Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-two chapter recruitment interview\r

In the battlefield of the halberd, the second seat of Shijie met the mysterious chef Liu Adou. No one knows how Liu Adou came, only that he brought a billion dollars, which shocked the ten masters of Yuanyue Academy.

In the end, Kobayashi Gentiana still did not withstand the money offensive, and agreed to have a halberd competition with Liu Adou.

The judges and referees have been invited, as well as the audience. There are not many audiences, and there are only a few people, all of whom are the top ten or top ten candidates, because this kind of competition should not be made public.

"You can bring out your best dish." Liu Adou stood quietly behind the stove: "Don't have to be pressured. This time, the important thing is not winning or losing, but whether the technology you have produced can satisfy me. ."

"Don't be too arrogant, I am the second seat of Yuanyue Academy. Don't think that simple can beat me." Although Liu Anran has repeatedly emphasized that the important thing is not winning or losing, but the most important thing for students in this school is winning or losing. Especially in the halberd competition, it is almost as important as life and death duel.

"You have the will to fight, that's the best." Liu Adou didn't care about the other party, and slowly began to knead the dough. It was too embarrassing to compare him to the side and watch, so he had to make a dish no matter what.

Just make the golden ratio shaomai of the master of steel rod solution.

Eggs, shrimps, pork, vegetables.

"What is this going to do? Is such a strange combination to make buns?" Most of the students in this school are learning Western food, because Western food is very high-end. Only a small number of Chinese and local people who run Chinese restaurants at home can learn to cook Chinese food, so it's not surprising that they don't know Shaomai.

Hearing this sound, Liu Adou shook his head again and again, and as expected, he was still a Western way of eating. Although the whole world recognizes Chinese cuisine, it is Western cuisine that is truly on the high-end route and is known to the public. Michelin is one of the leaders. It can only be said that the promotion of Chinese and Western cuisine is simply a different extreme. Western food is all over the world with the most luxurious and elegant dining, while the Chinese food in the streets and alleys around the world are all advertised in small restaurants, and the real high-end Chinese food is rarely heard of.

So now in everyone's mind, no matter where it is, there is a subconscious that high-end Western food and Chinese food are close to the people.

As a well-known culinary technician school in the world, Yuanyue Academy is naturally going to go to high-end western food. Definitely because the school is in Japan, Japanese cuisine is also the mainstream, but there is only one Chinese cuisine research group studying Chinese food. It can be said that it is in Yuanyue. The school is in a weak position.

"Idiot!" There is only Jiu I Zhaoji, who runs a Chinese restaurant, and noticed that the dough needs to be fermented if it is a steamed bun. These people dare to speak out without even knowing this.

This is obviously for siu mai, only the skin of siu mai will be rolled so thin, like silk. If the bun skin is a quilt and the dumpling skin is a leather bag, then the shaomai skin is a silk scarf.

This person can turn the shaomai skin into a transparent and visible skill. I am afraid he is a master of Chinese cuisine, but I don’t know what he is going to do with shrimp, eggs, green vegetables, ham, and what kind of shaomai he is going to do. Is it a mixed filling? , Or a lot of different flavors of siu mai? do not know.

Looking at Liu Adou's unhurried appearance, Xiaolin Gentiana suddenly felt pressure. Although she was confident in her craft, Liu Adou's appearance was not a mediocre person, I am afraid she could not be careless.

Boil water on high heat and put on a steamer. Liu Adou's movements are really fast, and his strength is full. The master solutionist also needs a steel rod. Liu Adou can break the tendons in the ham directly with his fist. And although Liu Adou's movements are slow, his movements are precise, without any extra movements. To others, it looks like a pianist playing the piano. Every movement has its meaning and can play a syllable. . When all of Liu Adou's movements became coherent, his cooking was over.

Thirty cages of siu mai can be eaten by everyone in the room, but the Kobayashi gentian on the opposite side has not yet been completed. Kobayashi gentian prepares French grilled lamb chops. Fresh and tender lamb with spice sauce is simply delicious, but the most important thing for grilled lamb chops or steaks is the heat. Let the fat steaks evenly heat up in the pot to keep the temperature. From the outside to the inside, the inside of the steak is raw until the heat is heated, and the outside of the steak is burnt after the heat is over, and then a fragrant sauce is added.

Even if Kobayashi's gentian only grilled a few plates of lamb chops that the judges ate, it was still two minutes slower than Liu Adou.

At the moment, the onlookers did not dare to judge easily, because after seeing Liu Adou's movements, they all felt a deterrent, and his food was definitely not simple.

"Then please show your dishes."

Although Kobayashi's gentian French grilled lamb chops is not complicated, it can even be said to be the basic skills of Western cuisine, but it is often the basic skills that really test the chef. The fancy ingredients and spices are removed, and the chef's skills give ordinary ingredients unmatched deliciousness.

One of the key to western food is to have large plates.

"Very fragrant." Liu Adou said: "It can prove that your basic skills are impeccable. It is just right to cut the lamb chops, and your sauce is also very thoughtful. Now you can go and let the judges taste it." Liu Adou basically agreed with Xiao Linlong. Daring technology, but her technology is not worth a billion at all, 100 million is dangerous. Sure enough, are they still students? If they can grow up for another ten years, they might be worth so much money.

Seeing the judges' tears, Liu Adou felt pitiful for them. Are they taking too much aphrodisiac, so they are not stable after eating.

"Well, you don't want to sell it anymore, please bring your food." The judges said.

As soon as Liu Adou waved his hand, five steamers flew past. This is the basic skill of a chef-being handsome. Don’t you see that every candidate has to perform acrobatics during the special chef exam, and Liu Adou also knows how to do it. A chef who doesn't know how to be handsome is not a good chef. A chef not only cooks delicious dishes, but also looks handsome and moves cool. This is the standard of a good chef.

I steadily fell in front of the shocked judges. They used to watch the students serve the dishes honestly. Wherever there was this vaudeville performance, I saw Liu Adou standing at the long table. The bamboo pole, one stab, pierced exactly into the handles of the five steamer baskets, and then opened five.

Shine, golden light.

The light seen outside the halberd competition test field was like a falling meteor, the pure golden light shining on the sky, even in the daytime, it was still dazzling.

"What the hell is this?" The judges were all stupid.

"It really is siu mai, but what kind of siu mai is this?" For a long time, Teruki saw that it was a siu mai with four fillings, and had never seen it before.

"This is the golden ratio shaomai." Liu Adou reported his name: "I learned this from a friend. Please taste it."

The entrance seems to be riding on the back of a pig, galloping on the grassland, and it seems to be dressed in fairy clothes and flying in the moonlight, this stuffing, this shaomai skin? ! ! The judges’ eyes widened, with the elasticity of shrimp, the refreshing taste of vegetables, the softness of eggs, and the taste of ham, which is oily but not greasy. How can there be so many flavors filled with it, ah ah~ comfortable, as if to be a fairy Take the Palace of Guanghan.

"It's delicious." The judges spit out two words for a long time, only two words, but enough. ..

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