The territory of the Juggernaut Family is unique, with a large flower field and a large grassland. It is just like a scenic spot. It seems that generations of Juggernauts have carefully decorated their territory.

The name of the Juggernaut is handed down. As long as there is the bloodline of the Juggernaut, the blessing of the elf will be superimposed on the body of the new Juggernaut. Even if he is of average level, he will become a superman after blessing in various states.

The new generation of Juggernaut was the meticulous red-haired young man Kidd had seen before, Reinhardt. He was very surprised. He didn't expect the thief would come to him.

However, it was not Kidd who spoke, but Yale Fu: "I am the messenger of the great empire on the other side of the ocean. I am honored to be able to travel across the ocean to see the young talents found in the New World. My name is Cato. Yale Fu."

The airship’s intelligence is no longer a secret, but when he really saw the people coming down from the airship, the Juggernaut was unavoidably surprised: “It turns out that someone really flew over the dangerous and vast sea in the airship and came to our Lugnica Kingdom.” So is this Mr. Kidd also an official of the Empire?"

"I am not an official of the empire, at best I am a guest of the empire."

"Kid is too polite. He is the person who guides our empire, and he is also the teacher of our Queen. He exists like a great sage." At this point, there is no problem in communicating with everyone. There are also great sages in the New World.

With awe, the young Juggernaut no longer doubted that Kidd was just a thief. Kidd must be a wise man with lofty ambitions, traveling the world as a thief, and experiencing all kinds of life.

"Mr. Kidd, I was abrupt before."

"It's okay, I'm really a thief."

But now Kidd says that he is a thief, the Sword Saint absolutely doesn't believe it: "Original messenger, please sit down."

The magnificent living room and Juggernaut’s manor have historical charm, as well as youthful vigor, elegant silk embellishments and brave headhunting decorations. It can be said that the contradictory style is completely unified.

When the host and guest were seated, the Sword Saint spoke: "I heard that the imperial messenger is temporarily hovering in the palace of the magician. I don't know why he is visiting today?"

"As an imperial messenger, when you come to the New World, it is natural to make friends. At the same time, there are some things that we must also explain to the Juggernaut. Naturally, we are guests and seek the convenience of the local master." Bring the gift up." The gesture was very low.

"No, how can I accept your gifts?"

Kidd smiled and said, "Look at it first."

An exquisitely carved mother box was held by the entourage of the knight on the coffee table in front of the sword master.

Dong Dong, although I don't know the content of the gift yet, the Juggernaut's heart beats suddenly, it seems that the items in the box are calling him: "This is?!"

"Please open it." Yale Fu said.

The Juggernaut stretched out his hands, and the throbbing in his heart became more and more obvious, but when his hands touched the gift box, a breeze rose out of thin air between the Juggernaut and the gift box.

I couldn't bear it anymore, opened the box, booming, the whirlwind rose from the box, and the arc jumped happily. Both wind and electricity are delighting their new owner Roar.

A sword, a sword that fascinates the sword sage deeply. The Juggernaut is very strong, and sometimes it is too strong. The high-priced swords made by famous masters can only be used as consumables and cannot withstand his power. The family treasured sword does not allow the Juggernaut to fight against his weak enemies, so he often restrains the Juggernaut's hands and feet.

But the sword in front of the Juggernaut gave the Juggernaut a completely different feeling. If it were it, he would be able to go all out. This is the only idea that Juggernaut currently has.

want to.

Fortunately, the Juggernaut is also a knight, so he immediately restrained his desire, "This is a sword that can be compared to a divine weapon, I can't accept it." At the same time, I was secretly surprised that the Empire's sword-making level was too high.

"The sword is equipped with a hero. If you don't accept it, the wind sword will not have the opportunity to exert its existence value. Do you have the heart?" Kidd said.

Yalufu also said: "This wind sword hasn't been used for a long time. If there is no suitable owner, it may really be covered in dust forever." Obviously, it can be given to other chefs.

It turned out to be like this, are you called Feng Jian? Have you been looking for your own master? I have also been looking for my own sword. Reinhardt is more pleasing to the eye, and loves it more and more.

"Just accept it." "The full name of the Wind Sword is the Blessing Sword of the Thunderfury Windchaser. It originally belonged to an elf prince. It has been a long time since his death that no one can resonate with it. You It's a natural pair with it." Kidd continued to flicker.

I really like it. Sword Saint gritted his teeth: "Then I will be disrespectful. If you need my help, I will definitely try my best to repay your kindness."

"This is for friendship, not for gratitude." Kidd said: "There is just one thing that needs the help of the swordsman to uphold justice." "Some time ago, the first batch of trade fleets sent by the empire were caught in the coastal waters. The attack of the sea monsters was not only not assisted by the Lugonica border guards, but was attacked by them, causing the fleet to be attacked on both sides. The last 3,000-person fleet was left with two survivors. At the same time, the twelve imperial merchant ships were also attacked. All are buried in the sea." "Although our empire is the first to come to the New World, the army of the Kingdom of Lugonika is really too sensitive and cruel."

"Sea monsters?" The Juggernaut knew that sea monsters are very powerful: "Our country has been at peace for a long time, but there have always been sea monsters in the East China Sea. Therefore, the border guards are very cautious. If there is a slight problem or even a misunderstanding, they will attack ships on the sea. It’s just I didn’t expect this time to cause you such huge amounts of losses.” In fact, the Juggernaut didn’t understand the border guard’s approach of regardless of the fact that the three seven twenty-one fights first, but in order to prevent sea monsters from coming ashore, this approach It is indeed the safest: "I didn't expect such a terrible thing to happen."

"So our empire is ready to protest to the Presbyterian Church. This indiscriminate attack is an act of war in our empire." "If there is no reasonable explanation and compensation, our empire may completely give up with Ruger. The Nika Kingdom plans to establish diplomatic relations." Yalufu said.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"You only need to be the referrer of our mission with Mr. Mezzas."

"I know, I will also help the dead." Juggernaut said: "I don't know when you are going to the palace?"

"At the opening ceremony of Wang Xuan."

Ah? ! The Juggernaut was taken aback.

"I know this ceremony is very important, but we also hope to attract enough attention from the elders to choose this day." "And our appearance can be after the ceremony. As far as I know, this day is mainly announced by a few dragon witches. My own ruling philosophy leaves everyone with a first image. We will play after the Dragon Witch and there will be no problem." What Kidd said were all inquired by Anna from Emelia.

Anna's time to know Emilia was much shorter than that of Subaru, but she knew several times more than Subaru. ..

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