Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1348: History of War\r

There are still many unsolved mysteries and undiscovered magical areas in the Ninja Continent. Let alone the portal to the moon, the blessed earth and the sky of countless psychic beasts are enough to make ninjas yearn for.

There are many types of psychic beasts in the Ninja World, and their strengths vary greatly. Therefore, not all psychic beasts are capable of celestial arts, and psychic beasts capable of celestial arts are extremely rare.

Although the psychic beasts have wisdom, their living habits still maintain the state of Beast. Therefore, when using chakras in natural life and integrating natural energy, they can create a stable fairy chakra when they reach a certain ratio.

Although Ninjutsu was created by humans, Xianju was created by psychic beasts. It is definitely not excluded that certain ninjas with different abilities can perceive the world to develop Xianju.

Therefore, in order to learn immortality, you must go to the areas where the psychic beasts live with active natural energy. Jiraiya and Naruto came to Miaomu Mountain and met Toad with a large file size.

There is no need to mention Cultivation Zi, Jira also returned to Konoha, telling Tsunade to evacuate all the residents within 20 days, or organize an army to guard Konoha.

"Is there any enemy coming?" Tsunade was surprised.

Jilai also smiled bitterly: "I'm an idiot." Liu Adou struggled to persuade him and Xiao Nan, but Nagato was holding on, not only to spread the pain, but also to arrest Nine Tails, and he was unwilling to give up the Xiao organization. . However, Konoha has at least twenty days. The reason why he is serious is that the other party has reincarnation eyes, and reincarnation eyes are not a joke. The eyes of the six immortals must not be underestimated.

Jilai also put the cause and effect aside.

Tsunade was silent while holding the document in his hand. These are several suggestions made by Liu Adou. They are all good, but it is unknown whether they can be realized. Tsunade left the document on the table and didn't think about it. The important thing now is to prepare to meet the enemy: "The Akatsuki members actually have reincarnation eyes? Now Naruto is no longer in the village, are they coming back?"

"They didn't know that I sent Naruto to Miaomu Mountain. In order to protect Naruto, they were allowed to stay in Miaomu Mountain for this period of time and let us meet the enemy." If Naruto can learn immortality in twenty days, That's another matter.

"What the hell is Liu Adou doing? He knows the black hand behind the scenes but doesn't stop him." Tsunade complained about Liu Adou again.

Jilaiya originally wanted to end the fight in Yuyin Village with the consciousness of death, but Liu Adou stopped him. Liu Adou told Jilaiya to let Nagato implement it. Sooner or later he would know that he would suffer if he didn’t listen to the old man’s words. In front of me.

He didn't give Jilai a chance to be brave enough, but Liu Adou didn't take Xiao Nan away. Xiao Nan's loyalty to friendship made her stay. Sure enough, ninjas are not a group of people with abnormal values. Knowing that friends make mistakes and supporting them, it is simply hopeless.

However, because Xiao Nan is a Pisces candidate, Liu Adou is still willing to give her a hand in the end.

Liu Adou, who had left Yuyin Village, began to travel everywhere, and the members of the Xiao organization still harvested tail beasts on the mainland in pairs. After the tail beast is taken away, Renzhuli will die.

In the first generation of Naruto, the original Naruto assigned Kyuubi to other ninja villages because the mainland is already boring for people. The century-long war is already scarce. Even if he intends to unify the mainland, he can’t do anything. So he thought of assigning manpower pillars to various ninja villages. , Balance the power to achieve peace.

Although it turns out that the ninjas are not afraid of tail beasts, World War I, World War II, and World War Three are still happily playing, and the most unlucky thing is the rich land of fire, which is simply the fat of hungry wolves. In the first generation of definitely, if the belly is a little darker and the tail beasts are left in Konoha, they will definitely be able to calm the Xiaoxiao around the country of fire, and even if they fight other people, they will not provoke the country of fire casually. It is a pity that the mind of the first generation made him not only focus on the land of fire and Konoha. He hoped for peace on the mainland, but at that time he could not do better, so he could only use balance tactics to gain stability for the people.

It is a pity that not everyone is as big-minded as the original Hokage, and the desire for peace cannot be eaten as a cook. Especially when there was a tail beast at the time, the Shagakura Shrine originally had a tail, so they refused to get the tail beast and sold the tail beast in exchange for supplies.

But the next ten years later, the first Ninja World War broke out, and it was the Kingdom of Wind that went to war. They only had the weakest tail, but they were poor in material, and they had long coveted the land of the Land of Fire. , So they don’t care if other ninja villages have tailed beasts. In order to survive, they have built the only strongest ninja army on the continent that can challenge Konoha ninjas.

In the following World War II and Three World Wars, there were active figures in the Sandy Hide Village in the Kingdom of Wind. In short, they were barefoot and were not afraid of wearing shoes. It’s a pity that the powerful army they built still retreats time and time again, so that in the end, the name of the kingdom of the wind can't eat Shayin Village and then cultivate a large number of ninjas, and the extremely strong Shayin Village has been disarmed, and now Shayin The village is already at the bottom of the top five ninja villages. It is no longer brave enough to improve the economy.

The reason why the army in Shayin Village always loses to Konoha is entirely because their country's economy is slowing down and the logistics support is not available. In addition, every time they fought an invasion war, the military spirit would be shaken over time, so they always lost. They lost three times in 70 years, and every time they were almost betting on national luck. If it weren’t for the country of wind, there would be nothing. No one is interested in resources, and it is estimated that they have been wiped out a long time ago.

So the decision of the first-generation split-tail beast can only be regarded as a good strategy. As for whether the countries did not go to war because of the tail beast or the strength of the first generation, this is not known, because the ninjas of that era were all dead.

The ninjas in the war period basically never lived to be twenty years old, and all those who can survive the war are elites. Three generations during World War I, Sannin and Konoha white teeth during World War II, Bofeng Shuimen during World War II, and Kakashi Hagi.

In the three wars, the country of fire was the main target, so the price paid in each war was naturally high.

During World War II, it is estimated that Konoha was the only time Konoha fought in a foreign country. It was in the land of the Land of Rain, and he fought to the death with Sand Shinobu. The other two battles were at home. Especially during the Third World War, Sand Shinobu was almost able to attack. It's Konoha. It was precisely because of this that Sandaime felt that he no longer had the energy to be a Konoha command ninja, and gave way to the fourth generation after the end of the Three Wars.

Speaking of Renzhuli, the ninja who seals the tail beast is generally used as the core combat power of the Ninja Village. However, because many people can not fully control the power of the tail beast, it will become very dangerous, so they are alienated and regarded as a dangerous existence. ..

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