Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1390 Conditioning\r

In the scorching red space, magma rushes and releases heat, Tsunade and Jiraiya can only use Jiraiya’s hair to protect them from falling into the magma, but they stand on top of the magma and feel the smell of sulfur and lava. In the heat, they will turn into barbecue sooner or later.

So at this time of life and death, Zi Lai also wanted to confess, but just thinking about it, he has not made a final decision.

Jiraiya has also had feelings for Tsunade for decades, from the green years to the whiteness of the temples, but it is a pity that Jiraiya has never made this step.

On the one hand, Tsunade's feelings for his first love are too deep and he has not forgotten. The second is the first brother of Jilaiya, who is thin-skinned and afraid of being rejected. It's the shameless ability to take a peek at the women's bath.

In fact, it is the same reason, and Ji Lai is also very timid about relationship problems.

Tsunade kept frowning. She was really hot. She was sweaty all over and her clothes were wet. If she couldn't find a way to leave, she would go crazy before she died.

"Jiraiya, is there no way to leave?" When I was with Jiraiya, Tsunade would still rely on Jiraiya a little more, and there was no way to say that he was a woman.

"I have tried everything that I can try." Jilaida also didn't want to die, because he didn't want to die but had to face death, so he hoped to pass on his own mind.

But how do you speak?

Liu Adou, who has been sensing the situation in the different space, feels that the atmosphere in Tsunade and Jiraiya is a bit strange, definitely second only to the sour space where Uchiha Itachi and Osamaru are located.

Two big men stayed in an acid-filled space, and one of them was a perverted uncle, so the atmosphere was hard to mention. Ono Shemaru looked at Uchiha Itachi with a squint, more affectionate than seeing his wife. Uchiha Itachi's countermeasure was to concentrate on boiling the acid with Amaterasu when he didn't see it, but the acid was as wide as the ocean, and I didn't know when it would be burned.

Uchiha Itachi took a step, and Oshemaru moved. If you change to another person, it is estimated that you will either be scared to death by Oshemaru or be disgusted by Oshemaru.

Back in the lava space, the two sunset elders inside were still embarrassed.

Liu Adou can't stand it anymore. In his opinion, although Tsunade has not forgotten his first love, he is no longer in love with his first love. First love is a wound, not only losing love, but also let Tsunade remember the terrible war, first love. Being associated with war makes it really hard to forget, but not being able to forget will make Tsunade think that he is still thinking about his first love.

Although there are problems with Jiraiya, Tsunade’s problem is not small. If it is not solved now, I am afraid that Jiraiya and Tsunade will not have time to solve it.

"Enough of you two, this is not a bloody romance at eight o'clock." Liu Adou appeared behind Tsunade and Jilaiya, and the two old men were taken aback.

"It's you? How did you come in?" Ji Lai also asked quickly.

"It's not important, but what is going on with the two of you? Obviously you like her and she also likes you, can't you get along well?"

"What?!" Tsunade didn't know what Liu Adou was talking about.

Zilai knew it too, but he had never told anyone, how did Liu Adou know?

"Hehe, don't want to hide your affairs from me, don't look at me as if I'm only in my early twenties, in fact, I'm about the same age as you." Seeing the apparently unbelieving expression on the other side, Liu Adou knew the age of these two men towards him. There is a doubt: "What are you doing? I will talk about my life experience. In summary, life is short. I have died several times. If it were not for luck, I would not stand in front of you. Experience. After so much, I understand how short a hundred-year life cycle is. Once you open your eyes and close your eyes, a whole life will pass. People should hurry up in the present."

"Jiraiya, you like Tsunade, don’t deny it." Seeing that Jiraiya’s action is to deny and immediately block him: "Love is to confess, even if it is rejected, it’s better than regretting it for a lifetime, not to mention Tsunade. I will definitely refuse."

Tsunade looked sluggish, and said that she was on the side, what the hell you guys are discussing so loudly.

"Tsunade." Liu Adou turned to look at Tsunade: "I know you can't forget it, but do you ask yourself whether it is love? Or is it because of your shadow of war and inability to do anything about the dead? You are already Hokage, no What kind of wayward princess, can't you give yourself an answer?"

? ?

Both old people were embarrassed by Liu Adou's words, and he picked them out. Jila didn't dare to look at Tsunade, and Tsunade looked sluggish.

"I said you guys, the world is about to be destroyed, and mankind is about to be extinct. Why can't you two face yourself squarely? Engraving your love on marble may still give the new world some thoughts. . When you first arrived in the world as a baby, are you going to be like this before you die? So what is the meaning of your life?"

Jilai was also said to be courageous by Liu Adou. Yes, he has gone through the mountains and fires. Why can't he face his feelings squarely and need others to order it? "Tsunade, what Liu Adou said is right. I have always liked you, violent you, stubborn you, and weak you. I see everything in my eyes. I like you."


Did Ji Lai also confess? Tsunade's brain was blank.

Recalling all the past, I also fought side by side with Ji Lai. When I was down, Ji Lai also comforted her. It can be said that most of my life has been at the intersection with Ji Lai. Do you like Jilai? When Tsunade asked himself this question, he naturally thought of his first love again.

"Enough of you." Liu Adou knew that she had fallen into the past by looking at Tsunade's expression, and immediately awakened Tsunade: "You should also face the reality. How many years have passed, you thought you were a little in love. Woman? My Hokage-sama?"

With a sound of Hokage, Tsunade returned to reality, but she was still confused.

"You should know whether your heart is love or guilt, whether you like it or not." Liu Adou hit Tsunade's heart, "Even if you loved him during World War II, I can guarantee that your feelings for him now are nothing but guilt. And unwilling, because the healing ninjutsu you are so proud of did not save his life, but is there really only his face in your heart? Think about it, have you forgotten those helpless expressions?"

Remember, the people outside of Duan, those ninjas who died when they were young, all had their faces on the last trip, and they were hidden behind the person named Duan.

Tsunade is only a representative of the ninjas that Tsunade could not save in World War II, so Tsunade has never forgotten, nor dared to forget. She was afraid that she would forget those faces and the pain that World War II brought to the world. Tsunade told herself "No." Forgetting the curse of the war', forgetting is to sorry those ninjas who sacrificed.

Tsunade looked at the countless expressions, first love, younger brother, and many faces of ninjas who didn't even remember their names. She knew that Liu Adou was right. What she can't forget is not her first love, but the memory of her victims. ..

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