Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1027: Long Aotian Tsundere\r

Long Aotian yawned, walked into the bedroom wrapped in a bath towel, and immediately started playing games after taking a shower. Now he has graduated and made his first pot of gold with live broadcast. Now he is a well-known player in the "Monster Hunter" circle, and he can earn tens of thousands every time he brings a boss.

This house was bought by Long Aotian with the money he earned. Long Aotian has graduated this year. He is not busy looking for work like other classmates, but plays games at home with peace of mind.

However, a phone call interrupted Long Aotian's entry into the game. The phone caller ID showed He Lianyan, an introverted girl who was saved by Long Aotian in the future and in the modern age.

Because He Lianyan was rescued but did not appear in the previous life, so Long Aotian has always been considered to be a bad school and was paralyzed by people, so the rebirth Long Aotian has always been hostile to her. However, it has been nearly two years since the rebirth, and the hostility towards He Lianyan has gradually disappeared. He now knows how timid He Lianyan is. No wonder this timid girl has the courage to stand up after being saved. Long Aotian rectified his name.

"What's the matter?" But even if he could understand He Lianyan, Long Aotian's tone of speaking with her was still cold.

"That..." The mosquito's loud voice came from the phone: "Aotian classmate, I want to ask you for help."

I knew that Long Aotian had been playing "Monster Hunter". After Long Aotian graduated, the two of them had no chance to meet at school. Therefore, He Lianyan, a junior, also started playing games during class time. You must know that she had never met before. I have never played a game, let alone such a realistic virtual game. As soon as I entered the game, I was attracted by the beautiful environment. She ran out of the village without even holding a weapon. Then she was taught to be a human being, and she was taught to be a person outside the village. The monster chased her and lost her way. She didn't know how to return to the village after she came to her senses. There is no return scroll in the game, He Lianyan doesn't know how to go back, there is really no way to call He Lianyan.

As for why they had each other's phone number, it was their respective roommates who helped them enter before graduation. He Lianyan's roommates all knew that their little princess liked Long Aotian, but Long Aotian was too masculine. In order to help He Lianyan, they asked Long Aotian's roommate to save He Lianyan's number into Long Aotian's phone.

For the girl, the roommates betrayed Long Aotian unscrupulously, and supervised that he could not delete He Lianyan’s phone number, so Long Aotian also kept the number, but this was the first time He Lianyan called by himself. Here, her roommate used He Lianyan's phone to call.

Could this woman only get into trouble? She saved her twice in her previous life and this life, and she was paralyzed to save her in the previous life, and now she has to save herself in the game.

Trouble, but after Long Aotian hung up the phone, he boarded the game. He asked, but as soon as He Lianyan entered the game, she was attracted by the beautiful scenery. She didn’t know which Novice Village she came from. However, based on her description of the environment around Novice Village and the appearance of the monsters chasing her, it was very It may be Yanfeng Xinshou Village, which is close to the east.

Without hesitation, immediately take the spaceship over. After arriving, offline, call He Lianyan again and ask her where she is now.

There is no voice chat in the game, and you can only contact offline. Guessing the approximate location, Long Aotian rushed over without stopping, but he was already scolding, because the place where He Lianyan was located is likely to be the place where the disaster-level monster is, even if all the top players in the game are gathered. It may not be defeated. Because now everyone is just beginning to challenge emperor-level monsters.

Everything about Meow is real, so the battle between forty people and the battle between twelve people are worlds apart. In addition, the players here don’t have walkie-talkies. They are all commanded by roars during the battle, but there are still people roaring. Howling of monsters? Therefore, the more the number of people in the battle, the more difficult it is, so that the game has been open for so long, but there are very few emperor-level monsters that are really defeated, so everyone is also fighting against the emperor-level monsters while training team battles. To know that a disaster-level monster requires a three-digit hunter to hunt, and without skilled cooperation, there is only a way to destroy it.

Long Aotian had also heard of a rich man in France who was addicted to games. He paid a big price to hire a guild and brought the best weapons at this stage to take the first kill of the disaster level. In the end, all 200 people died in monsters. A piece of equipment was left under his feet.

The player’s role is an artificial person made by Liu Adou with the sage’s stone. When he dies, he will turn into fly ash, but the equipment is made by Ailucat and will not disappear. Numerous magic weapons have fallen there, but No one dared to pick it up, because hunters near the monster would die.

Unexpectedly, He Lianyan ran to the side of the disaster-level monster, Long Aotian told He Lianyan not to move, and went to her as quickly as possible.

At the moment He Lianyan is also online. She is hiding outside a cave. Outside is a terrible Dragon. A finger is thicker than He Lianyan's character. She doesn't dare to leave at all.

But this cave doesn't seem to stay for a long time, because the cave is too shallow, and you can walk to the end after three or four steps. The inside is very dark and there are spider webs. How dare He Lianyan look more.


The giant beast suddenly roared, and He Lianyan hurriedly blocked her ears, but even then she still felt a pain in her eardrums. It was terrible. What a game, it was a nightmare.

All the roar of the monster is because he found Long Aotian.

Long Aotian cursed damn, he was too careless, but here should be close to He Lianyan, because there is a certain connection between the artificial humans, it can also be said that only the scent that the artificial humans can smell, as long as you get close to the player, you can know There are other players around.

It's getting closer and closer, but since the monster saw Long Aotian, it must kill him.


The earth shook and the mountains shook, He Lianyan dropped countless rubbles on top of her head, making her hug her head and squat down. She told herself not to cry, but her tears kept rolling.


The monster had been awakened. Every step and every attack made the earth tremble, and Long Aotian repeatedly cursed the street, but what could he do, he could only dodge in embarrassment, and he never thought that he could go up and singled out Dragon.

With his current equipment, it would take more than ten hours to single out some simple emperor-level monsters. He couldn't challenge the disaster-level at all. Besides, he just came back from the snow mountain and brought a big money to furry a big lover. He was still a junior, and he didn't change his equipment in a hurry. He is very heavy now.

Hiding, hiding again, Long Aotian finally saw a small cave behind the heel of the monster, which should be there, He Lianyan said that he was hiding in the cave now. I have to hide in. If it doesn't work, I can commit suicide and go back. Anyway, the snow mountain outfit on my body is just average.

But if she could commit suicide, He Lianyan would have committed suicide long ago. Before Long Aotian told her to commit suicide on the phone, she didn't dare to ask Long Aotian to rescue her. ..

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