On the other side, the headquarters of the Navy, there are many Marin.

Inside the office of the Admiral of the Navy, Sengoku.

At this time, the Warring States, holding the phone worm, was shocked, and asked a little incredulously.

“What do you say? That man named Al defeated His Majesty the Seven Warriors Haik Lockdar? ”

“Defeated His Majesty the Seven Warriors Haik Klockdar? What a monster boy. The yellow ape said nonchalantly while trimming his nails.

“Really? The Hundred Beast Pirates recruited a character that was not simple. The red dog crossed his hands in front of his chest and snorted coldly.

“It’s not really a simple character, but……. It is not too surprising, after all, Klockdar’s strength may not be as strong as we think. Tsuru said slowly.

Klockdar, who has just become a sea thief, is indeed a sea thief recognized by the world.

With extraordinary strength, but… Since becoming Nanabukai.

Klockdar, as if he had abandoned himself, has been living in Alabastan, not knowing what kind of conspiracy is going on.

For so many years, it is normal to have not gone to sea, without experience, and being defeated by someone after declining strength.

The Warring States with the phone worm, when listening to the opposite navy continue to report the situation, suddenly stunned, his brows furrowed, and his face solemn.

“Wait……. What’s your next sentence? That Al is more talented than Karp, and learns to arm the color domineering in a few minutes? ”

“Learn to arm the domineering ??? in a few minutes”

The yellow ape who was trimming his nails in the office, hearing this, also directly stopped the movement in his hand, and glanced up at the phone bug with some surprise.

Although armed color domineering, it is not a rare ability.

In the new world, it can be described as a bad street.

But……. Learn to arm the color domineering in a few minutes?

Is this really a person, able to do it???

Chi Dog’s face sank, and then said coldly: “This is false information, how can someone learn to arm the color domineering in such a short time.” ”

“Learn in a few minutes?”

He was also a little surprised when he heard this, but the next second he shook his head slightly and said seriously.

“It’s impossible, even a genius like Karp, it took a few days to learn armed color domineering back then, and it is impossible for anyone to learn it in just a few minutes.”

Sengoku also asked in disbelief, “Is the intelligence true?” ”

“It is estimated that the Marshal of the Warring States will not go wrong, because this is personally said from the mouth of the defeated Klockdar.” The Navy across the phone worm, explained.

The Warring States who heard these words suddenly fell silent.

Although, he really didn’t think much of Qi Wuhai.

However, after many years of dealing with Qibu Hai, he also understands the character of each Qibu Hai.

Klockdar is the most proud of the seven martial seas.

At the same time, it is also the least disdainful to lie.

Moreover, lying about this kind of thing does not do him any good.

On the contrary, if false information is provided.

Once their navy fires, they will even target him a little.

The Warring States, whose face was livid and silent for a long time, took a deep breath and slowly spit out: “This sea, is it about to change the sky?” Such a monster teenager appeared. ”

Since Kaido took Al to sea, Sengoku had a slight premonition that something was wrong.

But what no one expected was that Al’s talent was exaggerated to such an extent.

Learn to arm the color domineering in a few minutes?

Looking at the past and the future, no one can compare!!!

Seeing that the Warring States said such words, everyone in the conference room also had a premonition that something was not good, and Tsuru asked solemnly: “Is this news true, Warring States!” ”

“If nothing else, it’s true, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has joined an incredible monster, and this kind of talent, if it doesn’t die in the future, I’m afraid it’s ……. Be able to stand in the same position as Kaido! ”

Al alone was able to easily defeat Klockdar and learn to arm the domineering in a matter of minutes.

It is enough to prove what a terrible man he really is.

Although they haven’t fully grown yet, they know once they let it grow.

This sea is bound to set off huge waves!!!

“Is such a man actually obtained by the Hundred Beast Pirate Group? It’s a pity, if it can be obtained by our navy and cultivated more, I am afraid that I will become a hero like Karp in the future, no……. I’m afraid the achievement is even higher than the Karp! Tsuru put his hands on his cheeks and said with a bad face.

The crane came from the time of Lokes and witnessed the rise of countless sea thieves.

and the growth of countless geniuses.

But look around.

Anyone is eclipsed by a man who learns to arm himself in a few minutes.

“Well, but don’t worry too much, he grew up in the future, he is not strong now, right, just solve him in advance.”

The yellow ape glanced at the heavy atmosphere of the conference room and reminded him.

“If it is aimed at him, Kaido is afraid that he will not agree.” Sengoku said with a headache.

Such a terrifying talent, I believe that Kaido will definitely cultivate him as a key person.

Once their navy kills him, I am afraid that it will provoke a war between the four emperors!!!

“No, Sengoku, we must do something against him, otherwise when he grows up, we will face a greater threat!” Tsuru shook his head slightly.

In their opinion, the future Al is afraid that he can grow to the state of Kaido.

If you let it grow, won’t the Hundred Beast Group have two Four Emperors powerhouses in the future?

At that time, the pressure they face will be even greater!

“That’s what I said.” Sengoku nodded slightly when he heard this.

It seems that we have to think about how to target Al in the future.

While everyone was discussing, the phone worm in the hands of the Warring States kept coming from the voice.

“Marshal of the Warring States!”

“Marshal of the Warring States!”

Hearing the voice coming from the phone worm, Sengoku quickly put the phone bug to his ear.

Because just now, he was thinking about discussing Al’s affairs, and he had not heard the intelligence reported by the naval soldier later.

“You go on.”

“Marshal of the Warring States, according to Klockdar, Kaido and the boy named Al are planning to go to the East China Sea and kill a man named Luffy.”

“Kaido is going to kill Luffy? Luffy, isn’t this Karp’s grandson? What is the grudge with Kaido? ”

“It’s not clear, now Vice Admiral Karp has set sail and is ready to go to the East China Sea.”

“Damn, what the hell is going on with the Hundred Beast Pirates, first joined a monster, and now they do such a nonsensical thing???

PS: Ask for flowers, evaluation votes, this is the fourth change today.

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