Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1438 Professionals\r

By preparing for a sneak attack, the Witch Cultists naturally won't make much money. It can be said to be an unexpected head-on attack. The Witch Cult left dozens of corpses and escaped. They are not regular troops. They have always shot a shot and changed positions. The enemy smashed to death. But precisely because of this, the regular army can't help the witches.

"Cut, is it just the running force of the witch teaching the snare drum?" Kuerxiu retreated when he saw the witch cultists, and said that he was making a fuss. Seeing Caiyuezhu's expression so desperate and desperate, he thought he would be an army? Unexpectedly, there were only so many people in the end.

"My lord, I'm afraid it's not necessarily the case. The person I'm fighting against is not weak. It is very likely that he is the Great Sin Secretary of the Witch's Cult." The Sword Demon had different opinions.

"I see, let the soldiers work harder and guard the surroundings of the town." Kurxiu stood up solemnly.

Emilia was dumbfounded when she learned that Kurxiu was heavily armed. The Kurxiu she knew was not a person who likes to speak of loyalty, and it was always the beginning of profit. Although definitely hurting to form an alliance with such a person, don't worry too much. Because of Kursho's behavior, even the innocent girl, Emilia, can see through it, so he can form an alliance with peace of mind.

It can be said that Kurxiu and Emilia think that they can see through each other, so they can form an alliance. I really don't know whether they are happy or angry. The happiness is that the two understand each other, and the anger is that they both think that each other's behavior is simple and easy to guess.

"To be honest, I was surprised." Emelia looked at Kurxiu, as if she was about to meet each other again.

"No surprises, Mr. Kidd's eloquence is very good." Kurt Xiu said.

"Master Kidd promised you what conditions?" Emilia was taken aback. If that was the case, she felt sorry for her.

"No, he just told me that sometimes everything is not based on interests, because there are some existences that cannot be replaced by interests."

Ah? Can Kidd convince Kurt Xiu without opening any conditions? Is the world changing too fast, or Kidd is too magical? Emilia said that she couldn't understand everything at all, and she really didn't understand how Kidd persuaded this person in plain terms.

"No matter what, thank you." Emelia didn't do any good to Kurxiu. This time, if Kurxiu didn't prepare in advance, I'm afraid the people in the town would be in danger.

"It's okay, I'll stay two more days and go back." "But Emilia, you should also prepare for your future. If you are targeted by the Witch Teacher, you will undoubtedly die. Next time, it won't be so good. Good luck," Kurt Xiu said.

Emilia doesn't think so much. She doesn't think many witches are bad people.

In short, the crisis of the Witch’s Cult came to an end for the time being, and the Pleiades Naiyue originally wanted to take credit in Emilia and was stopped by Ram. He still remembers the last time when Ram was tortured and killed by Ram. Seeing Emilia going back, she didn't say a word.

"Master Kidd can persuade Master Kurxiu, Ram is here to thank you." Ram is extremely grateful to Kidd, if it weren't for Kidd, the village would have been ruined.

"Obviously I told Sister Kurt that the witch cultists are going to attack, why are you only thanking Kidd?" Caiyue Subaru was unhappy.

"Because you didn't do anything, know what the Witch Cult is coming? Can you stop it?" "And after you know the information, why didn't you let Rem contact me the first time?" Ram looked displeased. Caiyue Subaru: "Toad wants to eat swan meat. It is impossible for you and Amelia. Lord Amelia is a candidate for the king's election, but what are you? A vagrant, yes, a proud vagrant. , Why are you worthy of Miria-sama?"

"Love doesn't distinguish between high and low, you don't understand at all." Caiyue Subaru took out the free love of the earth and said.

"Hmph, regardless of high or low, it doesn't mean that Master Emilia needs to be dragged down by you. Do you know how much trouble your behavior caused to Master Emilia at the king's election ceremony? Master Emilia has to Family apologizes in the past, it is your willful behavior, let Emilia-sama not sleep well for a few days. Are you also love? I think you just think that Emilia-sama is not miserable enough, so you want to hurt him. "Rahm really hates the Pleiades Caiyue. If he doesn't help, it will cause trouble.

...Nayuki Subaru was speechless, but he really wanted to help. What can I do if I don't consider myself in this state of being incapable of being civilized?

Caiyue Subaru still failed to realize the shortcomings, and did not want to correct. Being criticized and educated by Ram, he can only hide in the corner and draw circles.

On Kidd's side, he ran into some small troubles, it was Sword Demon. Sword Demon figured it out, and decided that Kidd had driven away the white whale last night, causing him to lose his chance of revenge. Now that the town is safe, it's time to settle the bill.

Looking at the aggressive Sword Demon, Kidd was helpless: "Master Sword Demon is righteous first. Now he is here to ask the teacher, and Kidd admires him."

"Then you admit that it was your little action last night?" Sword Demon was very angry. I don't know when the next time the white whale appears, his chance of revenge has been postponed.

"Master Sword Demon, please forgive me. With the strength of the Beluga, even if you succeed in the crusade, it will consume a lot of military power. It is really not worth the loss." "Is it possible to accumulate more election capital and lose so much life for Kurxiu." , Can you bear it?"

"Naturally I can't bear it, but this is not only about the election capital of the adults, but also to put countless dead souls in peace, and also to calm the anger of the victims' families, and I am one of the angry ones." Sword Demon looked at Kidd. , With blame: "But the opportunity was ruined by you."

"The unexpected encounter yesterday, I'm afraid your chances of winning are not high even if you start the war. You can't blame me. I made the decision after weighing it." "But since you really want to fight the beluga, then I know Now, wait two days for me, and we will fight against the beluga."

"..." Too unexpected: "What did you say?"

"I said that in two days, we will fight the beluga." Kidd showed a determined expression.

"Do you know the location of the beluga? If you know it, the beluga is notoriously erratic." Sword Demon didn't believe Kidd could know the location of the beluga.

"Leave it to me." Kidd was very confident just looking for something, and something as big as a white whale was even easier.

"Okay, then I will go back to the capital to prepare weapons now."

"No, Mr. Sword Demon, I will find a professional to handle this matter, so you only need to come in two days later. You don't need to bring a soldier, a pawn, a gun and a shot." "Professionals will solve it for us. Difficult."

"Professionals?" Sword Demon and Yalufu were equally puzzled when they heard this word.

Professionals naturally refer to monster hunters. Kidd will contact Long Aotian and ask him to bring a team he believed in to kill the Beluga whale in the New World. It is a rare monster of a rare instance. ..

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