Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-two chapters are going to hit ten\r

"It's not fun." Damian looked at the wound on his chest and stood up struggling: "I can still fight."

"Don't force it, leave it to us." Lin Long shook the round stick in his hand, and a spear appeared: "I and Billy will solve him."

"Yes, let's come." Billy didn't want to transform immediately, because the ceiling would be split by lightning when he transformed indoors.

"I'm okay." Damian said that the injury was nothing.

The crow knew that he had been found, so he dragged his tired body and prepared to fight.

Billy and Linglong separated stations, and Billy said that he rushed over first, and then Lin Long took cover from behind.

However, Lin Long said that it was nothing.

The crow was taken aback. He didn't expect that the opponent could use the melee weapon to produce the effect of a long-range weapon. Fortunately, the magic power of the crow is very strong, even if it has reached the limit now, it still opens the protective cover.

However, Lin Long could play for a long time, much longer than Crow insisted. The shadow of the gun hit the magic shield, and there was a burst of sparks. The magic shield was not enough, and the magic shield began to weaken, but the shadow of the gun was still strong.

So the crow's arms and thighs were attacked and cut with blood.

"Surrender, you have almost no retreat." Lin Long said, and then realized that the enemy on the other side was only a child, and also a girl.

Wearing a dark green cloak and tights, his face was pale, as if he had died soon.

"Is it a girl?" Lin Long stopped Billy who was about to attack behind him: "Stop."

Billy stopped because he saw the delicate and beautiful face of the crow, the big beauty: "How come there is such a beautiful lady? I think she must be tired."

"Have you found the intruder?" Barbara asked.

"I have found out. It's a girl in a bad situation. We need a doctor." Lin Ling said, and then she said to Crow: "Don't be afraid, we are not bad guys. You must be starving, right?"

Seeing the food stolen by the crow, everyone knew that the girl must be very hungry, and she did not do anything bad, just stole some food. Lin Long felt that the crow was not a bad person.

Wuyazi is the doctor, and when he arrived, the crow was already asleep. After discovering the kindness of Lin Long, a girl of the same age, the crow's tense nerves finally loosened and collapsed.

"Her body is very weak, but her injuries are all skin injuries. Let Miss Wang bandage her up. She needs to rest." Miss Wang is Wang Yuyan.

Then he checked Damian's wound, Wu Yazi frowned: "This wound doesn't seem to be burned, it seems to have been corrupted."

"I'm fine." Damian was still trying his best.

"This scar is strange, maybe we should have a test." Without waiting for Damian to answer, Wu Yazi asked Xiao Feng to take him to the infirmary.

I don't know what happened to the Titan Building, but if the alarm stopped, it should mean it was all right.

However, things are not that simple, because although the Lord of the Three Houses is sealed, there are countless demons in the Three Houses who are eager to rescue their master, so they follow the crow's footsteps to the earth, and they want to find the crow.

However, those demons need to use the power of the earth to facilitate them to find the crow and occupy the earth. As long as the life planet discovered by the third house, all life will be swallowed by the third house, and since the first earth has been discovered, there is only one way to be destroyed.

Countless years ago, Sannomiya let the earth go, but not this time.

They want to occupy the body of the strongest on Earth One, use their power to find the crow, and destroy all life on the earth.

So Superman, Bat, Wonder Woman, Hulk, Thor all became the targets of demon possession.

Only Kidd, who was far away in the watchtower, didn’t know what was going on. The watchtower’s response to magic was simply painful. Neither Batman nor Superman had much knowledge about magic, so they didn’t know anything about the power system of Sannomiya. However, advanced technology cannot monitor the fluctuations of magic. So the demons traveled through the city unscrupulously, looking for suitable possession targets.

"Toyman, this time I hope you can learn your lesson." Superman smashed a huge, heavily armed mechanical little yellow duck, and unearthed a small toyman from it. He was also one of the resident bad guys in the metropolis. Always like to use toys as weapons, his goal is to avenge Superman, because Superman always makes trouble when he does bad things.

"Oh, no, Superman is unfair, why can you beat me every time?" The toy man was still not convinced, but it was useless. Superman will hand him over to the Metropolitan Police Station.

However, at the time of the handover, Superman only felt itchy under his feet, and then a black shadow had penetrated from the soles of his feet towards his brain.

"God, what is Superman?" The police all saw it.

"Everyone, leave!" Superman knew that the situation was not good, but before he was completely controlled, he flew into the no-man's land with all his strength, and he couldn't have an accident in the metropolis.

On the other side, Diana, who was conducting daily battles with the Leopard Girl, was also in trouble, and the Hulk who had been hiding was also invaded by the black shadow.

This is the invisible demon of Sannomiya, who can invade any body and put their body to their own use.

"What happened?" In the video of countless people, the hero who had protected the people was suddenly wrapped in a black shadow, and then his skin became flushed with four eyes. "It's terrible, everyone thinks it's Wonder Woman, what happened to her?"

"Alfred, I need help." Batman, who was investigating criminals in Gotham City, was also in danger, but he would not be controlled by others. Before the invisible demon could take over his body, Batman gave himself some help. Needle muscle stiffener, so that the devil can't drive his body, but at the same time Batman can't move, and finally only has time to send a message to Alfred.

Superhero with a name and a surname in the United States is almost never spared, and the demons are clearly aiming at heroes for possession. The Flash, female Superman, Green Arrow man, Iron Man, all were not spared. Fortunately, Vision Scarlet Witch is now patrolling the Wormhole and they are not possessed.

Kidd didn't know that the worst had happened. Sure enough, Earth One was not worth mentioning for a powerful race. Even the superhero that the Earth should be proud of can be controlled in an instant. This is the power of the devil.

"The rise of darkness is inevitable, and a corrupt world will be born in our hands, for the Sannomiya."

woo woo woo woo----

The watchtower sirens kept sounding, and within a few hours, the sirens were turned on twice. Kidd knew that this was definitely not a good thing. He just glanced at it and found that it was really bad. Superhero was actually doing evil, and there were still so many. :"In the end what happened?"

At this time, Alfred called into the watchtower: "No matter who it is, immediately send the uncontrolled hero to the watchtower. Someone is controlling the superhero."

However, it is too late. The controlled superhero is already the main fighting force among the superhero. The remaining three or four kittens are probably not seen by the devil.

"Let me take it, what's the situation?" Kidd said that this can't be played. Look at the two Supermans, and the Hulk. Even Thor is controlled. This is a shame.

But now they can only stop them, there is no other choice, Kidd can only fight these heroes. ..

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