Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand and three hundred and thirty-three chapters\r

Kidd went to look for the young man on his front foot. On the back foot, Caiyue Subaru was driving the dragon cart back to his territory in a panic. When he passed the town, he saw a terrible picture of blood drifting, and the lovely townspeople were dead.

The followers of the Witch’s Cult are very cruel. As a modern earthling, Nai Yue Subaru is obviously very far away from the mass murder. So when I saw the residents who went out for shopping and work or even walks in the morning were killed by the most cruel means, He just felt dizzy.

The filthy thing gushes out from the throat, and the person also falls from the dragon cart.

It's disgusting, Caiyue Subaru has no idea what happened, but why is it so?


The Holy Light, but Owen found the Pleiades Caiyue, and helped the boy stabilize his emotions: "You will get used to it, boy." Owen knew that most people on earth had never seen such a tragic picture: "I will send you back to the manor first. ."

Caiyue Subaru is already stupid, and Owen is allowed to take it back.

Soon after they left, Rem also came back and saw this terrible picture. However, the hometown of Rem and her sister Ram was wiped out by the Witch Cult, so it was not the first time she saw such a scene, so she was only angry, without thinking about any possible dangers, and immediately rushed towards the manor.

So Rem quickly caught up with Owen and Subaru Nayuki. Rem looked at Subaru Nayuki contemptuously. Last night, he escaped without looking back. He was not a man.

"Uncle Owen, what happened?"

"Rem, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, are my sister and Emilia-sama okay?"

"They're okay. It seems that someone called the Witch Cult has attacked the town. They were planning to attack the manor, but we repelled it." Owen said, "The manor is all right, but the people in the town are all dead."

... Glittering teeth, Rem hates the Witch Cult so much, those people deserve to die. First, their families, and now they attacked the innocent villagers. Rem wanted to kill all the witches, not one left.

Seeing Rem's killing intent, Owen said that the Witch Cult was the enemy of the people on the New World, and even a little maid wanted to kill them. After Owen came to the New World, it was the first time he discovered that the locals had such a strong hostility towards the same existence, but considering what the Witch Cult did was indeed hateful, Owen immediately understood Rem.

The paladin in the manor has piled aside the corpses of the remaining demons, preparing to incinerate.

Everyone was okay, Rem held her sister's hand and shed tears. She was afraid that she would never find her sister again. Ram also couldn't help holding his sister and crying. The Witch's Teaching was the same psychological shadow of them.

"Uncle Owen, are we going to war?" Xin said with great interest on his back.

"Naughty, stay quiet for me." This time the enemy is not an ordinary person, Xin is not mature enough to let him go to the battlefield. What Irving wants to know most now is what Kidd did? Is it necessary to gather Paladins to prepare for war? Irving believes that on the land, the Paladin will surely take down the evil cultists who do evil.

"I'm already a trainee knight." Xin didn't give up yet.

"This is an order, go back to my room and stay." Owen was angry.

Xin went back in shock.

At the moment Kidd had already come to the front of Sword Demon and asked Nayuki Subaru and Rem, only to be told that they had left last night.

"I think I have the strength of the empire. Caiyue Subaru does not need our help." said Kuerxiu behind the sword ghost. She is a pure noble. Hidden away, wearing a neutral military uniform, she looked like a female man.

"He asked you for help?"

"Yes, because Miss Rem said she felt danger, so Naizuki Subaru asked us to send troops, but I refused." "Because I really don't see any benefit." She is really an interestist.

"Really?" Kidd looked at the young female nobleman, and didn't feel angry, but felt that the other party was not very friendly. "When the witches kill the people in the Mezas territory, you really don't need it. Take action, because you are not living on the land of Mezzas; when the Witch Cultist kills the scarlet bride'Priscilla', you may still be delighted, because she is your political enemy; wait until the Witch Cultist kills Anastasia Fortunately, when the Chamber of Commerce has worked so hard, you still don’t have to take action, because you are not allies; when the Witch Cultists slaughter the Sword Saint family, you still don’t have to take action, because the prestige of the Sword Saint, you don’t have to worry at all; finally, wait until the Witch Cult surrounds you. No one will provide you with any help."

Kidd made a long talk, but Kuerxiu was stunned, every word, because the Witch Cult is everyone’s enemy. If everyone can’t unite and be defeated by the Witch Cult, then there will be no one when he needs help. Helping out.

Even if Kurxiu is confident in her military strength, she still feels cold when she thinks of the isolation and helpless situation.

No one can be sure that he will be unlucky for the rest of his life. Although Kidd only talked about the possibility, according to the madness of the Witch Cultist, Kursiu really thought that the madman of the Witch Cult would dare to do this.

Sword Demon also looked at Kidd solemnly and found that the ambassador of the Empire had extraordinary wisdom. It reminded him of his grandson Juggernaut's reminder, pay attention to the Kidd of the Empire.

Sword Demon and Sword Saint are grandchildren, but the relationship is not good, because the previous generation of Sword Saint can be said to be indirectly killed by the new Sword Saint. The previous generation of Juggernauts was inadequately prepared to attack the Beluga, but when the war started, all the BUFFs in his body were suddenly transferred to the five-year-old new Juggernaut. Sword Demon thought it was his grandson who killed the previous generation of Sword Master, so he didn't talk to Sword Master very much.

But this time the sword saint reminded that the sword demon hadn't paid attention before. It was just that Kidd was a strong man, but now it seems that Kidd's wisdom is truly terrifying.

Kidd cleverly changed the form of the short poem of'Martin Nimora', and told them the central idea of'Lips and Teeth' in a way that the people of the New World could easily understand.

Both Sword Demon and Kurxiu understand. One is that the Witch Cult is indeed a confidant of the Kingdom of Lugonica, and the other is that most of the nobles in the kingdom only value their own interests, especially among the rivals of the king’s campaign. Guo's interest disputes, so yesterday evening Kurxiu decisively rejected the Pleiades Caiyue, regardless of whether they encountered major or minor problems.

But as soon as Kidd came to speak this morning, Kurxiu understood the relationship of interest and also knew that the enemy was the Witch Cult. It can be said that Mosai suddenly started, yes, the reason why the Witch Cult could not be stopped before was because their nobles were always on the sidelines, and they did not reach a cooperation, so they did not completely eliminate the Witch Cult, and even watched the Witch Cult grow bigger. They all have a fluke mentality, that is, they think that the Witch Cult will not come to their own troubles, but what if the other forces are eliminated by the Witch Cult? In the end, I am afraid that my own power is nothing more than the meat of the witch. ..

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