Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 738: Fight

This red fruit is poisonous!

To be precise, the white pulp that flows out of the stem and branches of the red fruit is poisonous, and it is still highly toxic that can quickly paralyze the nerves.

Even if Qin Lang has no phase poison, he can feel his palm numb, but I can imagine how strong the toxicity of this white serum is.

At the time of Qin Lang’s poisoning, the scorpion’s phoenix had once again launched an attack.

At this time, Qin Lang seems to have been crumbling, seemingly unable to resist the attack of Jin scales.

Qin Lang students seem to want to overturn the ship!

Jinxianyu quickly swam ashore from the shallow waters and approached Qinlang quickly. When it was about five meters away from Qinlang, its long tail had already been rolled over to Qinlang.


The tail of Jin Jiaozhen successfully entangled Qin Lang’s body. It probably felt the joy of victory, so he quickly gathered his tail, wrapped it tightly around Qin Lang, and then put his head together and opened his mouth violently. It seems that I can't wait to get Qin Lang into the belly.

However, just in the moment when the scales opened his mouth, Qin Lang suddenly opened his eyes and quickly smashed a poison pill into the mouth of the scaly scorpion, and then took a palm on the top of the phoenix.

The scallops have a pain in the top of the head. Naturally, there is no way to open their mouths and engulf Qin Lang. It is probably aware that Qin Lang is not poisoned, so he hastened to use his greater strength to shrink his body and prepare to kill Qin Lang. However, this scaly cockroach clearly underestimated the poison pill that Qin Lang threw into its mouth. This squama was so hard that it found that its huge body became soft and could not be used. Don't say that Qin Langer is dead, even if it is to re-open his body, it is very difficult.

"Hey! Your reptile has eaten the soft gluten that I have prepared. This thing can't be resisted by the martial arts masters. What's more, you are a reptile." Qin Lang sneered at the scalp, "I have long been sneer." I told you that the beast is a beast, and you don’t want to show off your wisdom in front of Laozi."

Jin scales has been unable to move, it looked at Qin Lang dully, probably still wondering why Qin Lang was not poisoned.

Yes, the slurry on the red fruit branch is really poisonous and will quickly paralyze the nerves. However, the red fruit itself is not poisonous, but a kind of fruit. And, this red fruit can just remove the toxin from the white serum. But the crux of the matter is that after many people get this fruit, I am afraid that they will not take this red fruit for the first time. After all, people who get red fruits choose to save it; or, first, to figure out the properties of this red fruit. Wait, then you can safely eat.

However, once the person who picked it was hesitant and did not take the red fruit immediately, it would be poisoned and died, and there was no chance of detoxification! Losing Fu Chunsheng did not hesitate to eat this fruit, otherwise he would die.

This phoenix phoenix has lived here for a long time. It seems that the characteristics of this red fruit are very clear. So after seeing Qin Lang’s picking, this phoenix scorpion immediately showed a sly look and immediately attacked Qin Lang, and did not give Qin Lang the opportunity to take red fruits. . In the view of this phoenix, as long as Qin Lang does not take red fruit, then it can only become its fruit.

However, where Jinjiu knows that Qin Lang is not only a non-toxic body, but also the detoxification ability is the next day. After a little bit of toxic work, the toxin of this white slurry is quickly absorbed, and even this white slurry The toxicity is clear. It’s ridiculous that this phoenix still wants to calculate Qin Lang, but it is calculated by Qin Lang.

At this point, this scallop can only lie on the shore in a soft collapse, letting Qin Lang slaughter.

Qin Lang walked over and used his hand to carry the tail of the golden scales. He smiled and said: "Not bad. Mature male squama, the wish hook on this tail should be mature, this is worth the price, is it right? Down..."

Looking at Qin Lang playing with its tail, this phoenix seems to realize that the disaster is coming. At this time, the slyness and fierceness in its eyes disappeared, and it was replaced by pity and pleading.

The bird will die and mourn.

This phoenix was probably aware of his death and foresaw that he might be smashed and smashed, so he was scared and was extremely scared.

The more spiritual it is, the more it fears death.

However, Qin Lang, as if he did not see its pleading and pity, just came to the red fruit tree and took the vermilion fruit on it, and then put it all into a jade bottle.

At this time of picking, Qin Lang was prepared to put the white pulp secreted from the branches into a small jade bottle, which was of course for the convenience of him to take the poison.

After doing this, Qin Lang returned to the side of Jin Jiao, and then lifted the tail of Jin Jiao, and said to himself: "Just take a knife from here, first take your wish hook, then take your venom..."

Even if this phoenix is ​​stupid, he understands Qin Lang’s attempt. It feels the threat of death and fear. He wants to struggle, but it does not help at all. The poison that humans have given to it is too powerful. It can't move at all, it can only be left to slaughter.

Moreover, Qin Lang’s hands did not know when a more slashing knife had been added, and the blade had been placed on the tailbone.

This headline seems to be completely desperate. If it also knows how to regret it, then it will regret the provocation of Qin Lang before, and will regret the attack on Qin Lang.

Just when the squama was completely desperate, Qin Lang took up the knife and came to the head of the phoenix. He squatted and said to him: "I know that your reptile can understand people. Then, I will tell you - if you are now in the hands of other people, then you may have been smashed by the skin. However, I am a good man of the poisonous sect, I will not see you practicing today. It's easy, so I will let you go. However, you better know how to be good, if you want to attack me, I will immediately miss you!~"

With the method of Qin Lang, it is indeed easy to drop this scaly, but from the beginning, Qin Lang did not intend to kill this phoenix. In fact, there are two reasons. One of the reasons is that Qin Lang just said this phoenix. For another reason, Qin Lang feels that there must be a founder in this valley, and the snake fish and the black snow crow are obviously the founders. Supported, even including this one. Qin Lang came to the valley and took away the Lingguo. If the "pets" of the people were killed, if the two sides met, wouldn't they even have a little room to change?

Moreover, Qin Lang is not sure whether the founder of this valley is related to the poison.

After taking Qin Long's antidote, the scaly cockroach quickly recovered its strength, but it naturally did not have the courage to confront Qin Lang and slipped into the water quietly.

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