Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand two hundred and ten chapters: Mission Impossible\r

War, chaos, first one-on-one, then one-on-two.

IGO, Gourmet Club, NEO, and the tripartite forces have tried their best to eradicate each other before GOD appeared. It can be seen that they don't have much confidence in themselves, and they struggled to calculate the enemy.

Among the three, NEO is the most tolerant. It can be said to be the old and cunning. Spies were placed in IGO and the Gourmet Club. At the most critical moment, the spies appeared to hit the headquarters of both parties and almost paralyzed all the institutions of the IGO and Gourmet Club. If their main combat power is eliminated here, then NEO will have an absolute advantage when hunting GOD.

Appetite is the cornerstone of progress in this world, but it is also the inducement that leads mankind to war. Because of appetite, even if IGO’s President Yilong was willing to share GOD with Sanhu, President of the Food Club, he was rejected by Sanhu. The stronger the appetite, the stronger the appetite, and the less willing to share it with others.

War is inevitable, but the only one who will benefit in the end is the third-party NEO.

"It's really an interesting development." Liu Adou stood up: "The number one chef in the world, Zeus, you seem very proud."

Definitely, the expression on his face is happy, naturally proud: "Now we have an absolute advantage, but also thank you for cleaning up the food party for us, but don’t worry, the party is not over yet, because there will be someone in a while Come take care of you." Zeus also knew that he was not Liu Adou's opponent, but there was another trump card in their NEO, which was Joa.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Liu Adou said.

"Don't worry, you will stay at the end. When we solve the Gourmet Club and IGO, you will wait for your opponent." Zeus said.

"I'm not in a hurry, you are waiting for Joa." I knew their plans with my eyes closed.

Zeus was taken aback, wondering why Liu Adou knew about Qiaoya.

"You seem to have doubts, no, you have doubts." Liu Adou smiled: "Qiaoya, she has arrived! Come out."

A masked man came out from the shadows.

"Oh, Joa, you are already here." Zeus knew Joa, he had fought against Joa and lost, and it was for this reason that he joined NEO. For the strength of Qiaoya, Zeusbi Qiaoya has confidence in himself.

No words, because an expert should be taciturn.

"It's very hard work." Liu Adou seemed to know the man in black who appeared, and said something that people didn't understand.

Isn’t it very hard? Let a talkative guy can’t speak happily: "Definitely, it’s hard. You try to feel like you’ve never spoken, but the misfortune comes out of your mouth. After this experience, I also learned a lot. Ping will never forget."

Tieping? Definitely it is Tieping, because Qiaoya has been defeated by Liu Adou, how could it be possible to appear. But in order to investigate NEO, Liu Adou put on makeup for Tie Ping and let him sneak into NEO. The spy was left over by Liu Adou.

"The investigation is clear. All NEO members have been arrested by the IGO and the UN military. I am afraid that the arrests have been completed. The members of NEO who are still active are probably those present." Tie Ping took off his disguise. , Said.

Zeus' face changed drastically. He didn't realize that Joa, who had always been mysterious, was replaced by someone: "When?"

"Just when you asked Qiaoya to mobilize the four beasts, Qiaoya was defeated by me. And after that time, the Qiaoya you saw has always been Tieping pretending." Liu Adou announced the answer: "Surprise. "

To my surprise, their trump card has been defeated without their knowledge, and they triumphantly believe that they have the possibility of winning, it is simply Joker.

"The result is different from what you imagined. I'm really sorry, but now I'm going to take the fruits of my victory, whether it is NEO or the food club. If I want to destroy the world peace, I will do it with love and justice. Punish you in name."

"Ah, no, we can't lose." Zeus abandoned everything before joining NEO. He was for great power, but now his choice has become a joke.

"You have already lost!" Liu Adou was happy enough and didn't want to talk nonsense. "No matter how lively the party is, there will be a curtain call. The party that can be our memory is a good party. Those who force it to prevent the party from ending are not affected. Welcome, it's over."

Zeus and their kitchen knives broke, they had already been defeated, and they were crushed by Liu Adou whether it was strategy or combat effectiveness.

"If you don't admit defeat, it will stop here. Consider your chef's self-esteem, and live like the best in the world." Liu Adou said to Zeus, then turned and left.

The arrests in the human world, the spies in the IGO were swept away, but the battle still caused a lot of damage. It was surprising that the respected people in the past were all NEO spies, but since they chose this path, they must be punished.

"No, it's not over yet. NEO's members are all over the government, and there are even more powerful roles than me. It won't be over so easily."

Liu Adou turned to look at Zeus, who was dying and struggling. It seemed that the world's No. 1 chef had abandoned his dignity and could not accept the fact that he failed. He was just a mourning dog.

"Then let you down, because the people who went to capture the NEO remnant party are the master of the acupuncture point Erlang and the national treasure Zhenzhen. They will not let your wish come true."

Hearing these two, Zeus was finally desperate. NEO's main combat power was here, and there was no other combat power, let alone the enemy Jinjin Jin and Jiro.

At last peace, Liu Adou feels good, so that a stable supply of ingredients is available. As for the Beast in the gourmet world, there is no need to provoke them, and Liu Adou has no interest in GOD. However, it seems that there is still another BOSS that has not been resolved, that is, the three tigers of the food club. Like President Yilong, he went to the food world with their respective elites to find GOD, the food that only appears in the food eclipse.

The solar eclipse is about to appear, and GOD will also appear, so apprentices who are the gods of food are determined to get GOD, but the three tigers are only trying to fill up their bottomless pit appetite for exclusive use of GOD, and Yilong is to end the war. , GOD can not, but Sanhu must be eliminated, his endless appetite will only make the world into ruins.

In the food world, Beasts with a catch level of more than five hundred are everywhere, and in the food world, there are more terrible existences with a hunting level of more than five thousand. For humans, hunting GOD must invade the territories of these Beasts and enemies in the food world. Not only humans, but also Beast and nature.

Just in time, but Liu Adou came from the world of the world to the food world and found a place where the dragon and the three tigers are facing each other. The food club and the elites of IGO were confronting each other. They did not know that NEO almost gave their base camp to the end. NS. No, it should be said that the base camp of the food club has been given by NEO's spy Qiao Niang. IGO was saved because of Liu Adou's plan. All the functions are there, and it can maintain the operation of the human world. ..

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