Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1435: Failed Persuasion\r

With incomparable resentment and hatred towards the Witch's Cult, the Pleiades Caiyue decided to borrow troops. The first night, he went to Kurxiu, hoping that Kurxiu could send troops.

Nagyue Subaru could not explain the source of the intelligence, but in an almost paranoid statement, she asked Kurxiu to send troops to Mezas territory.

Kuerxiu felt the hatred of the Pleiades of the Pleiades of the Witch, and looked at the bewildered Rem, saying that this young man might indeed have his own intelligence network, and that such a person would stay with Emilia until the end. Is it good or bad?

"As a negotiation, what interest do we have?"

"..." Subaru Nayuki was stunned. He didn't expect that Kurxiu, an ally, would be so calm when he heard that the Mezzas Territory would be attacked by the Witch Cultists: "It's hard to owe favors. Forget it? If you can help Emelia relieve the crisis of the Witch Cult, you are kind to us."

"Are you kind? Then what do you think Emelia can repay such kindness? Can you deny that Amelia has lost her qualifications as a contender for the throne?"

Caiyue Subaru didn't expect that the other party was so unreasonable, and suddenly blocked his words. If they agreed to help, the condition was to make Amelia give up the election of the king, he might not be able to do it for Amelia. Call the shots, because his current status is nothing at all.

"Can you decide in place of Emilia?" If before quarreling with Emilia, Naizuki Subaru might have agreed, because he thought it would be better to lose the throne than to die. But after the quarrel, Naizuki Subaru already knew that Emilia hated this kind of self-love.

Tangled, is it silently protecting the lives of the people in the Mezes Territory, making Amelia lose the title of king and becoming the man that Amelia hates most from then on? Or refuse to find other solutions?

In Kurxiu’s aggressive gaze, Nayuki Subaru seemed to see a trap, a trap that made Emilia fail, but he finally needed everyone to live, and his idea was if Emilia knew he was doing it for If you make a promise for the safety of sentient beings, you may not blame yourself: "Those are innocent people, and they are the ones that Amelia wants to protect. If they lose them, it doesn’t make sense for Amelia to become a king. Hope you can help."

Kurxiu looked at the expression of Subaru Caiyue and finally determined that the strength of the Witch Cult in the juvenile intelligence was not weak this time, then she had to consider it. Although the favor is good, but if she doesn’t do anything, look at the juvenile’s expression and think she loves honey. Liya's power is also bad luck. In this case, why do you want to make a move? Helping Amelia make her lose the election, and not helping Amelia make her suffer a big blow is not enough to fight her. It's exactly the same, but it can also reduce some of her own losses: "I refuse."

"What?" I made a low request, even risking being disliked by Emilia, and even promised to owe favors without authority, but the other party refused: "Then what were you talking about before?"

"Pay attention to your attitude. As a guest of Emilia, I can forgive you for your rudeness, but only this time." Kurxiu said calmly, "As you said, it is already a shock to Emilia. The fact is, then the things you promised and the assistance I gave are not considered to be beneficial to me, because no matter whether I do it or not, Emilia will lose a lot, right?"

"Damn it, so are you trying to save those innocent residents?"

"Don't change the concept secretly. The incompetent is Emilia, who can't protect her people, what to do with me?" Kurxiu was really cruel.

"What's the matter with me?!" Papa, Kidd couldn't help clapping his hands, "It's just a vivid interpretation of the cold blood of the nobleman, and I have to clap my hands too." This female nobleman is really like a robot. Thinking loop.

The sword ghost was shocked, how did the ambassador of the imperial come in, and when did he come in? He didn't even notice it, the sword demon hurriedly stood in front of Kurxiu.

"Don't be nervous, I'm here to find Pleiades Caiyue, I wanted to persuade him not to mess around, but I didn't expect to see a good show." Kidd smiled and said to Pleiades who was almost crying: " Ashamed, what right do you have to decide such an important thing for Emilia?" "Rem, and why don't you stop him?"

Rem said in his heart that he was talking nonsense over there, so that he would not be known by others that he knew him.

"Kid, what is your purpose?" Kurtschau asked.

"Nothing, just curious about what you are doing?" Kidd said: "Looking at your expression, you don't seem to believe in Caiyue Subaru's words, why waste time?"

"He can clearly say that the Witch Cult is going to attack Mezas territory in the morning three days later, so I have reason to suspect that he is also a member of the Witch Cult."

"No, I'm not, those scumbags, don't confuse me with those damn things, they shouldn't exist, they should all be damned, and those bastard things should go to eighteen levels of hell." It seems that the reincarnation witch taught the dish twice. Yue Subaru left a great psychological shadow.

Kurxiu saw Nai Yue’s hideous expression, and said lightly: “Since you are not a member of the Witch’s Cult, you must have other purposes if you know such detailed information. You may be lurking in Amelia for revenge. The people around me just use Emelia to attract the witches.".

"No, it's not!" Kuerxiu's wild guesses made Caiyue Subaru's atmosphere: "You don't know anything at all, you cold-blooded killer. You are basically the same person as those evil witches."

"Subaru, what you said is right, I support you." Kidd gave Nayue Suba a compliment: "Aren’t the nobles just like the witches’ servants? It’s just one suicide, one It is to use the laws of the kingdom to kill people." Kidd patted Subaru Nayuki on the shoulder and kept nodding: "Good boy, you have grown up and finally recognized the essence of nobility, which is very good."

When Kidd said that, Kurxiu was unhappy. She was a strong woman who was going to cut off the contract between the kingdom and the dragon in order to revive the glory of the noble. Can't agree with it.

"Nayuki Subaru's words are full of loopholes. In short, I have no reason to send troops because of his words, even if the Witch Cultist will really appear in three days and attack the townspeople." "I know that Nayuki Subaru's request for help has another purpose, absolutely not. As he said for the residents." "Now all three of you can leave from my mansion. I do not welcome you people who sully the honor of the nobles."

"You are cold-blooded killers." Caiyue Subaru roared: "What kind of nobleman can I not save my life?"

"Caiyue Subaru, there is no basis for you to remember what you said. To me, it is just a few wild words, and you have become a madman in my eyes." Basically, it is that Kurxiu has not gained any benefits. The authenticity of Caiyue Subaru's information is uncertain, and this is the reason for Kuerxiu's hesitation. ..

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