Kaidou of the Beasts Would like to Call Me the Strongest Creature

Chapter 276 Surrut is dead? The awakening of the power of the Balrog Fruit!!!

Before he had time to think about it, Surrut still raised the Ashbringer to parry.

But the next moment, Charlotte Linlin's powerful strength still slashed him out.

Immediately, Surrut slammed into a large rock, smashing the rock behind him.

Before Surrut climbed out of the stone ruins, Charlotte Linlin's tall figure had already landed on his feet firmly in front of him~.

"The gun of Elbaf, the mighty country!!!" Charlotte Linlin stood in front of Surrut's figure, the emperor's sword in her hand was already full of power, and when Surrut looked up, she fell with a knife-!

The blow was too fast and too close for Surrut to dodge.

Armament Haki wrapped around his body in an instant, and followed the Ashbringer to lift it up as if trying to resist something.

But it was useless, the powerful impact on the Emperor's sword completely swallowed Surrut in an instant.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the power brought by this knife, when rubbing the rocks on the side, seems to have been eliminated, and not even the powder is left behind!

The roar exploded, and the powerful mighty country slashed through the entire Pros Island in an instant, hitting the sea from the depths of the island.

The ground seems to have been evaporated, and the sea water has also overturned a lot.

See how powerful it is!

After taking this blow, Charlotte Linlin stopped the continuous movement, and her scarlet eyes were searching for something.

Finally, she saw the figure of Surrut from the ground about six or seven hundred meters away.

At this time, Surrut was lying on the ground, with one hand firmly clasping the ground, there was no intact place on his body, and he looked all bloody.

It seemed that this blow had ripped off his skin abruptly.

Not only that, but it can be seen with the naked eye that there are several bone spurs protruding out of his arms, shoulders, and thighs.

It's just out there, in fact, Surrut feels like he's all over his body and not a single bone is good!

"Cough..." Surrut groaned slightly in pain, and at the same time as he opened his mouth, a large amount of dirty blood was spitting out of his mouth with the pieces of his inner organs unstoppable.

He tried a little hard to get up, but as long as he moved, he could feel the crackling sound coming from his body, and sure enough, the bones were all broken.

The severe pain made Surrut frown and move slowly.

Sure enough, before he could get up, Charlotte Linlin's feet already appeared in his sight.

Standing in front of Surrut, the tall Charlotte Linlin grinned and asked, "Is that all?"

To be fair, if Surrut hadn't been caught off guard by this guy's abruptly 'unlocked' enhancement just now, it shouldn't have been so miserable.

The main reason is that Surrut couldn't adapt to Charlotte Linlin's strength changes for a while, and was hit with a set of combos in a row, eating all the damage 10% of the time.

Of course, there must be other factors. For example, Charlotte Linlin has not only become stronger after burning for five years, but has also recovered to full state. As for Surrut, on the surface, it seems that he was fully recovered from his injuries just now. state.

But in fact, he had been fighting with Whitebeard for more than three days, how could he really be full?

If it is really full, his Armament Haki defense will not be completely destroyed by the mighty kingdom!

The gap in his own strength, coupled with the lack of state, was abruptly seized by Charlotte Linlin, who almost scrapped him with one blow!

Without giving Surrut a chance to speak, Charlotte Linlin grabbed Surrut's neck with her burning palm and lifted him off the ground.

"Come on, tell me again, what's the difference in strength between my mother and Kaido?" Charlotte Linlin asked fiercely.

But obviously, she didn't want to listen to the answer at all. Before Surrut could catch her breath, she held Surrut with one hand and poured it on the ground.

With a bang, it was like a rag, and it smashed Surrut into the ground, blood splattered everywhere!

Not only that, the movements in Charlotte Linlin's hands didn't mean to stop at all, the fist that was burning with flames, pressed Surrut to the ground and hammered more than a dozen punches.

Every punch carries an extremely powerful force. Every punch that falls, the surrounding ground will be shattered and cracks will spread. After a dozen punches, the position of Surrut will be tamped, and the ground will sink. The feeling of five or six meters.

Raising his fist, Charlotte Linlin's phalanx was stained with minced meat and blood. Looking at it again, Surrut's whole body was silent, his chest was completely pierced, and his ribs became a shattered puzzle. When he came out, it looked like a pool of rotten meat, and his head was flattened by hammer.

In short, how miserable, how miserable!

It looked completely inhuman.

Noticing that Surrut was silent, Charlotte Linlin stopped, observed it again, and whispered as if confirming: "Dead?

There is nothing incredible, sometimes a master can fight for ten days and ten nights, but sometimes, a flaw is enough to separate life and death!

Charlotte Linlin felt that after this set, Surrut completely ate all the damage and would be killed, which is not surprising.

What's more, Charlotte Linlin herself came with this purpose, Surrut and Kaido, it's better to kill one here!

As long as one of them is eliminated, the threat of Beasts Pirates will fall off a cliff.

So far, it seems that a goal has been achieved.

Now, maybe try it, can you team up with Whitebeard to kill Kaido too?

But thinking about this issue, Charlotte Linlin hesitated again. If she teamed up with Whitebeard to kill Kaido, how should she deal with Whitebeard after that?

But if you don't kill Kaido, she will face a more difficult problem. She killed Kaido's confidant and love. Surrut seems to be Kaido's son-in-law. Kaido and her will inevitably become a deadly enemy, which is even more troublesome!

While thinking about this question, Charlotte Linlin took the Emperor Sword and walked towards the battlefield where Whitebeard and Kaido were.

After walking a few steps, Charlotte Linlin finally said solemnly: "Then kill Kaido together. As for the old man, there is time to toss with him, and when I take Elbaf's power... No one can stop it. I!"

Charlotte Linlin has a deep fascination with giants, and she also admires the power of giants. Elbaf, the world's first power, is in New World. Charlotte Linlin has been hoping to reach a cooperation with Elbaf since many years ago.

But she is notorious among the giants, and so far, there has been no good progress.

Just when Charlotte Linlin cleared these thoughts out of her mind, and was about to go to Kaido to fight to the death and destroy the Beasts Pirates in one fight today.

Suddenly, she seemed to have noticed something, and the steps she had taken out also stopped on the ground, no longer facing forward.

At the same time, where Surrut's 'corpse' was, the minced meat, bone dregs, dirty blood, and the inhuman 'corpse' all burst into flames at this moment.

Charlotte Linlin looked back here, with a look of surprise in her eyes and a somewhat surprised expression, but in order not to give Surrut a chance to 'resurrect', she still walked over with the Emperor Sword.

Then, she violently swung a knife at the burning corpse, this knife did not carry any flame power, it was just a slash.

··For flowers......

The slash instantly hit Surrut's burning corpse, causing the flames to go out in an instant.

However, before Charlotte Linlin could show a satisfied smile, the flame suddenly started to burn again.

Not only that, but this time the burning was even faster, more violent, and even hotter. In the blink of an eye, Surrut's corpse, flesh, bone slag, etc., were all burned to ashes!

The next moment, a violent explosion came from the ashes, and in an instant, Charlotte Linlin, who was caught off guard, was swallowed into it.

This explosion was extremely powerful, and the entire island was shaken. A black mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the violent airflow swept out, turning into a ring, impacting the entire island.

Even forced Newgate and Kaido to stop fighting for three or five breaths.

The explosion came and went quickly.

Charlotte Linlin was overturned and flew out nearly three or four hundred meters, and fell to the ground severely, with a black smoke coming out of her mouth.

There were also some burn marks on her body. Obviously, being hit by the explosion on the front made her very uncomfortable, but if she was seriously injured, it seemed that it was not enough

She took a breath... Charlotte Linlin put her hands on the ground and stood up a little embarrassedly, but her eyes were fixed on the explosion center several hundred meters away.

"What's going on here? That guy is already dead!" Charlotte Linlin thought suspiciously.

Surrut is absolutely dead right!

She had confirmed it just now. Her head was blown up, her internal organs were all muddy, and she didn't know what her heart was like. She didn't breathe, she didn't make a sound, and she didn't have any vital signs!

Absolutely dead!

but why!?

Then what is the flame that is burning in the black smoke now!?

That's right, flames!

At the center of the explosion, there was a flame that was burning.

This flame gives a feeling of heart palpitations!

It seems that some kind of terrifying existence is bred!

Charlotte Linlin swallowed and took a deep breath, ready to find out.

However, before she could move, the flames in the smoke suddenly moved.

Originally, the flames seemed to be 20 to 30 meters high, but at this moment, they quickly 'shrinked' down.

It took almost one or two breaths, and it became six or seven meters.

Then, this flame seems to have a new shape. Before it, it was just a burning flame, but now, it seems to have a human shape?

No... Charlotte Linlin suddenly recalled, it was Surrut's Balrog!

When Charlotte Linlin realized this, Surrut's voice came from afar.

"I see, is this the awakening of my ability? Really... It's beyond my expectations."

As Surrut's voice fell, the flame-like figure also came out of the smoke.

From a distance, in terms of outline, it still looks like the Balrog in the past, and Charlotte Linlin is not mistaken.

But in reality, it is very different!

In the past, the body of the flame demon that Surrut transformed into was composed of flesh and blood!

But now, he seems to have turned into a flame spirit, except that the horns on the top of his head, the hoofs of the flames, the claws of the flames, the tail of the devil and the burning wings still remain solid.

His torso has completely turned into a solid flame!

Beyond the flames, like armor, there are magma fragments attached to it in a wild style. The appearance of the whole person seems to be more intimidating than when he originally used the ability! Work.

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