Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand and forty chapters hunt and kill the beluga\r

Looking at his three reliable comrades in arms, Long Aotian slowly said the purpose of this time: "I found a weird copy, so I need your help to explore it."

"Why don't you help or not, if there are activities to find us, it is worthy of us." Fengyun said again: "Dragon, I treat you as a younger brother, so I can't be more polite than my brother."

"Khan, is it wrong to be polite." Long Aotian sweated profusely.

"Tell me what the dungeon is, leader, don't bother with Aotian." Miao Miaozi said.

"Yes, let's talk about the dungeon first. We'll talk about other things in the next offline party." Feng Yun likes to hold offline parties. The four of them have seen each other and know each other.

"This time the dungeon is not easy, so we have to be prepared and bring our best weapons and equipment. I don’t know much about it. I only know the entrance of the dungeon, and the monsters in the dungeon are of flying type. The attack power is very high, and the body is also very large." Kidd knew how much information about the white whale had told Long Aotian, but Long Aotian still couldn't make any guarantees before conducting on-site investigations.

"Such a weird copy, interesting." Fengyun loves this kind of thing the most: "Dragon, no one else has found it?"

Long Aotian is accustomed to calling Roar himself a ‘dragon’. This older otaku just likes this embarrassing thing.

"No, this time it is definitely our exclusive content." Long Aotianxin said that Kidd contacted him, and it must be too exclusive.

"It's great, I don't know what materials can be produced." Miao Miaozi's hobby is to collect different materials to make fashions. She can make many clothes that are not available on Earth.

The fiery temper also reveals the light of joy. As a player, it is naturally the most interesting to challenge the dungeon.

"Then, let's discuss what to bring this time." After discussing for a few hours, everyone went back to rest and said that they would go online to the copy tomorrow.

A team of four can be said to be able to defeat imperial monsters without a problem, and all masters can count as ten.

Putting on their best equipment, a group of people led by Long Aotian came to the star gate embedded in the rock wall. Long Aotian knew the coordinates of the earth and entered.

"This setting is really weird, I still have to dial." The three of them looked at Long Aotian's movements curiously: "Is it going to the dungeon after opening it? It's really strange, the first time I saw such a game setting."

"Does the game need to be updated?" Miao Miaozi guessed.

"No news, it's impossible. No matter what, let's go over and talk about it."

Long Aotian asked everyone to separate the two sides to prevent being hurt by the fluctuations of the star gate. Everyone looked at the opened star gate in surprise, but they didn't dare to move forward.

"There will be no danger, how come I feel so panicked." Feng Yun said cautiously again.

Long Aotianxin said that he had passed through twice: "Nothing will happen, I will go first in a while, and you will just follow me behind." He said that he had already entered the Star Gate first.

The other three looked at each other, and finally Miao Miaozi led the two friends across.

Without any pause, Kidd was ready long ago. After they arrived at the portal of the earth, they were quickly teleported to the new world. There was no interval at all, combining the two uncomfortable teleportations together, but Tossing all four people broke.

"Oh -" Feng Yun's head will explode when he gets up again, it's cold and disgusting, and the world is spinning.

The other three are also choking. The design of this copy is too annoying: "Brother Feng, are you okay?" Miao Miaozi went up to help Fengyun rise again.

"It's okay, my heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are all turned upside down, no more, I can't stand up, I need a kiss to get up." Feng Yun said shamelessly when he got up again.

Miao Miaozi turned around and left, ignored him, and looked around, only to find that he was actually on a piece of grass. I looked up and saw that the sun turned out to be noon, and it was still morning when I set out. "Why doesn't it look like a copy."

Long Aotian knew that this was already in the special zone. He took out what Kidd gave him yesterday, a map: "The NPC is in front of us, and our connector is a man called the sword ghost." "Brother Feng, Are you better yet?"

"Okay." Fengyun can't take advantage of it again, so he naturally stands up: "This is a copy of the map? Isn't it too big?"

"Big talent is good." He said with a hot temper.

"But I always feel that this is not a copy, but rather like a new game. When we were hunting monsters before, when did we encounter the prairie landforms? Which monster does not like to drill in such harsh environments, rain forests, swamps, Deserts, snow-capped mountains, volcanoes." Miao Miaozi is still very meticulous.

"That's right, we really haven't hunted on such flat terrain as the grassland. It's better to not chase the monsters." Fengyun revived and said: "By the way, dragon, where did your map come from? This still shows us. name?"

"This is a spot map, a reward for this task." This is a map designed by Kidd specifically for Long Aotian that can collect and display the surrounding situation. Although it looks very simple, it contains magical technology.

"Good thing, in this case, we don't have to be afraid of getting lost." Fengyun said again.

The group found a way, and then continued walking, and they saw an incredible town. It feels incredible because the hunters have only seen the settlements of cats, and this is the first time they have seen the gathering area of ​​humans in the game.

"Are they also players?"

"Obviously not." Long Aotian's map showed dots and names in different colors from them: "They are local residents."

The soldiers guarding the village also saw four extremely weird people, because the hunters wore armors that obviously retained the wild characteristics of the monsters. The wild beauty of Roar made these soldiers in iron armor amazed.

Then an old man in a suit walked out of the soldiers and looked at these people with his head up: "You are professionals?!" Looking at Long Aotian, their dressing looks a bit like hunters, but there are only four people. What is the use of hunters? The other party is the Whale of Warcraft, one of the most terrifying beasts in the world.

"He knows we are coming? Isn't it the NPC we are looking for?" Miao Miaozi asked in a low voice.

"Are you a sword demon?" Long Aotian said.

"It's really me, you come with me." Full of arrogance.

The monster hunters are dumbfounded, this attitude is too bad. But Long Aotian knew that they had already arrived in Otherworld, so they were from the special zone. It is understandable to be arrogant, "Let's go, let's be polite, this copy is not easy."

Where is the copy? It's a new game, okay?

However, Long Aotian is their backbone. Long Aotian is not chaotic, and they will not be chaotic. Following the sword demon into the town, they immediately caught the attention of the residents. The hunter's equipment is really wild, primitive but it makes people feel an indescribable powerful, very contradictory.

And players are also watching the humanoid NPCs around them constantly guessing the meaning of this copy, or are they lucky enough to encounter new game content in closed beta? It's interesting anyway. ..

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