Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand three hundred and eleven chapters\r

In the Naruto office, Hidan has been taken away by the interrogation team. Tsunade looked at the previous Shangnin: "Everyone, what do you think of the Saint Seiya?"

No opinion, because there is too little intelligence. Still standing out with a blank eye: "I can't see the chakra flowing in them, so they should not be ninjas." "And they also use acupuncture points, but the technique is very special, different from my clan's soft fist, forgive me for my clumsy eyes. I can’t see where it came from."

Other Shangren didn't have any insights, just that the emergence of three powerhouses in this delicate period seemed to show something. Everyone hopes that the Saint Seiya is really a warrior against evil forces.

Shikamaru walked the street with three people blindly. He felt that this kind of work was troublesome. He knew why Hokage asked him to be a tour guide, hoping that he could make some words, but it was troublesome.

"Go eat, is there anything delicious near Shikamaru Zhongren?" Liu Adou said.

"Please come with me." Shikamaru felt that his brain was overheating when he stayed with such a powerful person who didn't know whether he was a friend or an enemy. He has been thinking about how he should talk, and he is not familiar with how to ask.

When I went to eat at the nearby restaurant, Shikamaru looked at the three who were feasting and finally said, "So are the three friends in arms?"

Liu Adou sympathized with Shikamaru and thought of this topic for so long, but it was not bad, it was something strangers should ask, and it was also an appropriate question to test whether the relationship could deepen.

"I and Aida are husband and wife, and Aisha are superiors and inferior." Liu Adou said.

Husband and wife, subordinates? Shikamaru remembered: "Why is there a saint warrior?" It seemed to ask casually.

"Definitely, although there are only three of us now, there were eighty-eight saints in the ancient times, including forty-eight bronze, twenty-four platinum, and twelve gold."

"Then the three of you must be golden saints." Shikamaru Xin said that saints were classified in this way, but this number was wrong. Forty-eight plus twenty-four plus twelve is only eighty-four, "Why is it four places?"

"The four saints who only existed in the ancient times, one is the pope, and now the pope is no longer a single saint, and generally chooses one from the twelve golden saints. The second is only in existence. The ancient golden saints of Ophiuchus, those are the thirteen golden saints and now there are no more. Three and four are private saints belonging to the pope, private soldiers, and there are no more. The saints that have been handed down to this day are also The missing pieces are seven or eight, and the most complete is only the saints of the twelve golden saints, and I am the current pope."

Shikamaru understands, but the Saint Seiya is powerful but not very depressed. Just listening to Liu Adou's recount of the power of the ancient Saint Seiya is already fascinating, but now there are only three of the 88 Saint Seiyas in front of me. , It really feels like a human being. "I didn't expect that the powerful Saint Seiya from the ancient times would be inherited by no one in modern times." Shikamaru said with emotion.

"Because people who can use the power of a Saint Seiya are selected from a hundred, and the training of a Saint Seiya is extremely hard. It does not mean that anyone can persist, and the tradition of a Saint Seiya is that only a Saint Seiya can educate a Saint Seiya, but with With the passage of time, there are fewer and fewer saints, and naturally no new saints have joined." Liu Adou said.

"It's really a pity, but your saints seem to be different from our ninjas. You don't use chakras."

"That's right, we exercise our bodies to the extreme, then comprehend the universe, open the small universe in our body, and achieve the unity of nature and man."

It seems to be very high-end, Shikamaru is not very understandable, but he will continue to say: "You are born this time, is it because of the Akatsuki organization?"

"Whoever is the bad guy threatening the earth, who is our enemy, is not necessarily only Xiao Organization." Liu Adou did not say directly.

The enemy threatening the earth? Shikamaru couldn't imagine. In his perception, the Ninja War was already the biggest threat, and Akatsuki had been secretly attacking various villages, as if to provoke a war.

Talking to Shikamaru, Liu Adou suddenly heard Ada secretly telling him that there were many ninjas hiding around to observe them.

It must be Anbu, knowing that these ninjas are suspicious and will not easily believe them. I have to say that this world is intriguing, and the more you are in a high position, the more insecure you feel. For myself and the village, because this is the era of wars, there will be countries that do not agree to launch wars at any time, so the world's control of intelligence has reached the stage of paranoia, and it seems that it wants to control everything in a controllable range.

The appearance of the Saint Seiya was obviously something beyond the controllable range.

Shikamaru asked a lot of questions, and finally it was Liu Adou's turn to ask. He didn't watch Anbu, so he didn't know: "I saw a person with white eyes in the Hokage office before. Their blood seems to be the same as that of ordinary people. Are they different?"

"That was a blind eye, it was indeed caused by blood." Shikamaru didn't want to reveal too much.

"I'm very interested in white eyes. I don't know if I can take me to meet other eyes."

This request is very unexpected, Shikamaru did not expect Liu Adou to be interested in rolling his eyes. But he can't call the shots: "I will ask Hokage later today, and I will answer you tomorrow."

"Yes, you tell Hokage, I'm just purely curious about rolling my eyes, because they always seemed to want to see through my body before."

It turned out to be discovered, Shikamaru didn't dare to talk too much, just nodded. He went back and asked Hokage.

After eating some more food, Shikamaru continued to take the three of them around Konoha Village, but they kept walking around in the commercial street. Important hospitals, schools and other places were not mentioned. Obviously Shikamaru was also guarding Liu Adou.

But Konoha is worthy of being a big village. There are a lot of strange things. This is not just in front of a ninja shop.

"Go in and take a look."

Shikamaru is also okay. Saint Seiya is not a ninja, so it is not strange to have an interest in Shinobu.

The store is very tidy and spacious. It contains everything from ninja kits to junliang pills, but the most are undoubtedly kunai and shuriken.

"Isn't this Shikamaru? It's been a long time since I have seen you. Did you have another mission?" The shopkeeper obviously knew Shikamaru, and then saw Shikamaru with three newcomers: "Wow, Shikamaru, have you been a teacher? They all started to bring their own. Squad, you have also grown up."

Shikamaru looked helpless, "Boss, only Shinobu is qualified to lead the class. They are not ninjas, I just show them around."

However, he is indeed the owner of the shop. He is not ashamed of misunderstanding common sense. He enthusiastically introduced him to sell the refrigerator to the North Pole, the comb to the monk, and the ninja to the holy warrior. ..

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