It is most convenient to go to North Blue and West Blue from New World, because if you are strong enough, you can go directly through the Calm Belt.

Perhaps for this reason, West Blue and North Blue have the worst vibes in the world.

Because for thousands of years, from time to time there will be strongmen from New World crossing the past, and over time, it is reasonable and reasonable to have a far-reaching impact.

If you want to go to East Blue and South Blue, it will be a little more troublesome for people from New World, because you have to cross The fish men island under the Red Line first, and then cross the first half of the Grand Line. Calm Belt or something.

Even though he told the Garp guy to wait for him at East Blue.

But in reality, Surrut wasn't in a hurry either.

He first took the little guy Rouge and Ace from New World to The fish men island.

At this time, The fish men island was already Newgate's territory, and Whitebeard's flag was hanging on the island.

The fish men island, one of the world's official member states, failed to get the protection from the world's official mansion and Marine. In the past two years, it was miserable by the pirates. Instead, Newgate's ship came, Whitebeard. After the flag of the pirates was hung here, the order of The fish men island was restored a lot.

Although there are still lifeless guys taking risks and doing things, it is indeed a lot better than the unbridled burning, killing and looting of the kind of crazy pirates who poured into this place two years ago.

Didn't stay at The fish men island, mostly Surrut remembered an embarrassing thing.

"Two-three-zero" is that when I passed by The fish men island, I promised to bring some wine back to Neptune who had never met, but Surrut forgot about it later and went back to New Zealand directly from Sky Island. World, so I'm embarrassed to reveal my identity here this time.

Of course, coupled with the fact that he has Rouge and the little guy Ace around him, and he is still going to meet Garp, the big Marine, in any way, it should not be too high-profile.

Therefore, since leaving Wanokuni, Surrut has changed several ships, and used the power of the six-type, slightly changed his body shape, and also wore the same hooded windbreaker of Dorag. Nothing is revealed.

Sabaody Archipelago, where Surrut fought, where he teamed up with Rayleigh to defeat Marine's Admiral Sengoku and kill a Celestial Dragons.

Times have changed, it was only 1500 years ago in the Sea Circle Calendar, and now three years have passed, and the Sabaody Archipelago has long been restored to its original appearance.

Sing according to the song, dance according to the dance, what is the situation, what is the situation.

The only difference from the past is that there are now many more pirates in the illegal zone of Sabaody Archipelago.

Stepping off from an armed transport ship in the black market, Surrut was covered in a windbreaker, and he could not see any appearance or features.

This is very common in the Sabaody Archipelago, especially on the port of this illegal zone, where mysterious guys like Surrut often appear and then disappear.

On the surface, nothing will happen to the Sabaody Archipelago, but in reality, anything can happen here.

Generally, the villains on the island will not bother after seeing a mysterious guy like Surrut.

It is not ruled out that there are people who specially dress up like this to make things mysterious, but it is more that they are the existences that the local snakes can't afford to offend.

So at this time, I would rather miss it than kill it by mistake.

Compared with Surrut, Rouge held the young Ace without any cover up. After all, Marine and the world official did not know the existence of the two of them, and the two of them were not criminals.

"First time here?" Surrut asked as he led Rouge out of the port.

Rouge hugged Ace, who was less than two years old, and after hearing this, he smiled and said: "I came here once, when Mr. Doflamingo took us to New World, he passed by once, but I didn't dare to disembark at that time. .

"Really?" Surrut smiled and continued: "Actually, we can go directly to East Blue now. Maybe that guy has already moved out. After all, that kind of thing happened back then..."

Of course he was talking about Rayleigh. When chatting on the road, he talked to Rouge about the old guy Rayleigh. Rouge is also quite interested in Roger's right-hand man. As for Rayleigh, in the early years, she really met Later, at that time, it was also when she and Roger first met.

Thinking that it was all coming, Rouge suggested if he could go see this guy Rayleigh.

Maybe this is the fun of meeting old friends?

Surrut didn't refuse anything, after all, it was a matter of the way, and there was no trouble.

Speaking of which, he doesn't know if Rayleigh is still in Sabaody Archipelago. After all, he beat that guy Sengoku with him, wouldn't he be so heartless?

But it turns out that Rayleigh really seems to have a big heart!

Maybe he really thinks that there will be dark under the lights so that Sabaody Archipelago seems to be very close to Naval Headquarters, extremely dangerous, but actually very safe?

Sabaody Archipelago - Outlaw Zone No. 13.

On a hillside, there is a lonely tavern.

The name of the tavern is very arrogant, it is called 'Shaqi's ripping off tavern'


There was a business sign hanging on the door, thinking that even if Rayleigh wasn't there, then Mrs. Xia Qi would be there, and thinking about it again, if Mrs. Xia Qi was here, most likely Rayleigh would be there.

Without any delay, Surrut quickly brought Rouge and Ace to the door of the tavern, without knocking on the door or anything, just pushed the door and walked in.

The pub is not big, and it doesn't look like many people can sit there. The first thing I see is a slender lady who is wiping the table with a rag.

But what was different was that she wiped the blood on the table, and under the table, there were two unlucky guys lying on the ground with blood on their faces, and there were broken wine bottles beside them.

"Ah Lala? Did I forget to change the brand that was closed? 35 Shaqi, the proprietress, looked back and saw Surrut, Rouge, and Ace, and said a little surprised.

This combination is rare!

Is it a family of three who went to the wrong place?

Surrut didn't answer, instead he glanced at the menu standing in front of the door, and then said: "That's it, please bring me a cup of black roses, it's very distinctive at first glance, hahahaha.

Black Rose... Shaqi was the captain of the Black Rose Pirates before he washed his hands!

She also made a big name in New World, and for a while, she was called "the most cunning female pirate".

If you want to say why, it is because the Black Rose Pirates are closely related to the dark world, and the pirates themselves are doing intelligence business in the New World.

If they can still be active in the New World now, then the bigmom Pirates' title of "No. 1 in intelligence" in the industry may have to be replaced.

Now, even though Xia Qi has quit the pirate industry, he is still one of the top intelligence businessmen in the dark world. As for this Sabaody Archipelago, there is basically nothing she doesn't know.

Surrut will come here. On the one hand, he brings Rouge to see Rayleigh. On the other hand, he also wants to see if he can broaden the intelligence channel of their Beasts Pirates here. If they can connect with Shaqi, then definitely is beneficial.

Although the intelligence network of Beasts Pirates has been established one after another under the arrangement of Jiesta, this thing has always taken a lot of time to grow, so in essence, the intelligence power of Beasts Pirates is probably the three big pirates. The worst one in the group.

It has always been supported by Surrut's personal connections that he has not fallen too far.

After a short pause, Surrut asked Rouge again, "What do you want? 99

Rouge studied it for a while, and then said: "I want the style of No. 13.."

"Oh, the guests are really tasteful, these two wines are the most proud of me." Xia Qi smiled and said.

Seeing that these two turned a blind eye to the situation in the house, she knew that they were not ordinary people, so she had no intention of rushing out.

After tidying up hastily, he dragged the two fainted guys to the backyard. Xia Qi washed his hands and quickly went to the bar to mix drinks.

Rouge looked at the tavern curiously, and then asked Surrut with his eyes.

That means, maybe 'Where's Rayleigh?

At this moment, Shaqi placed two glasses of wine in front of Surrut and Rouge, and then said with a smile: "Sincerely, six million Baileys.

Surrut is not surprised, he already knew that she was ripped off.

Rouge was stunned, and looked at Xia Qi in confusion, and then hurriedly looked at Surrut, at a loss.

Surrut took a sip of the drink, and smacked his lips in a pretentious manner: "Ah, that's the taste...""

Xia Qi looked at this guy with some amusing, and then asked, "What's the taste?

"The smell of pirates, tsk tsk, black rose." Surrut joked with a smile.

"Oh, it looks like a distinguished guest." The smile on Xia Qi's face softened a little.

"Sorry, we're here to find someone, so let's put the accounts on the guy's head first, he must be happy to invite this beautiful lady beside me for a drink. 35 Surrut said, Putting down the wine glass.

Xia Qi frowned slightly, but instead of attacking, he asked: "I don't know who you two are looking for?

"Well... old friend, Pluton Shilbaz Rayleigh." Surrut said directly.

Xia Qi's eyes sank and said: "I'm sorry, guest, I don't have such a big man here."

"Really?" Surrut touched his chin again, raised his head slightly, revealing half of his face in the shadows and said, "Then find a little guy, Lao Lei, the coater? Is he there?

Although Xia Qi only saw half of his face, as the top intelligence businessman, he naturally recognized who that guy was at a glance!

Ragnaros Surrut!

One of the pirate emperors of the New World!

But because of this, the alert look on her face disappeared instantly, and she said with a smile: "Who am I, it turns out to be my 2.8 old Lei's good friend... I didn't expect you to still be able to. Find here, Balrog.

"Is it possible to recognize half of the face?" Surrut said with a smile, took off his hood, and said, "Excuse me, Mrs. Xia Qi."

After a short pause, Surrut said: "I came here this time mainly because of this lady by my side, I really want this child to see Rayleigh. 99

When Xia Qi heard this, he felt a little uncomfortable, and a little suspicious, wasn't this some love debt that Rayleigh left outside?

Speaking of which, Rayleigh is indeed a bohemian old guy, Surrut has no doubts about this, and Shaqi also knows it well.

There are still some bells and whistles in the sea about such a big man.

One of them, Surrut always thought it should be true.

That is... According to rumors, the vice-captain of the Roger Pirates, Rayleigh, has an ambiguous relationship with the emperor of Amazon Lily and the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates. Countless versions are circulating in the sea.

But when it comes to the Nine Snake Pirates, this ancient pirate group that has been passed down for an unknown period of time seems to have not appeared in the sea for many years.

Just when Shaqi doubted Rouge's identity, the door of the tavern was opened, and then he saw Rayleigh carrying a toolbox, wearing flip-flops, and walked in carelessly.

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