Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand and seventy-six chapters\r

The little beggar was hungry. Liu Adou prepared some food after healed with the ripples, and he couldn't describe the young man gorgingly.

"Don't worry, there is enough food for you." However, Liu Adou's words are of no use, and will only make the young man work harder to eat. It seems that he has to eat both the previous and the future in this meal. Until his stomach bulged, he couldn't move his mouth anymore and fell to the ground and rolled in pain.

Liu Adou looked at the stupid child, what else could he say. After waiting for a long time, the boy recovered, and got up from the ground panting. He even wanted to attack the food on the table, obviously he was going to die.

"Stop, you will die if you eat it again." Liu Adou grabbed the boy's wrist.

The little beggar said: "I would rather be killed by delicious bread than starve to death in the dirty sewer, and finally be eaten by a mouse." The boy's eyes were firm, obviously telling the truth.

But Liu Adou won't let the teenager die, even if it is a happy way to die in this world: "Your card skills are good, and you can win money from the knight."

The little beggar looked at Liu Adou like an idiot: "Isn’t that a death hunt? How dare I, a little beggar, win money from Lord Knight? I just want to sell rare cards to them. But even if I have money, I can’t buy them. To such a delicious bread, without any impurities, as soft as a woman's breast, I still want to eat it."

...Does this little beggar know what a woman's breasts feel like? Liu Adou was unable to complain.

Definitely didn't know, the little beggar just heard some adults say that the softest thing in the world is a woman's breast, so he said it casually. He has never been educated, and definitely can't come up with any beautiful words to describe it.

"Don't eat anymore." Liu Adou waved his hand, and he broke down all the food on the table, saving the young man to his death.

"Where did you change the food?" The little beggar widened his eyes, not because of Liu Adou's amazement, but regret and anger at the disappearance of the food: "How can you do this, I haven't finished eating yet."

... Liu Adou discovered that this kid is a real treasure: "Okay, you can go, and treat you to a big meal for free even if it is a gift for you and me."

"Cut, stingy." The little beggar murmured and left.

Liu Adou originally thought that he would never meet this little beggar again. He didn't expect that when he passed the execution stand the next evening, he saw the little beggar kneeling on the execution stand ready to receive the owl's head punishment.

Instead of being a satiated ghost, I'm going to be a headless ghost.

"What law did this kid commit?" Liu Adou curiously asked people around him.

Everyone just watched the excitement. There are not many people who know the inside story, but fortunately, there are also well-informed people. The uncle told Liu Adou: "This kid was reported by a prostitute, saying that he had committed theft, and then he was arrested by Lord Knight. , Executed today."

Should you behead for stealing? In fact, any crime in this world, big or small, can be cut off, and definitely can not cut off, it all depends on how the judge decides.

However, the little beggar was also unlucky. After selling the rare card, he went to prostitutes with the money for the card because of overeating and full of lust. He didn't know that the knight who bought his rare card had been staring at him, and it was not just right to see the little beggar looking for a prostitute.

The knight who kept the law and order naturally knew the prostitutes in the city very well, so he staged a fairy jump with the prostitutes, and framed the little beggar, saying that his money was stolen. No matter how the little beggar explained it, it was useless. He hadn't been hanged all night, and it would be a bad luck to ask Zhan directly in the evening.

Darkness, this is darkness. The knight class can arbitrarily frame the common people. Most people live completely like ants, and they may be suppressed by other classes at any time. Even the wealth of Wanguan will disappear overnight, so the common people also There is no motivation to pursue a better life, just to survive.

Liu Adou sighed. Since he met him, let's help the young man. Send!

The blade of the axe had already fallen, aiming down at the slender neck of the little beggar, but no blood was seen, just hitting the penalty platform and breaking out of rubble. People? Why are there no people?

The executioner and the onlookers under the torture stage were stunned. Could it be that they had an illusion? But there was a beggar just now, so why did he disappear.

The little beggar touched his neck in horror, did not break it? With his neck still and his face still hot, he was almost scared to pee.

"Don't touch it anymore, you are still alive." Liu Adou was just behind the little beggar: "I think you are enough. You don't learn well at a young age. If you have money, you will hire prostitutes. You can't even have enough food. Don’t save your money."

The little beggar turned around and saw Liu Adou, wondering if he saved himself? Before talking about it, he thought Liu Adou was very strange. Whether it was clothes or the food he took out, they were all unusual. Is it a big shot? "Hmph, if you have money, you have to spend it definitely, or you don't know the day you die, and the money will go into other people's pockets. What's wrong with recruiting prostitutes? Men are capable of recruiting prostitutes." Talking too loudly, the wounds on his body hiss. It hurts.

Liu Adou discovered that this child was completely different from the one he had met. It is probably because he grew up in a dark environment, and he had heard and seen things that were all mischievous, so it became like this.

"If you still know it hurts, you have to learn your lesson." Liu Adou returned the "Blue Eyes and White Dragon" card to the little beggar: "Keep this card well. You will use it one day."

"You helped me get it back?" It was not an ordinary person. The little beggar looked at Liu Adou and said in his heart: "I can't stay in the city anyway. You can take me with you." It seemed to be cheap. Liu Adou is the same.

"Aren't you afraid that I will sell you? I heard that there are quite a few nobles who punish children, and they like boys your age the most."

"Don't be afraid, I know that you are a good person, otherwise you won't save me twice. My life is yours. Even if you really sell me, you will recognize it." The little beggar is gambling now, he knows If he was discovered by the knight again, he would be dead. It's death anyway, he would rather follow Liu Adou, maybe Liu Adou is really a good person, then he will be lucky, maybe he can eat and drink with Liu Adou. One day to eat is one day.

Liu Adou also knows that if a teenager does not leave, he will die, and if he goes on the road alone, he will be dead for a lifetime. Since he is willing to follow him, then take it with him: "Okay, let's go, but don't make a fuss along the way."

The quantum earth was repaired slowly, and Liu Adou traveled with peace of mind, looking for people everywhere to learn card skills, just hoping that time passed. ..

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