Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1330 Fixing the bug thanks to book friend Rosso\r

Smoky, Liu Adou watched speechlessly as the bunch of incense he had made was almost absorbed in a short period of time, and the entire basin was full of smoke.

Take these ghosts.

However, the smoke not only satisfied the ghosts in this basin, but also attracted the lonely wild ghosts outside the basin. Those evil spirits who don't have the mind and only know how to attack and attack other souls.

In the past, the evil spirits in this basin and outside were innocent, but now the evil spirits are attracted by the smoke and attack the basin.

"Everyone, be quiet, something is coming." Liu Adou was asked to remind them.

There is no way. In the underworld, they don't have a body, they don't have chakras, and they can't use ninjutsu. They are just ordinary ghosts. You still need to hug the group and light the ghost fire to be safe. Now the visibility in the basin is only two meters thick, and it is strange to be able to find the evil spirits outside.

But the battle between ghosts and ghosts is a competition of willpower, to see who has sucked whom. People with strong mental power before death are not afraid of ordinary evil spirits at all, but evil spirits are also strong and weak.

In the underworld, the strongest is Death God. There are many Death Gods, who are in charge of the soul and can connect the two worlds. Ninjutsu can be accomplished by bribing Death God, such as the death of ghouls and the rebirth of the filthy soil.

The ghoul seal is that Death God runs errands directly, and then absorbs the soul energy of the caster, generally based on the opponent's strength to determine how much to suck. The rebirth of the dirty soil is equivalent to spending money to hire a group of souls from Death God, but for Death God, money is soul energy. There is a time limit for reincarnating souls to fight through living people as sacrifices. The more souls are sacrificed, the longer Death God will make the soul stay.

Anyway, the Death God of Naruto World is not disciplined. Death God also strengthens through the soul, which is understandable. In fact, Death God is equivalent to the passage of two worlds. When he appears in the world, other people can enter like hell through it, usually in the form of a seal. If the definitely strength is strong enough, you can also dig out Death God. His belly took back his own things from hell. With the strength to dig through Death God to grab things from hell, it is not the ordinary rebirth of the dirty soil. This type of dirty soil rebirth does not need sacrifices to maintain time. It is completely beyond the control of Death God and is the highest state of the dirty soil rebirth.

In fact, the soul can also swallow other souls and become stronger, but there is a risk of becoming stronger. Even if it absorbs the memories of other souls, it will become crazy. So normal ghosts would rather sit in a daze by the wildfire than absorb other ghosts.

The only difference between Death God and ordinary ghosts is that no matter how much soul energy and memory it absorbs, Death God will not be confused. They are the real managers of the underworld, above the ghosts.

However, when a ghost loses its mind and continuously absorbs other souls, the evil spirit will become stronger and stronger, and eventually even have the power to surpass Death God, but it has not appeared so far.

In this attack, there was a powerful evil spirit. He had been dead for a long, long time, and had absorbed countless souls. This time, he was also attracted by the smell of incense.

"Roar--" The voice was different from other ghosts, and even the four Hokage changed their expressions.

"Unfortunately, the super evil ghost, everyone quickly gather together and raise all the ghost fires." Yimu yelled, and everyone acted immediately.

"Father, what's going on?" Ning Ci couldn't see it, so he asked Hyuga Risana next to him.

"It's an evil spirit, very strong. I'm afraid this time it is extremely happy and sorrowful. You and your master will go back to the world." Hyuga Nissa said holding a handful of small ghosts and ran towards the place where all the souls gathered.

Haaki Zuoyun was going to pass too, but was stopped by Liu Adou: "It's just a ghost, and I want you to see my strength." Liu Adou said that he is going to kill ghosts today.

There appeared huge amounts of Youlan Beast, a huge crocodile with six tails, at least more than 20 meters high. This world really likes tails. Are the powerful guys calculated based on the number of tails? Even ghosts have six tails.

The soul beast with six tails is already at the overlord level, even Death God dare not easily fight it.

The souls in the basin were shocked. This was the biggest crisis they encountered after death. If they were not lucky, they would all become the nourishment of the six-tailed spirit beast.

"Everyone burns the ghost fire, the soul beast is afraid of the ghost fire." First generation took the lead, everyone raised the ghost fire above their heads, and synthesized a big ghost fire.

The soul beast didn't attack immediately, but greedily sucked the smoke in the basin, and looked like he was enjoying it. It seemed that he had come to smoke too.

However, there are still some little ghosts who fished in troubled waters and aimed at the gathered ninja Ghosts. They wanted to absorb their souls.


As soon as Liu Adou couldn't do it, he had to go: "You stay with Konoha Baito, and I will go back."

Liu Adou walked in front of the evil spirit step by step, like a dam that blocked the evil spirit from devouring the soul of the ninja: "Get out of here!"

The evil spirits were pushed away, all targets were placed on Liu Adou who was disturbing their meal, grinning, as if to swallow Liu Adou.

Now I look at these evil spirits carefully, and it really highlights an evil word. There are no eyelids, and the eyes and nostrils are contracted and sunken. Only the mouth can see the gums and fangs. It looks withered and dry, and the skin on the body is gray and white like old bark. The same, completely different from the neatly dressed ninja ghosts.

"Bah!" The evil spirits rushed over.

"Looking for death!" Liu Adou made a knife with his hand, and cut with the knife in one hand. A straight line cut all the evil spirits in two.

Can actually hurt ghosts? Liu Adou is not a ghost, but a human being, and humans cannot hurt ghosts. This is something everyone knows. Unless it is with the power of Death God, Liu Adou obviously has not borrowed the power of Death God.

It is a small universe with the eighth sense, which has a damage bonus to the undead.

The dead souls were all absorbed by the six-tailed spirit beasts, and all the smoke in the basin was absorbed. Only the spirit beasts said that the appetizers were finished, and the dinner should be eaten, which is all the ninja souls.

Liu Adou saw a monster like a hill walking towards him, taking two steps. Although it was huge, the soul had no weight, so he didn't even have a footprint.

When you get closer, you can see the faces of countless people in the soul beast. Obviously, this soul beast has absorbed a lot of souls. It was originally an ordinary evil spirit, but now it is a Beast that only absorbs souls.

"Come on, be careful!" The ninja reminded Liu Adou.

Liu Adou gave them a reassuring smile: "It's very powerful, but I will let you know my power." A small universe appeared on the palm of Liu Adou's right hand, and he was about to go to war.

The little universe became a sword, Liu Adou took the initiative to attack, and attacked the six spirit beasts.

Wow! Liu Adou flew for a hundred meters and cut a huge amount of wound on the body of the soul beast. Liu Adou wanted to test the strength of the spirit beast. I don't know if the soul power of this world is powerful, it seems to be okay now, the strength of the soul beast is also top in the human world.

"Roar!" With a huge roar of pain, the soul beast became angry and stared at Liu Adou, his six tails danced and beat Liu Adou.

Liu Adou resisted with a sword and fought fiercely with Six Tails.

All the souls were dumbfounded. I didn't expect human beings to enter the underworld so powerfully. Fighting with the top soul beasts in the underworld is incredible. After they die, they will be able to come out in large numbers in the human world? The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves died on the beach. It is estimated that these souls feel this way now.

Liu Adou is too powerful, traveling between the two worlds, he can even fight with the underworld overlord.

However, the masters know that Liu Adou hasn't tried his best yet. ..

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