Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Seven Inspections\r

Looking at the train tickets in hand, both Sonia Saintess and Miao Lu can’t tell the difference between north and south. Two silver coins can go to Janor Lund. It takes two days on the road. The two teenagers don’t know what to do. Go on the train.

The archer who was protecting along the way also looked at the train ticket speechlessly. He was a high apostle, but he was also the first to take a train. Before seeing the train, he thought that the physical fitness of the apostle could compare the speed of the train, but after seeing the speed of the train, he knew that even if he transformed himself, he would not be able to catch up with the train, so he had to pay for a ticket obediently.

After getting on the train and finding the seat on the train ticket number, the saint was full of curiosity. Miao Lu was even more cautious, for fear that he would fall when the train ran up.

People came up one after another, some empty-handed and some with luggage. Some people skillfully put their luggage on the luggage rack on the train. Obviously they often do trains. Both Sonia and Miao Lu looked at the guests curiously, as if they wanted to learn something from them.

There are even knights wearing armor and stepping into the car with heavy steps. They are mercenaries who are going to Ajolrond to ask for a living.

If there were trains in the Middle Ages, it would be such a scene.

"Look, there are so many people, how many people can this train hold?" Sonia looked at the constantly crowd in surprise, as if people could always come up.

"Look at the seats, if one carriage is used for fifty people, a train can take up to six hundred people for twelve trains." Miao Lu is also a nobleman who has studied, and this kind of arithmetic is still good.

But Sonia, a girl of civilian origin, didn't understand at all.

The archer was sitting in the back car, but he locked the breath of the two teenagers at any time, and was stunned by all the people around him.

After waiting for twenty minutes, everyone got in the car and the horns were honked again. Everyone felt like they were moving.

The people who took the train for the first time gave a startled Roar, and then looked around in a novel way. Looking inside the carriage and looking out the window, the scenery outside changed, indicating that their speed was getting faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye, he left the platform, facing forward like a Huan on the plain.

Novelty, too novel, but after novelty, Sonia and Miaolu found out that they had made a mistake, that is, they did not prepare food. At noon, they watched many people take out baked potatoes from their packages, and they were all hungry.

"Is there any place to eat here?" Sonia looked at the potato in the mouth of the child opposite and swallowed.

"It should be. I saw someone go to the front just now, and then came back with a slap on his stomach, and there must be a place to eat. Let's find it." Miao Lu observed it carefully.

The two came forward to the dining car, only to discover that the train could not only seat people, but also cook. It can be regarded as having fallen, eat, eat.

Expensive is a bit more expensive, but the two of them are not ordinary, so the money is naturally enough.

It was dark in the car at night, and there was only a row of candles on the roof, which didn't shine at all. But everyone was asleep, and people in the Middle Ages were not used to nightlife.

It is tiring to spend the night on the train. Fortunately, people in this era are least afraid of being tired and being able to sleep.

The Sagittarius is an apostle and naturally does not need to sleep. He closed his eyes and rested, but he did not leave the two children for a moment. He doesn't understand what Sonia and Miao Lu are going to do, his task is only to protect them.

The train journey is undoubtedly exciting. I have been on the train for two days, eating and drinking Lazarus are all solved in the car, which makes people feel like taking a boat, but the scenery of the train is more beautiful than taking the boat.

The plains on both sides, as well as the cities, swiftly passed by, as if touring the mainland in two days, and the senses were greatly stimulated.

Sonia was excited at first, and then discouraged. She knew that such a train must also be produced by Yanorlund. In this way, the White Fortress really didn't have the capital to compete with Yanorlund. They even built trains, but the White Fortress is still trying to deal with the backlog of goods, the gap is too big.

"No." I can't be so negative, no matter what Yanorlund can make, Lord Griffith must have a way to make it, because Lord Griffith is an eagle of light. Encouraging herself in this way, Sonya finally came to the city of the sun-Yanorlund.

Wow? ? ! ! !

Countless admirations, the white marble floor, bright and clean, the tall platform and the port platform are worlds apart. The Sun Station is the first facade of Janor Lund, carefully crafted, which makes people unbearable to profanity.

As the people flowed out, Sonya was frightened. The White Fortress had such a gorgeous place, but that was the holy auditorium and the solemn royal hall. At the highest point of the White Fortress, it was the space belonging to Griffith. In Janor Lund, everyone can use such a gorgeous place. Sonia was a bit unwilling. She recalled carefully and found that the bathhouse in the White Fortress seemed as gorgeous as this place. Yes, there is also a gorgeous place for everyone in the White Fortress. However, the bathhouse is for people to take a bath, it is always washed with water, and there is nothing to wear in the bathroom, there are white strips, who knows who is.

This place is for people everywhere, no matter what class his clothes represent, poverty, wealth, disease, and suffering can be used.

In short, when he came to a hostile city, Sonia was comparing everywhere, just to find out where Yanorrond was inferior to the White Fortress. However, there is no harm if there is no comparison. In comparison, the miraculous city of the White Fortress does not belong to humans at all, and Yanorrond is a city of humans, showing the excellence of humans and the tolerance of humans in all aspects.

"What's that?" Sonya felt a scent from the wind, and she saw an amazing sight when she saw it, an elegant flower-like creature walking down the street.

Miao Lu couldn't answer her because he didn't know him either.

"That is a human who lives in symbiosis with the elemental elves, that is, half-elves." Someone heard Sonya's voice and answered her.

"what is that?"

"Some elves want to enter the human world to understand human civilization, so they choose humans who voluntarily share their bodies for symbiosis. That is, two souls stay in one body. This is a symbiotic half-elf."

"How come there are people who are willing to share their bodies?" Miao Lu expressed incredible.

"Why not, some disabled or seriously ill people will be willing, because after the symbiosis, the power of the elves will heal the human body."

It turns out that there are a lot of things that have never been seen before in the fantasy world, which is surprising.

That's right, even Liu Adou was surprised. He didn't expect that only two months later, there would be a magical way of being like a half-elf. God knows how many weird and strange events will happen over time, but he is I'm curious how weird this world will be. ..

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