Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1054 Human Rights Issues\r

Liu Adou’s "Preventing Weird People Amendment Act" states that all heroes should not use their likes and dislikes to indiscriminately kill innocent people on weird people, and weird people are also part of the earth. It's just that the weirdo is so cute, why do you kill it.

In order to provoke the hero's civil war, Liu Adou did not hesitate to stand up and speak out for the human rights of the weirdo.

When the amendment proposed by Liu Adou was put in front of the heroes, all the licensed heroes were dumbfounded. There are no wonders in the world, and there are still people who stand up to support the weirdo. Isn't it painful to eat when you are full?

But just as they thought, there are no wonders in the world. Since Liu Adou has come forward and proposed to fight for human rights for weirdos, then there will be people among the heroes who agree with this approach.

There are always people who think that they should be different. They think that Liu Adou's proposal is very professional and will help improve the overall quality of the hero team and eliminate those who are not qualified.

That's right, heroes should be different from ordinary people, and they should regulate themselves with super-high standards. Heroes shouldn't be collaborators to execute the death penalty.

Suddenly, Liu Adou also received letters from some third-rate heroes, all of whom were Class C heroes.

Because S-level and A-level heroes are already considered people with status, they will not express their opinions easily. Most of the B-level heroes are grouped into the "Blizzard Group", organized and disciplined, and no one has come forward. Only C-rank heroes not only have the largest number of people, but they are also mixed, and there are many people with ulterior motives who are not just for the purpose of eliminating violence and getting into the hero army. So this result is expected.

"What do you say?" At the high-level meeting of the Heroes Association, these people in suits include government officials, consortia, and scientists. It is this group of people who are actually responsible for the operation of the Heroes Association.

"I don't think there is any need to control. You also know that S-rank heroes are a group of people who have their own personality and are difficult to control."

"But Liu Adou asked the heroes not to kill the weird people in the future, let alone whether the heroes can defeat the weird people without killing them, even if they catch the weird people alive, what shall we do?"

Dead weirdos are easier to deal with than live weirdos.

"We can build a prison to catch all weird people in."

"Whimsical, the power of the weirdo is amazing, what prison can control the weirdo?" But a scientist sneered: "The power of the weirdo is not something we can consider. Catching weird people alive will only accelerate the destruction of our world."

"I oppose this amendment. The weirdos are the enemy of our humanity. We don't need to talk about imaginary things, only the result of death or death. Heroes may be killed at any time when fighting weirdos. Where can we be in the mood to show mercy? "I don't think other heroes will agree."

Everyone nodded. The people who did fight with the weird were the heroes. The weird were fighting with the mentality of killing the hero. If the hero can only catch the weird alive, then the mentality is a bit worse than that of the weird. , Maybe he was beaten to death by a stranger because of the delusion of holding alive.

Heroes are not fools. If weirdos want to kill heroes, heroes should fight against weirdos with the consciousness to kill weirdos. Therefore, they will never agree with this kind of nonsense bill.

Especially the A-level heroes, their strength is not better than the S-level, but the enemies they face are very terrible. Let them be merciful in the battle, it is better to let them surrender to the weirdo, anyway, they are all dead.

Therefore, the upper level decided to let the heroes vote anonymously, and the heroes themselves decide whether to pass this ‘amendment bill’, so that the Heroes’ Association does not have to offend the S-rank heroes.

The bill was voted on for a day, and the results were announced. The number of votes opposed to the amendment bill was far higher than those who supported the amendment bill. Not only the A-level heroes, but even the S-level and B-level heroes, and most of the C-level heroes did not approve of the amendment bill. They are working hard, so why can only blame people to kill them? They can't kill monsters?

At the scene where the voting was announced, the few S-rank heroes who were present all looked at Liu Adou with a bad face. S-class 15 metal bats, big-back high school students with baseball bats as weapons, typical hot-blooded idiots, hate the enemy in battle, and be more ruthless to himself. The metal bat is his hero's name. He glanced at Liu Adou with contempt: "Don't think that as soon as you join the Heroes Association, you will become an S-rank hero, and you will have the capital to do whatever you want. You know everything. The road to heroes is Shura. The road, if you want to be merciful, you should quit the hero's team as soon as possible."

After being preached by a high school student, Liu Adou laughed: "If it's just to kill the weirdo, why do you have to bear the name of a hero? The hero is not a child's playhouse. It is you who should wake up." Liu Adou stood up. Get up and glance at all the S-rank heroes present: "Atomic warrior, superalloy black light, flashing Flesh, Venerable vest, and classmates with metal bats. You have not taken even one step on the road of heroes. You are now At best, they are just fighters." Liu Adou turned around humbly: "Don't worry, I won't give up. I will definitely let you know what a true hero is."

"..." Everyone looked at Liu Adou who was leaving, and finally felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts. It seemed that Liu Adou would really continue the ridiculous cultivation bill.

"Bah, disgusting hypocrisy. When he stands shivering in front of the weirdo, he will know how pitiful his thoughts are now." The metal baseball bat resisted the urge to rush up to beat Liu Adou and changed his mouth.

"Go back, I have to make up lessons." Tong Di said, he is only a ten-year-old boy, but ranked fifth in the S grade, has a genius IQ, and a schoolbag weapon, he has nothing to do with Liu Adou. What is malicious, it's just a different idea. On the contrary, those adults who oppose the amendment bill seem to be hostile.

"Did you fail?" Aisha has been watching the show all the time, depending on how her husband provoked a heroic civil war in this world.

"Unexpectedly, these people are just soldiers. They definitely go to the battlefield with the mentality of killing the enemy. It's strange that they can agree." Liu Adou said it was no surprise.

"Then next step, what are you going to do?"

Liu Adou looked out the window and showed a smile: "Definitely is to let them see how a real hero saves the world."

Is it? But seeing Liu Adou's smile, Ada felt that her husband was going to do evil, not good deeds.

First, Liu Adou invaded the computer system of the Heroes’ Association, and grasped all the information on the cities that each hero was responsible for. Then, as long as there were weird people with levels higher than ghosts in a city, he would know for the first time, and then he was going to intervene in the battle, since They don't think that the amendment to the bill is feasible, so Liu Adou will let them know what a high level is. In short, Liu Adou is about to start doing bad things. ..

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