Naval Headquarters · Marineford.

In Sengoku Admiral's office, Sengoku was looking at the document in his hand and said, "Nothing else?

"No, the surveillance ship in the New World shows that the Beasts Pirates have no other movement, and even they seem to have a 30-ship naval battle with the Whitebeard Pirates in the Vettel Sea... Since there are no major characters Participation, it didn't bring much impact," said a Rear Admiral of Naval Headquarters.

"It's a little strange, neither the bastards of Surrut nor Kaido are so willing to let go. Although they destroyed a base in our Marine, it gave me a very perfunctory... taste, as if for the sake of Revenge for revenge? Sengoku Admiral hesitated for a while.

But Naihe can't really observe any special changes in Beasts Pirates. Recent information shows that people seem to have no intention of avenging the Sphinx at all.

Sing as you sing, dance as you dance.

There are even rumors that the Beasts Pirates will select new cadres to supplement the three disaster positions vacated by the Sphinx.

It made Sengoku very confused.

It shouldn't be!

But later Garp said that the purpose of Beasts Pirates is to go to the strong and go to the weak. If the Sphinx was arrested this time and was defined as 'the weak' by Kaido and others, then the Beasts Pirates would not care about her reasons, it seems It is not impossible to understand.

"Twenty-four-seven" is just that this statement is obviously self-deceiving, a Thunder Fruit capable person, just don't care?

Are Beasts Pirates so atmospheric?

After thinking for a while, Sengoku Admiral said, "Anyway, your intelligence department should keep an eye on the Beasts Pirates.

"Yes, Admiral," replied the Marine's Rear Admiral.

Sengoku Admiral nodded, then put the information in his hand, picked up another document on the table, and said, "Does your intelligence department have anyone to be promoted this time?"

Polsalino, Gion, and Kuzan, as Sengoku said, are preparing to be promoted to Marine's Admiral candidates.

Therefore, Marine's marshal Kong Sora was thinking about it, or he would organize and arrange for the promotion of suitable Marines in recent years.

One is that it is almost time for this, and the other is that the number of Marines has swelled a lot due to the conscription for several years, and it is really necessary to mention the original backbone.

Sengoku Admiral is currently in charge of this.

"The chief advisor said no." That Rear Admiral shook his head.

Sengoku was a little disappointed to hear that, it seems that Rosinante was not recommended for promotion by Tsuru.

Guess it doesn't work, right?

Speaking of Rosinante, he has been lurking in the Donquixote Family recently, but he has not gotten any information except that the Donquixote Family is running a platinum-lead business.

As for the matter of platinum and lead, he still needs to inquire about it. In the dark world of North Blue, everyone knows that the Donquixote Family is frantically buying platinum and lead.

So Rosinante didn't take much credit either.

In the original story, he didn't even know about the fact that the previous generation's heart, Vergo went undercover in Marine!

It was still on the island of Mignon and was discovered by Vergo, which shows that this guy is really not good.

And this time, Doflamingo blocked the news of Vergo more closely, and it is estimated that he would not be able to get any relevant information.

At the same time, Surrut actually thought about how to get rid of this guy Rosinante without a trace?

Although he is likely to be useless, but what if it becomes a flaw?

Surrut also subtly gave Doflamingo something about Rosinante, making Doflamingo pay more attention.

After all, this guy is Doflamingo's younger brother. Surrut has no real evidence, and he has a lot of words to say. Just click on it. With Doflamingo's intelligence, I believe that he will gradually notice something.

"Really? That's all right, you can go." Sengoku Admiral said with a wave of his hand.

Marine, the Rear Admiral of the intelligence department, left soon, and Sengoku was also studying the promotion list sent by the various departments in his hand.

The people inside, pretty much the same, are basically Marine members who have excelled in every department.

And Sengoku, being Marine Admiral, couldn't understand all of them, so he only looked at the files above Commodore.

The rest have already been handed over to the people below to deal with.

Sengoku researched it roughly, and there is no problem. The promotions above Commodore sent by various departments are very reasonable.

The people inside, Sengoku also probably have an impression.

Like that Vergo, I heard that he has a sense of justice. At a young age, he mastered the powerful Armament Haki. More than half a year ago, an Instructor from the Marine Officer Training Camp took a fancy to Vergo, hoping to be able to He was recommended for further education in an officer training camp.

But it was rejected by Vergo, saying that he hoped to spend more time on upholding justice, and he dared to fight and work hard in various tasks, which is very good.

(Actually, Vergo was getting information about the Seven Warlords of the Sea mess for Doflamingo at the time, and couldn't really find the time to join an officer training camp.)

"Nice guy, he's still young, maybe he doesn't understand what an officer training camp is... But just follow the sense of justice in his heart, and he should take more care of him in the future." Sengoku Admiral smiled and then put the document in his hand. Put it on the table and give comments that agree.

At this point, many Marine generals on the list, including Vergo, will be promoted and raised quickly after this.

Vergo, who was also inexplicably promoted from Colonel of Naval Headquarters to Commodore of Naval Headquarters.

Meanwhile, in the Personnel Section at Naval Headquarters.

What kind of formalities are Vergo going through here, who has not yet been officially promoted.

"Yo, Vergo, you are here." A Marine's colonel came out of the room, saw Vergo lying on the desk and was writing, and greeted with a smile.

"Oh, Vidi, are you here to apply for vacation too?" Vergo smiled.

"No, I'm here to ask for news, why are you taking a vacation?" Colonel Wei Di raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Well, I haven't used the annual leave last year and this year. I don't know what's going on recently. I always feel a little irritable, so I want to go out for a walk, so I'm here to ask for a leave. 35 Vergo said calmly. .

In fact, he received an arrangement from his young master to find a time to leave Marineford and go to New World to meet.

Vergo didn't know what was going on, and his young master didn't say anything, but Vergo's loyalty to Doflamingo was unquestionable.

This is also an important factor why Doflamingo sent Vergo to Naval Headquarters, because other cadres may not be so trustworthy!

In short, I don't know what happened, but after receiving the order, Vergo executed it without hesitation.

"Really? How long are you going to take leave?" Colonel Vidi asked with a mysterious smile.

Virgo thought to himself, it is estimated that the young master has something to say on the phone, so it should be the time to meet, it won't take too long.

So he thought for a moment and replied, "I don't know exactly, but it should be very soon. You know, I'm a restless guy."

"Hahaha, it's true, you are quite aggressive in fighting pirates. In short, after you come back, there will be good news..." Colonel Wei Di said in a tricky way.

Virgo was stunned for a moment, thinking of the recent rumors in Marine, and immediately reacted: "Are you here to inquire about the promotion? Listening to you, it seems that I am about to be promoted?

"Hahaha, I didn't say anything." Colonel Wei Di laughed loudly, then waved his hands and left without waiting for Vergo to ask anything.

Although there was no clear answer, Vergo already knew it.

"It's good news." Vergo murmured, then quickly finished writing the application for the fake slip in his hand and walked into the room.

After a while, Vergo, who was approved, walked out with a relaxed smile on his face.

It really looked like a weary Colonel Marine, getting a vacation, ready to take a break.

Along the way, Vergo greeted many of his colleagues and left the Justice Fortress of Naval Headquarters with a smile. He did not go to the military port, but went to the living quarters. Instead of leaving in a hurry, he went to the Marine Club first. This tavern, like an indulgence, got drunk with some of the Marine friends in it.

Then, after resting in the living area for two more days, it was very natural to take a merchant ship from the Marineford living area port and leave here.

All in all, like a real, normal Marine, with no problems and no suspicions.

Meanwhile, in New World · Wanokuni.

A series of major changes have also occurred here.

First of all, Wanokuni's de jure highest ruling class, the 'Shogun Shogunate', was directly and forcibly abolished by Lord Gokoku Mingwang Kaido, on the grounds that the general Kurozumi, the serpent, was retrograde, brutal, harming the people, and waging war. .

The pirate who made Kaido can't stand it anymore. For the future and future of Wanokuni, Kaido, the King of Protector, decided to come out to protect the people who were persecuted by the Kurozumi Orochi!

Kaido, Surrut and other Beasts Pirates cadres, with a large number of pirates, killed the flower capital in one breath, cleaned up the rotten sweet potato and stink bird eggs in Kurozumi Orochi's hands, and then publicly deposed Kurozumi Orochi as a general.

Following this, Kaido, as the "King of Protecting the Kingdom", announced the complete abolition of the "2.8 slave" status of Wanokuni's existing large number of slaves, and restored their ordinary civilian status!

After that, Lafitte followed suit and asked Kaido to come forward and announce many favorable to say, the people are always easy to be appeased.

After Kaido's series of show operations, he successfully threw all the black pot to Kurozumi Orochi, and he gained a wave of popular support.

Over the years, Lafitte has spared no effort to dig the corner of the Wanokuni bureaucracy, so although Kurozumi Orochi's general shogunate collapsed, Wanokuni's various state agencies are still running stably, and they seem to be getting better and better. Do it better!

Naturally, Kaido took over the power transition of Wanokuni as the "King of Protector" without any disturbance!

Immediately afterwards, Kaido announced the sentence of Kurozumi Orochi to death, and then publicly beheaded Kurozumi Orochi and some of his dog-legs, diehards and so on.

However, since Kurozumi Orochi is the power of the eight-headed snake, he did not die, but was secretly imprisoned by the Beasts Pirates after the 'beheading', ready to be transported out to transfer his ability to Vergo.

Within two days, Wanokuni's national title was completely abolished.

Kaido announced that Wanokuni will be officially renamed 'Asgard' as of this date


It means 'the place where the gods are'!.

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