Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and twenty-six chapters procrastination\r

The king election ceremony was over, and there were some disturbances, but it went on smoothly. However, the image of Emilia and Filute on the nobles is not good, so everyone's eyes are focused on the first three candidates.

Then the Juggernaut and Mezas spoke at the same time, "Please go to the palace with the imperial envoys."

The two poles of magic and swordsmanship have become the lobbyists of the empire at the same time, and the elders can't see it.

Therefore, the imperial envoys that are ready to go make their debut in full view, with rage horses in fresh clothes and the holy light of the holy knights, and the faces of every envoy official also exudes this incomparable confidence. Kidd leads the entire envoy. Ten people walked into the hall without showing any weakness and stood in the center of Lugonika's supreme ruling institution.

Yalefu insisted on letting Kidd be the main representative.

Kidd saw an empty throne and smiled slightly: "Even though we know that it's not time to come, we are still here, and it's time for us to ask our sins."

Immediately talking again, the nobles here seemed to like to talk in private.

"Quiet, I heard that your empire crossed the oceans and came from the other side of the sea, but I know that the sea has no end." An elder said: "How do you make us believe that you are from an empire outside the sea ?"

"With your IQ, it is difficult to understand these things, so I am not going to waste time explaining to you." Chi Guoguo from Kidd despised.

Everyone was angry: "Deceptively too much, where do you think you are now? This is Lugnica, and we can kill you at any time."

"Just rely on you knights?" To make the other party bow his head to apologize, Kidd's attitude was very tough from the beginning: "Yes, with the help of sea monsters, plus your sneak attack can indeed destroy our fleet, but in Here at the moment, you do not have the help of sea monsters, so you are not our opponents." "The empire has been fighting for a hundred years, and it has tended to develop peacefully in recent years, but it does not mean that the empire is the object of slaughter and your army kills. We have hundreds of crew members. This is an unquestionable fact. The Kingdom of Lugonica must give the empire an account." "Owen, you describe to these adults what happened that day."

Owen held back his sadness. He knew it was time to make the people who attacked them pay the price. When he said that he was sad, he couldn't help but shed tears and couldn't help himself.

"Blood spurting people, letting go of words." No one would admit to Kidd's accusation.

"Bring out a bit of aristocratic spirit, dare to be bold, do you still need me to teach you?"

Regarding the imperial messengers who ate gunpowder, the nobles were also filled with indignation, "You said we killed the crew, but did you show evidence?"

"Evidence?" Kidd waved his hand, and a picture appeared in the void. It was the seabed. Using a small universe could make people see the distant scene. Cancer let the purple dragon see Chunli in Lushan, and Aquarius let the glacier see. I have been to my mother in the deep sea of ​​Siberia.

Now Kidd is going to let the people here look at the horror of the imperial sailors under the sea. The deadly silence, the terrifying body that is hard to see directly in the sea, and many of the armors on the body are the same as the paladin, and there are also a large number of corpses. Arrows and broken swords, these weapons belong to Lugonika's standard weapons, and they are also irrefutable evidence.

The flag of the lion king of the empire is still flying on the bottom of the sea, and the soul is immortal.

"This is the proof. Your army does not ask whether it is unkind to kill innocent people indiscriminately. You nobles indulge in sheltering because of unbelief. It is insincere to try to get rid of misunderstandings. Loyalty, the Kingdom of Lugonica is really eye-opening."

No one could refute the series of accusations. They were all shocked by the tragedy on the sea floor, and the faint-hearted did not dare to look at it.

"Your Excellency of the Presbyterian Church, I think we should compensate for the loss of the empire. This is the basic integrity of the nation. At the same time, we must punish the officers who rashly attacked the empire landers." Even if no gifts were received, just listen to what happened to the empire fleet. , Juggernaut will definitely stand up for justice, because he is such a sincere person.

People who are also knights with Irving also sympathize with Irving very much. Irving did not lie. They were indeed pushed back in despair. It can be said that misfortunes will not come alone. If the border guards did not attack, there might be more. Of people escaped the attack of the sea monster.

But the nobles would not consider these things. They only knew that if they admitted, they would face indemnities, which would not work.

The elders discussed it: "Then we will call the officers of the Eastern Navy back to the king to discuss." "Moreover, our country is now at an important opportunity to select the king. Can you discuss the issue of your empire later?"

"Impossible?" Kidd flatly refused: "Our empire requires that the two cities of the East China Sea, Xunfeng Town and Luoshigang, be opened as trading ports, while allowing our naval fleet to enter the Lugonika River." The Lugonika River runs through. The whole country is enough for naval ships to enter.

"Um, what are the conditions?" The elders said that it was not cede land compensation?

Anastasia, a candidate born as a businessman, shines. It seems that the empire is also a country that likes to do business and can communicate with each other.

"This is the first condition, and the second condition. We want to lease a piece of land in the capital for our imperial residents to live in. As a concession, we will lease the imperial law in the empire, and Lugnica is not allowed to interfere."

This is the country of China, but this is a feudal country. Originally, the land was allocated to different lords. Renting a piece of land in the capital is not a big problem, but the kings belong to the king’s fief, and the elders will manage them on their behalf. No right to determine the ownership of the right to use the royal capital's territory.

"This needs to wait for the king to be elected, and the king himself will talk to you." said the elder.

That's why it is not the time to say that the throne is left empty, and many things cannot be decided.

"Aren't these five candidates for the king? As long as all five of them agree, isn't it equivalent to the king's agreement. Anyway, the king is one of the five of them." Kidd would think, "This way they will be composed of five. Temporary King’s Committee, discuss a result."

"How can this be?" Isn't this stealing the rights of their elders? Besides, even if they become kings, do they have to ask the minister's opinion on this matter? When the time comes, the king will still have the right to speak with the elders.

But if the five witches really form a committee and discuss it by themselves, then their voices can be louder than the elders, so absolutely not.

"I understand your feelings from the empire, but how can you easily decide between countries? This is a major matter for all people. Please give us time to consider." The elders wanted to delay. ..

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