Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand and eighty-six chapters of the world view\r

The hand of God, from the name Roar, it can be seen that it is the hand of God, which is equivalent to the high-level NPC of this world, and maintains the operation of the world through certain means. They were not gods, but were originally human beings, and finally returned to the throne through sacrifice through the choice of causality. Every 216 years, new hands of gods will appear.

The law of cause and effect is called Roar by the hand of God, and if Liu Adou is asked to speak, all this is the wheel of fate. In fact, it is almost the same. Behlet will appear in the hands of those chosen by fate, and then the hand of God will be responsible for fulfilling the wishes of the chosen and transforming them into apostles.

Speaking of the hands of the gods in a different space, in fact, there is no real entity, and they can only survive in this spiritual world. They can only interfere with the world very weakly, and the main job is to be selected by the Overlord’s Egg. Become an apostle. Including the hand of God that appeared in 216, it was actually selected through the special Red Overlord’s egg.

In this world, there is a concept of the Trinity. The world is composed of three folded spaces. The first is the present world of human existence, the second is the secluded world, and the third is the essential world.

There are two levels in the ghost world. The first level is the space closest to the real world, where there are things from mythology, such as unicorns, monsters, nightmares, fairies, and human souls who have just died.

The deeper level is here, with the Hand of God, the God of Abyss, and a large-scale spiritual mixture.

The essential world is somewhat difficult to understand, which is equivalent to the root of existence, which is the essential world. To put it simply, everything originated from the essential world. The essential world is equivalent to a design drawing. Only with this design drawing can we build the secluded world and the world.

Although it is a very idealistic term, because most people would say that you only have design drawings and no matter how to build the world? But everything here is based on a design drawing.

These are the worldviews of this world. The Overlord's Egg can allow humans to enter the deep level of the secluded realm and appear before the hands of gods. But Liu Adou had been hiding in the hall long ago, and the two worlds were connected, so he was naturally there.

Now Liu Adou has played an outstanding detective once again. Ability has solved a seven-year unsolved case and definitely hit the earl and his lovely daughter. Everything seven years ago was a lie. Since seven years ago, the earl has given up humanity and lived as he pleased.

There is only one rule to become an apostle, which is to take your own wishes as the code of conduct and not to violate it. Therefore, after the apostles abandoned their human nature, all their inner animal desires were stimulated, driving them to become human enemies.

Maybe this is just a form of balance in this world, because everything in this world is based on a design drawing like a mirage. All materials can be imagined out of thin air, so the god of the abyss that exists here is also Well, large-scale spiritual hybrids, they can't let the creatures in the world develop freely. They must ensure that everything in the world is developed in accordance with the plans designed by the design drawings, and also to ensure the stability of the design drawings.

Human beings just happen to develop better in this world, so it is helpless to be targeted.

The hand of God in front of us is neither the first nor the last. According to the rule of the 216 change of terms, the hand of God who returned last is Gus’s friend Griffith. It was calculated only two years ago. Among the five hands of gods, the potter who has served as the longest brain shell here is less than 900 years, not enough for the history of mankind.

One must know that there was a human overlord on the continent a thousand years ago, that was an invincible unity of the continent, but there is basically no record now, and the overlord's empire has sunk into the ground and is no longer visible.

Therefore, Liu Adou believes that these five gods' hands are nothing more than order enforcers chosen by gods from humans to prevent humans from mass reproduction. The hand of the gods before them may not be humans, they may be dinosaurs, elves, or ponies.

But even if the hand of God wants to maintain this world, God is regarded as a gunman and chooses apostles everywhere, letting the apostles start killing humans. All of this can be ignored. Let's say that the hand of god is a sin that was put down by human beings. Sacrifice. If you want to become the hand of god, you must sacrifice the person you value most.

During the sacrifice of the hand of the gods, the world will be eroded by the secluded realm for a short time, which is called the etching of the eclipse. In the last eclipse, Griffith sacrificed the ‘Eagle Group’ he had built up by himself, and slapped Gus’s lover in front of Gus. He committed an unforgivable sin, so Gus set foot on Shura's way of revenge regardless of his life and death. That's right, he wanted to revenge against God's Angel.

"Griffith!" Gus was still howling, but he only had the strength to roar. He couldn't move anymore. He secretly asked Buck to help. The elves could have healing ability, but Buck could not be a short time. Lee healed Gus, so Gus hoped to heal his left hand so that he could at least lift the prosthetic cannon.

Griffith doesn't look at Gus at all, because now their status is so different. The five hands of gods all looked at Liu Adou, affirmed his reasoning, and then looked at the earl's head: "Now make sacrifices, as long as you agree, we will let you continue to live."

The earl looked at his daughter. He had cut off his painful humanity at the sacrifice of his cheating wife. Can he now trade his daughter for his own life?

The earl struggled painfully. He didn't want to die, but there was a price for not wanting to die.

"Count, don't waste time, look!" A huge amounts of consciousness vortex in the distance of the different space is getting bigger and bigger, and countless resentful undeads are rolling, as if the evil of choosing the world is in this vortex.

"This is hell. There is not much time for the summoning ceremony. If you don't make a choice, Earl, your soul that is close to the demon will be pulled away by the huge amounts of spiritual vortex." Potter said: "Now as long as you say something 'I agree', we can immediately begin the demon-casting ritual, and you will be reborn." "There is no good hesitation, just decide like it was seven years ago, just one sentence."

The earl looked at his shivering daughter with tears in his eyes. His painful humanity should have disappeared. Why did he shed tears? Yes, the earl was in tears. His humanity has not completely disappeared. Seven years ago, he sacrificed his favorite woman. It was out of anger. Now he cares about his daughter the most. Is it true that he really did it for Do you live and sacrifice your daughter?

She was still so young, her mind moved, and the law of cause and effect was cut off. It shows that at the end of Earl's life, human nature once again rushed to the high ground of the brain, IQ was back online, and he became a person.

The countless evil spirits killed by the earl in the whirlpool of evil thoughts rushed over and pulled the earl's soul into the whirlpool with tears.

The earl's body fell apart, "Dilysia!" It was the father's soul calling his daughter in Roar.


It's a pity that everything is too late, the earl has already left.

And the whirlpool of evil thoughts was still not satisfied, they found Gus with a brand, and the brand represented the sacrifice of sacrifice. In the last eclipse that belonged to Griffith, Gus and his lover were both branded and marked as sacrifices, so the evil spirits wanted to divide the sacrifices.

Gus was also held back, but he still stared at Griffith, his left hand was already aimed at: "Griffith!" He opened fire, hit a fire from his wrist, and the projectile flew.

However, how could the power of God's Hand be that gunpowder could hurt.

Liu Adou looked at the collapsed space and knew that the hand of God was about to go. He said, "I hope that when we meet next time, I can play a game of Weird Pirates happily. If you lose, I will take yours. Soul." Said that five roses flew out of his hand, and went straight to the hand of God, "Meeting ceremony." Only he will give roses to the meeting ceremony.

The hand of God did not react to the flying rose, and in their cognition, the hidden weapons of human beings were of no use at all. However, Liu Adou is not an ordinary human being. Five roses with ripples rushed through their negative energy field, so they had to raise their hands to catch the roses, completely breaking their pretending aura.

The five hands of gods looked at Kidd who had disappeared in the space, feeling the tingling of the palm of the hand holding the rose, showing shock, could he really take their souls? ! ..

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