Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1344 The Road to Peace\r

Worthy of being a superhero, Aisha admired it in her heart. Although Liu Adou often made some self-entertaining moths on weekdays, in the face of real crises, the correct three views still can't help but let people raise their thumbs.

The popularity of Kaito Kidd is definitely not only because of his gorgeousness, but also because of his upright character.

Even Jilai looked at Liu Adou with admiration. It seemed that he had misunderstood himself before. It seems that the sparks should have been entrusted to Liu Adou by Hyuga Nissu instead of abducted by him.

Huahuo looked at Liu Adou in surprise. She suddenly realized that she really hadn't known her master. It was really different to be the leader of the Saint Seiya. She found that she admired Liu Adou a little.

Xiao Nan has nothing to say. The pain they experienced realized the importance of peace and wanted to protect peace, but their approach was to transplant their own suffering experience to other people and let them experience it again, so that they could also Cherish peace. Even so, those who were born in peace are not fair to them at all.

This is selfish, Xiao Nan suddenly realized this, because they have no home, no friends, no home, so they selfishly hope that there are more people like themselves in the world, but they don’t even think about their own. Behavior destroys the happiness of others.

"Are we really doing something wrong?" Xiao Nan recalled what Jilai had taught them, and carefully guarded the peace with his own strength. But they feel that peace cannot be guarded. Only when people understand the pain of war can peace be permanent.

"No, we are not wrong." But it was Nagato, this guy was not defeated, so he still believed that he was invincible in the world, and invincible in the world was right. The war came against the war, and it was carried out because he was addicted to the power of the reincarnation eye. Although some of them contributed to the situation, it is undeniable that Nagato was blinded by power. He firmly believes that power is the means to obtain peace.

Before falling down from the throne of invincibility in the world, even the prince's mouth and guns were useless. Only by defeating Nagato will he be shaken. The idea is the continuation of power. He believes that the correct idea can bring great power, and his strength proves that his idea is correct.

The young man whose Sanguan completely collapsed, even Xiao Nan felt that Nagato was abnormal.

Xiao Nan has been persuaded by Liu Adou, but Nagato is her good friend. If Nagato insists on insisting, she will still stand by Nagato's side. Although Nagato's idea is cruel, they also said that sacrifice is a bargaining chip for peace, and Nagato's method is also a feasible way. So Xiaonan now only hopes that Liu Adou has other directions to achieve peace, so she asks: "Then tell us, how can we achieve peace?"

When Jilai heard these words, he was in a daze. Because this is the content of his first book: Perhaps I haven't figured out the way to get peace, but more important than the method is the unshakable belief in it.

In the book, Jilai does not know how to achieve peace, and there is no answer yet, but he firmly believes in peace.

There is no answer to this question, because peace is not a concrete concept or phenomenon either. Peace is abstract and vague. For mankind, the word peace can only be relative, inextricably exist, and there is no absolute peace. Let the humans put aside the struggle, it is better to kill them.

Liu Adou muttered, how does he know this question. How to get peace? But he probably also knew why Nagato had to start a war, because the image of peace in a war would be very obvious. There is a strong contrast between war and peace. Idiots know that peace is everyone's food and no need to worry.

However, when there is no war, there is intrigue, such as during the Soviet-American Cold War, and there is no peace, because everyone can eat but feel frightened. But you say there is no peace, the two countries did not go to war, and everyone's life is not in danger.

Now the five major powers are a bit like the Soviet-American Cold War. They did not fight, but secretly intrigue and fight against each other is not uncommon. The peace in this period is basically ambiguous. Do you think this is peace or not?

Liu Adou said it was peaceful, and Xiao organization said it was not peaceful.

Didn't he come to recruit Saint Seiya? How come it has become a lecture hall. Liu Adou felt helpless, but now he can only bite the bullet.

Everyone looked at Liu Adou, and Ada was smiling. She wanted to see how her husband answered this philosophical question.

"Peace, cough, cough." Liu Adou felt sore in his throat: "Peace is divided into different periods, and people's demands for peace are different in different periods. During wars, the peace that people expect is that everyone puts down their swords and goes home for production and can live and work in peace. "In peacetime, everyone thinks about peace differently. If you don’t fight anymore, then you all hope you can dress well, eat good food, and live in a mansion. The way to protect peace is different in different periods, during wars. Naturally, it is to destroy the invaders and protect the country and defend the peace with your own life. Remember to use your own life instead of the lives of other people, which is different from your thinking." "In times of peace, everyone needs to be guarded carefully. For peace, stop following the old path and learn from history to avoid making the same mistakes."

Ji Lai also nodded again and again, saying a good thing, but it seemed to be different from the current situation.

Xiao Nan looked at Liu Adou expectantly, hoping that he could continue.

How to let the future Pisces down, Liu Adou continued: "And now, in the words of your sick child, it is a hypocritical peace, peace on the surface, but undercurrents are surging, and many careerists are preparing for war..."

Nagato's eyes were obviously saying: Look, I'm not wrong, I am correct.

But Liu Adou did not finish saying: "But preparing for war does not mean that we can start a war. Although we may not be able to do much, but at least we still have our own ideas. We can Roar call on everyone and tell us about peace. Everyone. Maybe not everyone will listen, but we will plant the seeds for the future and the seeds of peace."

"..." Does Roar call? It is better than starting a war, and Zilai also thought that it is indeed a way, but it is estimated that the effect will not be too great.

"Is this your good idea? Roar?" Nagato doesn't believe that those who want to start a war will be obedient, Konoha's Danzo will never listen: "Hahaha—" he laughed wildly: "It's really true. An idea that laughs out your teeth, are you going to rely on Roar to make people yearn for peace? You are a joke." "I guess tell a lunatic, they will laugh too, everyone will laugh. Hahahaha—"

Xiao Nan's face is also a bit ugly, and she doesn't believe that empty words and white teeth can make people believe that it will make careerists stop planning war.

Damn, are you underestimating a hundred schools of thought? What you lack now is a set of theories to guide you in self-cultivation and governance of the country, and a set of social values ​​that can replace Nindo in peacetime. Do you really think that Roar Qi is useless?

Nindo values ​​can never become the mainstream in peacetime. They just don’t understand this. Only three wars will happen in just 70 years, and even the fourth war will happen. ..

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