Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1301 Help\r

Collector concluded that Trisolarans could not afford planets, which made Trisolarans feel insulted.

"Why can't we afford planets? I don't believe we can't afford them," said the young Trisolaran.

The elder also said: "We can advance the production wealth of our Trisolaran people in the next 100 years."

"A hundred years?" Collector laughed mercilessly: "At least eight thousand years."

In other words, the production wealth of the Trisolarans for the next eight thousand years will be owned by other people. This is simply the life of the Trisolaris. Will their race develop in the eight thousand years?

Kidd watched Collector talk about eight thousand years, feeling a lot of pressure in his heart. For eight thousand years, if it is replaced with the earth, it is estimated that human beings don't know if they can survive that era.

But for the universe, eight thousand years is indeed not long, and good civilizations are very long-lived, this is absolute. If mankind further develops technology, its life span will only get longer and longer.

Collector is an existence that has lived for countless years. His life span can be counted from the appearance of a new civilization in the Milky Way, so eight thousand years is nothing to him.

"So there really is a suitable planet for us?" The elders didn't care about eight thousand years of things.

"Definitely there are, and there are a lot, but I said you can't afford it." Collector is still wearing a leather jacket, and it's not hot anymore: "Kid, I'm leaving first, I won't find me for such boring things in the future, these Pauper wants to buy planets, so forget it."

The elder smiled bitterly, if you really want to overdraw the total survival value of 8,000 years, it might as well be extinct.

"Elder, there are soldiers here." Someone came over and said.

Kidd knew that the decoy had been found when he sensed it, so now the army turned around and came here, and it seemed that it could not be avoided: "Collector, you can talk to this old man about buying and selling planets. I will come as soon as I go. ."

"What's more to say." Collector said he was finished.

But Kidd is gone, and Collector can't go, because the energy of the star gate is input by Kidd, and the star gate cannot be opened without Kidd.

"Damn, if I can't beat you, I will hang you on the comet and let you go around the galaxy forever." Collector said, not only did he lose his freedom, but he also had to deal with such trivial things. Disrespect oneself.

"Excuse me, is there really no other way?" The elder didn't give up yet.

"Either 10,000 energy cubic meters, or 8,000 years of survival value." "I have given you face, if you change to someone else, with your technological level, they can offer a price of 12,000 years of survival value. "Collector didn't lie, it's equivalent to a loan, and installments are naturally more expensive than a one-off payment.

The definitely eight thousand years is actually expensive, because the technology of the Trisolaran is pretty good, and the total value of the eight thousand years must exceed 10,000 cubic meters of energy. Collector is to give Kidd a face, and it only takes eight thousand years.

You know that buying and selling planets, every plant and tree on the planet counts money, and the price is so expensive that it is not unreasonable.

There was a crackling explosion outside, Kidd swept away the enemy like autumn leaves, and went back to continue talking about business. Just when he was fighting, he suddenly thought of a way.

In fact, Kidd originally thought that if they couldn't afford a planet, he could use the reduced light to bring the trisolaris to other galaxies. At most, problems would occur in a few years. But after he saw the three suns of Trisolaris, he got a new attention.

First of all, we can't help the trisolaris for no reason. This is absolute. Because the Trisolarans are aggressive and have already fought humans, it can be said that there is definitely a possibility of war in the future, so the Trisolaris must be controlled within a controllable range.

So Kidd wondered why he didn't buy a planet, and then lease it to the Trisolaran? This not only helped the Trisolarans, but also firmly controlled the Trisolaris. Their gross production value was handed over to their own hands and they also made money.

Why does it make money? Because Kidd decided to compress all the three suns of the Trisolaran galaxy into energy cubes, which should be enough for 10,000 energy cubes. If there are more, buy a better planet.

At that time, the planets where the Trisolarans live are Kidd's. Seeing if they dare to turn up the wind and waves, and if they dare to be unkind to the earth, Kidd will stick the lease contract on their faces and let them pack everything. Fuck off.

It's a great idea to do multiple things in one fell swoop, Kidd admired that he could come up with such a way during a fight.

"How is it going out?" Seeing Kidd coming back so quickly, the elder thought it couldn't be stopped outside.

"It's all solved."

"What?" The elder thought he had misheard, and the trisolaran army was resolved?

"It's all solved. Let's not talk about the fight. I thought of a good way. Maybe you can go and talk to the leader of your Trisolaris to see if they are willing to accept it." Kidd said.

"Please speak." The elder listened respectfully.

“I’m here to buy the planet and lease it to you. I won’t be so black-hearted like him. I don’t need your eight thousand years of gross production value. I only need you to pay one cubic meter of energy every year. The lease term is one thousand years. Once, for a thousand years, if you find another planet, you can move to another planet if you don't want to rent it." Kidd said.

The elder's eyes lit up. This is really good, but can Kidd afford a planet?

"Kid, you really want to buy a planet? In that case, can you use your gene bank to exchange it?" Collector ignores the Trisolaran, but he has been coveting several things in Kidd's hands for a long time. . The gene bank is one, and there is the force energy, plus all kinds of knowledge in Kidd's hands.

"A planet wants to exchange for the most comprehensive gene pool in the universe? You too will take advantage of it?" Kidd would not be fooled: "I will pay for the energy cube."

Even Collector's expression became weird: "Kid, do you have so many energy cubes?"

"At that time, you will know, you first take out the planets you can choose and let the elders show them to the boss of the Trisolaran." Kidd decided to help a group of Trisolaris.

The elder shed tears in excitement. They have met a good person.

The negotiation process is a long process, but the dawn of hope has appeared, and the Trisolaran people have other options besides fighting. They now find that although the law of the Black Forest is very logical, logic alone is not enough for life. Sometimes it is enough to believe in intuition. If intuition tells you to believe, then believe it. There may be unexpected results.

This is an extremely important thing for Trisolarans. Meetings, small meetings and conferences are held, one day, two days and three days...Convening all the time, Trisolarans from all walks of life come to the meeting. No way, if they occupy the earth, they won't have to pay the price as long as they finish the fight. However, if they rent, they have to pay rent every year. A thousand energy cubes are 1,000 cubic meters of energy. They don't have any concepts yet. They need statistics from all parties to know how much the Trisolarans would have to pay if they rent Kidd's planet. ..

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