Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-one chapters\r

Ant-Man is very anxious, but the water droplets are so high-profile that they have long attracted the attention of Iron Man. Iron Man's upper body, a good friend of the American people, Iron Man is online.

"Is this the culprit that caused the crisis? The shape is pretty gorgeous." Tony said to the water drop, then stabilized his figure with his legs and fired from the palms of both hands.


When the two plasmas hit the water droplets, they were refracted instantly.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, this thing does not seem to be easy to deal with, what is the result of the scan?"

"Sir, the enemy's surface is protected by the strong interaction force in the nucleus. The strength is very high. With our current weapons, this force cannot be destroyed."

"Although it is very advanced, it still belongs to the category of physics, so it may be destroyed." Tony said confidently, "It just needs to find a way."

Having said that, Iron Man couldn't find a way right away, and the water drop had already noticed him and bumped into Iron Man.

"It must be taken away from the city center." Iron Man walked out of the city at an accelerated pace, and Water Drop followed.

Ant-Man screamed helplessly, and could only stick to the water droplets to prevent himself from falling.

"Strongly condemn it. This is a provocative act of war. Your country's secret weapon has attacked our cities and caused huge amounts of losses."

In the United Nations, it has been several hours since the appearance of the water droplets. The louder the noise, the louder it is. Fortunately, it is only using lip service, not using force.

The Chinese spokesperson was very passive, because the water droplets did fly out of their own territorial waters, and the water droplets were so helpless that they were still staring at the United States.

"I repeat once again that these alien flight machines are not our country's secret weapons. We don't even know what they are. All attacks have nothing to do with us. As for the loss of your country, our country expresses its regret."

"Nonsense, if it has nothing to do with you, why do these things only attack us?"

The Chinese spokesman repeatedly wiped the sweat. He asked him to explain. They did not come into contact with the aliens: "We were also attacked and there were casualties."

The little brothers in the United States asked: "Even if these are alien weapons, then you are secretly contacting aliens. Perhaps you and the aliens have reached an agreement to attack the United States through their hands. You Chinese are all cunning and cunning. of."

"You must be conducting a dangerous experiment in the South China Sea. Our country says that it is our territorial waters. It strongly condemns China's robbery and requires China to disclose all its experiments in the South China Sea." This is a small country south of China.

It's really troublesome. Facing the hardships of other countries, the Chinese spokesperson is getting quieter and quieter, because there is really nothing to say. He doesn't know much at all. The above just says that these are alien things, but the spokesperson He didn't know how the motherland got involved with aliens, so he could only reiterate that At the moment had nothing to do with China and regretted the loss of the United States.

Just when the spokesperson was driven mad, the general finally rushed to the United Nations. If such a thing happened, he could not hide it, so he came to tell the United Nations that China was exploring the space through the star gate.

"I think I can tell you something." The general calmly stood in the United Nations conference room: "I have explained to the ambassadors of various embassies in our country. Now I have come to the United Nations to appease you and prevent Your countries have made wrong military actions and become sinners of history."

The general is a person who has followed the Chinese leader on missions to various countries, so some people still listen to his words.

"Then explain what the hell your country is doing when it falls to the ground, and what are the weapons that attacked the American metropolis?"

"These weapons were sent by aliens through the star gate, and the purpose is probably to occupy the earth." The general explained the ins and outs in a simple and clear way.

"Star Gate?" They also know that Star Gate is Kidd’s technology. Other countries have not obtained it. Why China has it: "I remember that Star Gate has not been handed over to us. Why did you have Star Gate first? door?"

"This is because Kidd believes in our country’s execution capability, so he first handed the star gate to us for testing, and then he would hand it over to other countries. And when we tested the star gate, we found out Some other alien races have mastered the star gate and dialed back the star gate signal."

"How can you be sure that your exploration did not offend the aliens?" The American brother Yin and Yang said strangely.

"Because the environment of the planet called back is extremely bad, there are two Fixed Stars." There are actually three, but now the general has not seen the scene of Sanyang Kaitai: "When two suns appear at the same time, the surface temperature exceeds one. Baidu is not suitable for survival at all, so I am sure that the aliens want to occupy the earth."

"Then please explain, why don't the aliens attack the nearby you, but instead attack our America across the Pacific?"

"I'm afraid it's because of Superman." The general said: "The aliens must have learned about the Earth's defense system through some means, and knew that Superman is powerful, so they will attack the metropolis as soon as possible. To be precise, Attack Superman."

The U.S. ambassador has nothing to say, because it is true that the water droplets are chasing Superman away.

When I was fortunate that there was a Superman in the United States, the existence of Superman naturally brought back bigger enemies. This is an unchangeable fact.

"Anyway, this is still a crisis caused by your responsibilities. You must find a way to solve it." The American ambassador said to the general while slapped on the table.

The general knew this would happen. Fortunately, he had been authorized by the chief on the way, so he raised his eyes and said categorically: "Our country will take responsibility and will never let the star gate become a crisis threatening the earth, so Our country has decided to use soldiers on the opposite side of the star gate, and will definitely control the star gate completely in our hands, and will not allow aliens to send troops to the earth through the star gate."

…All countries were taken aback. It's been almost thirty years. This country hasn't used soldiers for thirty years. But no one will forget the two wars in China in the last century. One was a tie with the UN coalition forces on the peninsula, and the other was a fight against a small country that the US imperialism could not do.

Speaking of it, there was actually another battle between two major Asian countries, but that battle was too nonsense. It is estimated that India has always been hating it, and other countries have forgotten it.

Thirty years later, China announced in the United Nations that it would send troops to Trisolaris. This made all countries' hearts beat. They all knew that the East Asian lions were going to roar again.

"Why not destroy the Stargate? Why only occupy it?" the American ambassador asked strangely.

The general said: "Because it is impossible to destroy the materials of the star gate with our current human technology, we can only occupy the star gate to prevent the star gate from being abused by aliens, and rest assured that we will be responsible to the end. When the star gate is explored We have always conveyed goodwill to the aliens, but if they treat each other by force, we will not be afraid of counterattack, not to mention unpredictable."..

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