Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand and eighty chapters are resurrected\r

Gus picked up the head of the woman who had fallen to the ground without saying a word. The woman did not look down, tears flickering in the corners of her eyes, full of unwillingness, and gritted her teeth as if to denounce the world's injustice.

"Hey, people's heads are all off. Are you too unsympathetic to play with them? If you don't mind, I want to collect the body for her and give me your head."

Gus looked at Liu Adou, and then at the lord who looked like a fat pig. He originally wanted to use this woman's head as a challenge book, but he still gave it to Liu Adou, even though he felt that it would be meaningful to condense the corpse. Not big, it's better to let him provoke the lord, but Gus hasn't completely wiped out his humanity by hatred.

"The weak can't survive in this era, and you're just wasting time by doing this." Gus reminded Liu Adou not to be too virgin, he will die sooner or later.

"Perhaps, but the world always needs someone to stand up and show the difference, don't they?" Liu Adou sighed as he looked at the dead woman's head in his hands.

Without his head, Gus activated the crossbow arrow on his left prosthetic arm, and gave the lord an arrow without saying a word. Assassinating the lord is a felony. The knights are rushing to arrest Gus, but the lord knows that the opponent is someone with a brand. This arrow is a challenge book, ha ha ha, interesting, black knight? The fighter who specially selected the apostle to start, unfortunately he picked the wrong opponent this time.

Gus fled, leaving Liu Adou with a few silver coins to buy the knight and the servants, and let them give him the body of the beheaded woman.

"What a poor child." Hearing that the boy's sister had been beheaded just now, the old monk muttered to the gods to bless him: "Game, I will take care of him, what else do you have?"

No, Liu Adou just asked him to take the child to the church, but Liu Adou's affairs are finished, he still has something to do. Grey did not wake up before, and he did not have time to say goodbye, "Grandpa, did Grey wake up?" Then She is the first girl who has no prejudice towards games, and games have a good impression on her.

"She is awake, you can go and see him." The old monk said, then looked at the crying child who passed out and sighed. He could take the child away, but he couldn't take care of him all the time, because his sister was so He was killed on the charge of a heretic, he could only take the child to a strange place, but he could not set himself on fire. Now in this world, self-preservation is very difficult, let alone saving the world, and the old monk can only do what he can.

Headlessly expelling the shell, Liu Adou placed his head on the gap in his neck and activated the ripples to infuse the golden energy into the woman's body.

Liu Adou can see that the woman has many scars, bruises, swelling, and tooth marks. They are all in those difficult places. I am afraid that besides being violated by the detainees, this woman was originally engaged in the sale of skin and flesh, because she did not Less scars have old history.

The spine that was chopped by the axe began to recover, and the severed nerve began to recover under the dual cooperation of the ripples and the sage stone, and the brain and heart began to work again. Fortunately, it didn't take long for Liu Adou to be saved.

The tears rolled down again, seeming to have rescued her, and her life was not happy. Without parents, a weak woman had to support herself and her younger brother in the world of Chaos. There was no other way except to despise herself, especially a little one. Beautiful ordinary woman.

In this era, it is a curse for the daughter of a commoner to look good.

Roar sucked, and the woman did it abruptly: "I'm not a heretic!!" Even now she still hopes that her argument can be accepted. There is no pain, and I am not on the execution platform?

The woman only felt that she had a weird dream, and she actually saw herself without a head.

"You are fine, come with me now, and I will take you to find your brother." Liu Adou didn't say much nonsense. He is now in a heavy mood. He has rescued people from the penalty platform twice, and wait for it. Going down, he might have to rob the law court.

When she heard her younger brother, the woman stopped talking. She had a doubt now. She put on the cloak prepared by Liu Adou and covered her face, and came to the church speechless all the way.

Although the woman did not want to go in, Liu Adou told her that her brother was inside.

"Ah ah ---- Ghosts -" it is the game was taken aback, he clearly saw the woman being beheaded, how will together along with the adults? What is it not a ghost?

"Don't make a fuss!" Liu Adou was speechless: "Shut up!"

The game hurriedly covered his mouth to prevent himself from screaming.

But not only the game, but the girl’s younger brother was also frightened, but fortunately he didn’t scream, he just looked incredulous: "Sister?!"

The woman was very puzzled: "Brother, it's sister." But she saw her brother took a step back in shock.

It is true that the younger brother has not been able to accept the death and resurrection of the sister.

The monk who was still watching saw the doorway, combined with the previous cards, the monk looked at Liu Adou thoughtfully.

"Brother, it's me, don't you know your sister?"

"Didn't you be beheaded? We've all seen it, your head rolls far away like a ball, coco..." In the end, the fuss game raised the question that everyone wanted to know the answer to.

The woman was stunned, and she also remembered that she was killed, but she was living well now, and she didn't understand why. For a while, everyone looked at Liu Adou, the initiator of everything.

"Don't get excited, everyone, there is so much fuss about this. Why don't we play Guai Thieves." Liu Adou laughed.

These words reminded the game, "I see, sir, you must have used a rare card? I remember that you have a rare card named'Resurrection' that can resurrect a card whose points have been cleared.' The Ability of Resuscitation must be brought back to life." After the game was over, I was still proud that I was right.

But everyone else is stupid. Is there really a comeback in the world? And also the one who was beheaded.

"Almost, well, your siblings can't stay here now, so you should find a way to leave. Today I will take a rest and let the old monk send you out of the city tomorrow." Liu Adou decided to help the old monk.

The game was reluctant for Grey to leave, but he also knew that parting was imminent, so he took the opportunity to teach Grey how to play Weird Pirates.

Looking at someone like the game, Liu Adou was speechless. He went to bed and waited for Grey to leave tomorrow to see how Liu Adou cleans up him. This kid is completely inhuman.

The people in the church didn't notice any abnormalities, and they didn't know that they had a ‘pagan’ here.

On the other side, Gus and Buck were chased by the lord knight. There was also a tall and mighty knight. With a large number of people, Gus could not escape. In the end, a local man helped to use the smoke bomb. Gus and Buck found a home in a short time.

Obviously, Gus's adventurous and provocative way is not very wise. ..

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