Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1281 Bats and Cats\r

It was night again, in the unhappy gaze of the second generation Robin, Kidd once again put on Batman's armor and turned into a dark knight.

On the tall buildings in Gotham City, squatting on the relief that Batman often stops, Kidd monitors all the radios of the police station and quickly distinguishes whether there are criminals that need to be solved urgently.

If not, it will be fine tonight. Nightwing will investigate the explosion. He is now trying to find Batman.

"Boss, do we really want to go? Is it too dangerous? Look at Batman's searchlight still on."

"Don't make such stupid remarks in front of me, you shouldn't be afraid of Batman, you should be afraid of me!" The black mask is not a kind person, and now he is going to take the little brother to catch Catwoman, because Catwoman has stolen it. It's a very important thing, something that can't be discovered by anyone.

Everyone didn't dare to speak out, they all knew what kind of person their boss was.

The Black Mask is the new gang that has recently emerged in Gotham City. He was originally a rich man, but he was not good at running the whole family and ended up dismal. After the bankruptcy, the black mask originally wanted to commit suicide. He put on his father's cherished relic mask and lit his family's mansion. But in the end he didn't die, but his father's mask melted and stuck to his face. From then on, he became a frightening black mask.

And what Catwoman had stolen before was a very important piece of evidence that must not be discovered by anyone.

"Boss, this is it, this is the site of the Flame Gang."

"Follow me." The black mask doesn't care about the flame gang or the aquatic gang, it's not in his eyes.

A narrow street was full of mixed and wandering warblers. At the same time, their eyes saw a group of unfriendly people coming in from the street with weapons in their hands.

The gangsters stood up one after another, surrounded by bottles, baseball bats and pistols in their hands. This is their territory, and naturally they won't let other people mess around.

To be honest, if it weren't for being stolen by Catwoman, the black mask wouldn't want to come to this place. He is a big business gangster, not a gangster who occupies a site with protection fees: "Leave me all away, I'll look for Catwoman. ."

Catwoman’s identity is not a secret in the gangster world. You may not know Catwoman’s real name, but they all know that Catwoman is a thief who can rob the rich and help the poor. Catwoman belongs to the dark world, so even if the gangsters know her identity, they will not report her, because everyone is mixed up, reporting is not a matter of loyalty.

"This is our site, our street, and the black mask. You came to the wrong place." From behind the bullshit walked out a man with arms thicker than thighs and flames tattooed on his shoulders. He was just over two meters away. The boss of the street-Lei Yan. There is a name called Domineering and Cool, but it's a protection fee in general.

In Gotham City, gangs and gangs have their own intelligence network, forming a huge dark world, and countless people who are lost or evil in their hearts roam the dark world and oppose the light world.

The black mask is two heads lower than Lei Yan, so he can look at Lei Yan by raising his head, and his eyes are full of contempt: "You don't know my wrist at all. To protect a thief, do you want to be my enemy?"

"I don't know what Catwoman, I only know that this is my site." Catwoman also pays a protection fee. Since Lei Yan has collected the money, she must protect her, and she will never betray Catwoman to outsiders: "Leave here and pay for it now. There is no war!"

war? The black mask smiled. A bastard would dare to talk about war with himself, the overlord who will rule the dark world of Gotham in the future? It's so funny, "The war has begun!"


A shot, the bullet went through Lei Yan's forehead without hesitation: "Find Catwoman for me."

When the fight started, the fighting between the two gangs began. The men in the black mask were desperadoes, while the other side was just a gangster. There was no suspense at all. In the gunshots, the gangsters and prostitutes all over the street were taken away and went into hiding.

The black mask rushed into Catwoman's house with a person.

Catwoman definitely ran away. She knew it was bad when she heard the gunshots, so she ran away quickly.

Catwoman is not the most important thing. The most important thing is what Catwoman stole. The black mask made her subordinates turn over Catwoman's hiding place and still didn't find that thing.

Damn Catwoman, hate the black mask, lit the curtains, and the fire spread quickly.

Burning, police cars, firetruck, ambulance, gathered from three directions.

"It's Clint Street. Someone called the police a few minutes ago for a gun battle. Now the whole street has burnt up, asking for support." The police were facing a messy street. A large number of residents rushed out and they all needed help.

... Kidd squinted his eyes and looked at the fire, making sure that no one was trapped in it. Gotham City seems to be crazier than before. The gunfight and the fire are only a few minutes apart. I am afraid that the fire cannot be separated from the shooter. But Kidd recognizes this place. Isn't this Catwoman's residence? He had seen Catwoman take a bath before, why did it burn?

Seeing that there is no Catwoman in the residents below, Kidd thinks that this time the incident may have something to do with Catwoman, whether it is necessary to find Catwoman before talking about it.

Where is Catwoman now?

Catwoman has many friends, but most of her friends are prostitutes. They are under the surveillance of gangs. If she goes there, she will be spotted immediately, so Catwoman finds a friend who is not under the surveillance of gangs.

Aceline, Selena immediately remembered her old classmate, old friend, and a major reporter from Gotham City TV. She went there to hide for two days.

Saying that Selena took out the thing she stole yesterday from the collar of the low-cut dress, a thumb File size crystal. Catwoman thought it would be a very valuable thing, so she took it from the safe. But now it seems that this is not just a simple crystal. This thing is dangerous. Catwoman hopes she can find Batman soon and give this thing to Batman.


Selena came to Eatherine's apartment, and it was really the first time she came. They used to see each other outside either shopping or eating.

The door opened, and the two eyes looked at each other, and both saw each other's suspicion, because Esteline did not know the woman who opened the door, and it was not Esteline who opened the door. The woman who opened the door obviously didn't know Selena, so she had doubts.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

Asking questions at the same time, the eyes of the two became more and more weird.

"This is Room B on the eighth floor of Kenxing Building?" Selena clearly remembered the address.

And the other party's answer is also ok and affirmative: "Yes, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Eatherine."

"Who is looking for me?" A second voice came from behind the door, it was Estelene, and it seemed that Catwoman didn't find a mistake. ..

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