Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter One Thousand and Twenty-Five Press Conference\r

Press conference of the White House on the moon Nazis.

Louise looked excitedly at the Superman behind the President, Superman, Iron Man and Kaito Kidd were invited to attend this press conference.

Reporters from all over the United States and other countries in the United States have sent reporters here. They want to know the culprit of this attack and the truth about Superman's suspended animation.

Kidd was also invited because he went to the moon and knew about the base of the Moon Palace.

Iron Man is here to introduce the follow-up handling of the Lunar Nazis. He represents S.H.I.E.L.D. As for the problems Superman has to explain, there are many.

First, the White House spokesperson introduced the main process of the battle, from when the enemy was discovered, and how they responded. Finally, I would like to thank superhero for his diligence: "Now, please let Superman come up and explain to us the true nature of the enemy. identity."

Superman walked to the speaking stage and greeted a flash of light.

"Superman, why did you lie to death? Are you disappointed with the people on earth, why did you show up?"

"Superman, would you please explain the reason for your fraudulent death?"

"Superman, why didn't Doom Day kill you?"

"Superman, do you feel that you are wasting the feelings of the American people and taking advantage of their respect for you, do you know that we are disappointed in you?"


Obviously, the gossip about Superman exceeds the search for the identity of the enemy. Besides, the enemy has been defeated. What does it matter to know who they are later?

This is a news conference broadcast live all over the world, and this group of reporters is enough.

Kidd once again appreciated the popularity of Superman. Tony, in a suit next to him, suddenly whispered to Kidd, "Honestly, I'm jealous. You said how we are worse than Superman."

Kidd also said: "It's not bad, but it's not as likable as Superman."

"Okay, I think I have to go to Fengyue Place to find my confidence, are you interested?" Tony started to be beaten again.

"Little Chili will break your neck, don't forget that she is already Mutant now." Kidd said that Chili was allegedly injected with Super Ability potion and gained super power.

"I've cured her." Even so, Tony no longer talks about finding confidence in a romantic place. It can be seen that he really loves Little Pepper and can make the prodigal son turn back. Little Pepper is enough. awesome.

In the face of such pressure, Superman said that he was prepared, but he didn't expect that human beings would actually value his fraudulent death so much. But when he saw Louise’s smile, his heart was settled. As long as Louise, Superman will always be Superman: "Thank you for your concern about me, but I will follow my personal matters. Accepted an exclusive interview with Miss Louise within the time limit, dedicated to answering questions."

Jealous, Louise immediately received countless jealous eyes, but she didn't care, and no one wanted to steal the big news from her.

"This time the attack originated from the moon, and the attackers have indeed been preparing for it since 80 years ago. They are the undead of the Nazis. They landed on the moon during World War II, where the moon was hidden for 80 years, but the people on the earth have been against the moon. Their research aroused their idea. After obtaining the computer at the Moon Palace base, they began to prepare for an eighty-year counterattack to the Earth.” Superman said simply: “In the convenient situation on the moon, Kidd will answer for everyone. ."

Superman finished briefly and replaced Kidd.

I was interviewed at the White House. I guess the surrounding White House agents would stare wide-eyed to see if they had stolen something. And the policemen who saw Kidd appearing imposingly at the White House also said that the White House was also captured by thieves.

But the fact is that Superman asked Kidd to explain the situation on the moon. After the terrorist attack on the moon, all countries attached great importance to the security of the moon. Superman hoped that Kidd, the hostage-saving hero, could introduce the situation at that time, so as to save all countries from being blinded. Worry.

"Everything starts with the Nazis attacking the Moon Palace base and kidnapping the Moon Palace personnel."

"Then Kidd, how did you know that there was a kidnapping on the moon?" a reporter asked.

Kidd laughed and said: "I naturally have my way. Let me continue. I immediately went to the surface of the moon and found traces of the Nazis. I subdued forty Nazis and rescued all the personnel of the monthly service. Theirs Security is not in danger. Now China is launching an emergency plan to deliver lost materials to the moon, and at the same time escort the remnants of the lunar Nazis, including 366 children, 1,300 lunar Nazis."

The reporters were surprised. Roar: "Are there so many Nazis on the moon? How do they survive?"

"The Nazis established a huge amounts of living space on the moon under the moon table, using the most advanced technology during World War II to maintain the living expenses of tens of thousands of people, but 80 years have already reached the limit, if they did not launch this time If they counterattack, they will be extinct on the moon in 30 years."

In fact, in addition to the compressed biscuits shipped during World War II, the Nazis also planted potatoes and corn, but the nutrients rely on decedent's corpse. These are too disgusting and will not be announced here.

But even so, everyone is still curious about what the lunar base looked like eighty years ago. Kidd can tell everyone very clearly: "You will never want to live there, because it is just a concentration camp built on the moon, and people just stay immortal inside, relying on the terrible hatred of the Nazis and brainwashing. If it's me, I would rather live on the earth."

The reporter can probably imagine how crazy the Nazis were.

"Then what will happen to these Nazi war criminals?" the reporter asked.

Kidd said, "Iron Man will answer you this question."

Tony stood in front. He was accustomed to reporters, so he was calm: "Very good. Regarding the handling of the lunar Nazis, all Nazis who participated in this invasion war will receive a fair trial. As for the remnants of the moon that Kidd said before, Those who are old, weak, sick and disabled who did not participate in the war will be arranged to enter the orphanage run by the Stark Foundation. We have sent people to China to pick them up, and I believe they will come to the United States soon."

"Do we have the opportunity to interview them? We want to know their lives on the moon." The reporter thought he should report on these things.

Tony can call the shots for his orphanage: "I think there is no problem, because this is the United States."

The reporters took notes and reminded themselves that they must dig things out of the moon Nazis' mouths: "Mr. Tony, then do you sympathize with the moon Nazis?"

"No, I only sympathize with children who were born on the moon but can only accept Nazi ideas. They don't even know what animals there are on the earth. They only think that the earth is an enemy. I think I have an obligation to educate these children to establish true values. , Instead of watching them become Nazis, one day they will like Coke."

I have to say that Tony is still very good at talking and will not be taken into the pit by reporters. ..

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