Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand three hundred and three chapters of the finale of the three-body galaxy\r

"What? Are you going to compress the three suns?" Shan Pi only now knows why Kidd has the money to buy a planet, and it's all because he wants to destroy the galaxy.

I have to say that this news is too shocking.

"That's right, so you'd better start broadcasting on the whole planet now, because I can only give you half a year to relocate, so you should get ready as soon as possible."

Compress the sun, is it possible? Shan Pi doesn't know, but he believes Kidd shouldn't deceive him: "Okay, I'll turn on the planetary broadcast right away."

This was originally used to notify the Trisolaran people of dehydration, but now they have to mobilize everyone to emigrate.

The civil war is coming to an end, but this news has ignited the war again, because this is not as simple as immigration, but to destroy the entire galaxy. Many Trisolarans do not agree with this and join the opposition army.

Fight, fight, anyway, most Trisolaran people are still willing to rent planets and leave faster.

The moonlight journey has reached outer space, and the AT force field is fully open to defend against the chaotic energy flow caused by the three suns. And the first trisolaran star people in the universe finally set off.

Originally thought Kidd was deceiving them, but now it seems that he has really found an immigration planet and has Ability to help them emigrate. The Moonlight Journey spacecraft is really big and advanced, much more advanced than the current technology of the Trisolaran.

The spacecraft of the Trisolaran are smaller than the moonlight journey. The first important things are the heritage on the Trisolaris. This is an important testimony to their history, so they must be protected. The Trisolarans also pay attention to inheritance.

Everything was transported to the Moonlight Journey, and the first group of transferred Trisolarans also came to a conclusion after supercomputer calculations, with occupational matching as the first element. They were doctors, engineers, farmers, soldiers, etc. Waiting for more than 2,000 employees and their families.

In addition to cultural relics and personnel, there are also some auxiliary machinery. Water droplets are necessary. Exploration and combat are both correct. There are also many construction machinery for construction.

With these things ready, the first group of transferers can set off. They have an important task to build a living base for subsequent immigrants.

It's been a week to get ready for all this, and more people have gathered, because everyone knows that the Trisolaran galaxy will return to extinction, and if you don't want to die, you can only emigrate.

Besides, the immigration process is live broadcast throughout, so everyone can see Shan Pi's commander transferring cultural relics and materials, as well as the Moonlight Journey, an exaggerated spacecraft. Therefore, there are fewer and fewer worries about immigration.

Today is the day when the live moonlight journey starts. The first immigrants will go to that brand new planet with a heavy mission. This is a new chapter in the history of the Trisolaran. So I have to pay attention.

Shan Pi personally gave a speech on the area controlled by the reformists, explaining the significance of this time to the Trisolaran.

Even the generals control GT robots to give speeches as representatives of the earth, and Kidd, as the master of the planet, naturally has to say a few words.

Everyone knows that this time they were able to emigrate thanks to the Earthlings and Kidd, so their attitude towards aliens has also improved a lot.

I hope the Trisolarans can become allies, the general prayed while looking at the trisolaran masses underground. Now it's Kidd's turn to speak on stage.

On the stage, Kidd smiled and waved to the Trisolaran: "I am honored to help you arrange a new life. At the same time, I am also very happy to stand here as the representative of the earth and tell you how much peace our earth is. How much we earthlings hope to make more friends in the universe. But we know that when you are in trouble, we earthlings are willing to lend a helping hand, because the universe is wide, and we need Youyu universe to survive in the universe. Broad-minded. I don’t want to pretend to be the savior before you, nor do I want you to think that we people on earth are a race that will repay gratitude. I’m here to tell you that what you get is because you have paid, so you don’t need it in your heart. There are any worries and worries." In fact, it is fair trade. If the Trisolarans breach the contract, Kidd will not be polite: "For the prosperity of the earth and the Trisolaris, for the longevity of the friendship between the two races, and for peace, let us Farewell Moonlight Journey departs."

The AT force field is opened, and the red force field is constantly folded in front of the Moonlight Journey, and everyone can see it clearly on the big screen.

Then the spacecraft began to start forward, and when the spacecraft met the red AT field in front of the spacecraft, the spacecraft disappeared.

Just so fast, the Moonlight Journey entered a different space and jumped Flight.

This technique was so amazing that the spacecraft disappeared before the Trisolarans could react, and it was too fast. But this does not just prove that the people on Earth are really helping the Trisolaran people to immigrate.

After watching a live broadcast, all the doubts disappeared, more and more people came, and even some opposition troops also joined in.

There is no future if we continue to fight. Why should we fight against survival? As long as you can really emigrate, why hang yourself on this tree of the earth.

The moonlight journey takes only three days to go back and forth, but it is not very far. The next thing is more people, farmers and workers. The new planet needs to be rebuilt, and it needs labor.

The Trisolaran elite can only wait till the end.

Anyway, half a year is definitely enough. The civil war finally subsided. After the opposition dissipated in Invisible, there may be more, but there is no more storm.

Kidd ran back and forth between the watchtower and Trisolaris, and now it can finally be over, and the last group of people also left Trisolaris.

Shan Pi sighed and looked at the mother star behind him, knowing that this farewell is a goodbye. Among the billions of people, only one billion was transferred. Others either died in the civil war or were unwilling to leave.

Although Shan Pi set up a special immigration persuasion bureau to persuade those compatriots who did not want to leave, many people did not want to leave in the end. There is no way, Shan Pi will remember their names.

Kidd won't leave. He is standing on the Trisolaris and wants to broadcast the final ending of the planet they live on to the Trisolaris. Since it was what they asked for, Kidd helped them this time and asked them to bid farewell to Trisolaris.

Kidd held the camera in his hand, slowly rising, and finally allowed all Trisolaris to see the planet they were not familiar with, and then the camera continued to drift away because Kidd was going to the edge of the sun.

Now they knew that Kidd was already strong enough to fly freely in the universe, and it was great that he would be their landlord.

Being close to the sun, in fact, it was the first time Kidd was so close to the sun. It was really hot. With the power of the small universe all over his body, Kidd has to challenge himself again. Previously, he repaired and pushed the moon, but this time he wanted to compress the entire Fixed Star. ..

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