han Han, and Qin Lang hesitated before he switched on.

Han Hao used to be a classmate and friend of Tao Ruoxiang. When she went to Xiayang City last time, Han Hao lost an important document and almost lost her job. Fortunately, Qin Lang helped her find this document, but since then Han Yu I haven't contacted Qin Lang anymore, so I received some calls from Qin Lang.

On the phone, Han Wei went to a coffee shop to meet Qin Lan, and Qin Lang agreed to it with a little hesitation.

About four o'clock, Qin Lang arrived at the coffee shop, Han Han wearing a purple dress has been in the cafe.

Today's Han Wei is completely different from Qin Lang's last time. The last time Han Hao, who was seen in Xiayang City, likes to be arrogant and showy, so she is deliberately dressed and sexy, but now she is restrained. It is no longer deliberately **** for sexy, but it seems to be more pleasing to the eye.

Qin Lang sat in front of Han Yu and then said to her: "Han sister, what can't you say on the phone, do you have to meet here?"

"Don't worry, don't you even have a cup of coffee?" Han Han called the waiter over and asked Qin Lang to order a cup of coffee.

"Whatever." Qin Lang said to the service.

"Sir, we are not here." The waitress seems to be not very flexible.

"Give me a cup of coffee, by the way, pay the beauty together, no need to change." Qin Lang directly handed two bills in the past.

This time, the waiter's younger sister has really changed. Not a moment, a cup of coffee has been sent.

"Qin Lang, why are you so anxious?" Han Yu said to Qin Lang, "You just don't want to see your sister? Don't I have any charm?"

"My sister is charming and invincible, but I don't know how to appreciate it." Qin Lang smiled and explained, "There are so many things lately, so it is really busy, you can forgive me."

"What are you busy with?" Han said differently. "Is the college entrance examination not over? You have a few months of vacation. I really don't know what you are still busy with. I think, do you think I am bored?"

"How come, if I think that Han sister is irritated, then I won't come to see you." Qin Lang said, "There are so many things in the recent past. This is not explained first. Han Jie, you are looking for me, certainly not for letting me ask you." It’s as simple as drinking a cup of coffee. Don’t let my appetite, let’s talk to me.”

"Well, I don't know what you are doing, but since your time is so urgent, then I will tell you directly - it is about Tao Ruoxiang."

When I heard "Tao Ruoxiang", Qin Lang's ear suddenly stood up.

Because since the end of the college entrance examination, Qin Lang has lost contact with Tao Ruoxiang.

I heard that Tao Ruoxiang has resigned to the seventh, and the mobile phones have changed their numbers.

Although Qin Lang also wants to know the current situation of Tao Ruoxiang, but he knows that Tao Ruoxiang is a maverick girl. Since she does not want to contact him, Qin Lang is useless.

In the middle of the seventh, Qin Lang tried to narrow the relationship between the two, trying to cross this barrier between teachers and students, but ultimately did not succeed, because Tao Ruoxiang has been insisting on the final bottom line.

After the college entrance examination, Tao Ruoxiang had no news, but when he heard the name of "Tao Ruoxiang", Qin Lang felt that his ears were all upright, and Qin Lang knew that he still cares and cares about her, even though She and Tao Ruoxiang did not spend much time together.

"Why, all the ears are erected? It seems that your kid is ambition to our teacher Tao." Han Wei smiled a little smugly. "Right, she may not be Tao teacher later, you must call her." Tao police officer."

"Tao police officer?"

"Yes, she took the police officer's exam in the Pingchuan police system, and the written test scores first, just wait for the interview to pass. Of course, anyone who scores first in the written test will basically guarantee admission. This is also considered to be A hidden rule. So, soon she is a Tao police officer." Han Wei said, "This is also good, we will be a colleague in the future."

"It's so good, I don't think Tao Ruoxiang really wants to be a police officer." Qin Lang sighed.

Qin Lang knows that with Tao Ruoxiang's character, it is not easy to make up his mind. After all, when I graduated, Tao Ruoxiang had the opportunity to enter the police system. It was because of the obstruction of family parents that she gave up the idea of ​​being a policeman. It is really not easy to pick up this ideal again.

"That is certain. How, this should be good news for you?"

"So far, I haven't seen any good news for me. You may not know that Tao teacher has changed his mobile phone number recently. I can't contact her at all. Of course, she can insist on doing what she likes. The occupation, I am happy for her." Qin Lang's tone can be heard a few frustrations.

Can you be depressed? Tao Ruoxiang is a woman who has been a "heart" at the sight of Qin Lang. It is really a sight, so Qin Lang has been trying to break the teacher-student relationship between the two. Of course, it is to get Tao Ruoxiang to pursue. It is a pity that Tao Ruoxiang is a very rational woman and Qin Lang did not succeed.

"Let's say these frustrations. Remember when I went to Xiayang last time, I didn't tell you, in fact, Tao Ruoxiang is very sensible to you."

"Is it very sensible?" Qin Lang smiled bitterly. "I said Han sister, you don't have to comfort me. If Tao teacher feels very much to me, she will change the phone number directly and not contact me?"

"Do you think Tao Ruoxiang changed his mobile phone number because he hid you?" Han Hao smiled. "You are too self-righteous. Xiangxiang changed the mobile phone number, because her mobile phone was lost, so she simply abandoned this mobile phone number. Lest her parents have to call to stop her from applying for police officers."

"Is it for this?" Qin Lang said, "How do you know so clearly?"

"Crap, Xiangxiang lived with me during this time, how can you tell me?" Han Hao asked.

"That's nothing to say, take me to see Teacher Tao... Well, now is it right to call Tao Jie right."

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