Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and forty-seven chapters of fog\r

The five people have to challenge the famous Warcraft in the New World, and Long Aotian, as the captain, is also the first to take the lead and bravely charge.

Long Aotian's task is to shoot the Beluga whale from the sky first. He is running, and Long Aotian needs enough take-off distance and initial speed.

Sword Demon saw Long Aotian's speed, his eyes widened, it was the first time he saw someone so fast. Moreover, Long Aotian also wore heavy armor made from the heavy Beast wreckage, which made the sword ghost look at Long Aotian with admiration.

"Go, dragon, give the beluga a taste of it." He couldn't help his temper anymore. His temper came up. At the beginning of the battle, he said more: "Knock the beluga."

To take off, Long Aotian made the first test jump. Boom, the grass was trampled on by him, and he jumped out to a height of thirty meters, which was okay, but it was not enough, at least double the distance. At an altitude of 30 meters, the sound of the wind is all around my ears. When I look at the beluga whale, I find that the beluga is really big. The cat must be a good monster. If its white mist can be made into a smoke bomb, maybe it works.

After falling, Long Aotian returned to the grassland, but only with one foot before landing, the other foot sprinted forward with inertia, the jump did not slow him down, and he continued to run.

The snack war dance has been shown, speed up, speed up, and then take off again, this time he will go to the body of the white whale who is constantly twitching because of his blindness.

Boom, the people standing in the distance seemed to feel the waves of Long Aotian breaking the wind. The high-speed rising figure is their respected friend, the master of the game, Long Aotian.

Long Aotian's mind was united, his eyes were like electricity, he held spears in both hands, and slammed out.

"Give it to me." There was a gust of wind in his mouth, but he couldn't change his aura. The spear plunged into the right fin of the beluga whale, and the spear burned.

Not enough, Long Aotian rooted the soles of his feet on the beluga, and when he ran, he cut a few meters of blood at the root of the beluga's right fin, cutting the fin halfway open, breaking the bone and connecting the skin. He hopes to cut off the fins and let the whale fall through such an attack. He thinks that the fins of the whale are the same as the wings of the bird.

However, it is not. Beluga's Flight principle is entirely due to the magic circle above his head.

However, the white whale ran into the ground with pain. It can do, Long Aotian must be sure that as long as it landed, Beluga would never want to fly again.

But it's not that simple. The fog is getting thicker and thicker, and Long Aotian, who is on the white whale, can no longer see the ground.

"It's not good, Brother Feng, don't shoot arrows." Losing his vision, anything could happen. Long Aotian thought that he would go down first and gather together to act with everyone.

"Ahhh----" Just when Long Aotian decided to leave, he heard an angry roar, it was the sword ghost that he couldn't help it anymore, and came up. Seeing the white whale's height decreased, the sword ghost took the initiative to attack, jumped on the platinum, two swords pierced into the white whale's back and output crazy. Long Aotian couldn't really see it, but the sword demon was really angry, which was certain, because the sword demon's roar was more like venting.

"Uncle Sword Ghost, let's land first and let the white whale enter the trap." Long Aotian shouted towards the shadow. But it's useless, because the sword ghost is now dominated by revenge.

"Hey, trouble." Long Aotian took out the super sonic boom: "I hope it's useful." Throwing it away.

The sonic boom can deal with many flying elements, but this time Long Aotian didn't want to shake the beluga down, but hoped to shatter and disperse the fog.


There was a crisp sound, and then the air rippled, one after another.

The white mist was dispersed a little, but obviously it didn't have much effect. It was just thinner, but the mist did not disperse. But the white whale speeded down in pain.

Long Aotian remembered that whales communicate through ultrasonic waves, and beluga whales must be like this, so he can't stand the sound of sonic booms.

The white whale landed and came up with a hot temper. The fog around him disappeared, because his arm was faster than the fan blade of an electric fan: the zero-style war dance breaker.


It was a meat grinder. The beluga area hit by a fierce temper was not the appearance of being attacked by a blade at all. It seemed to be a cut of meat being digged by a spoonful of spoonfuls. It was not an ordinary method at all.


And Miao Miaozi now activated the paralysis trap, and a large amount of electric current flowed into the body of the beluga. He obviously recovered from the explosion of the sonic boom and was immediately controlled by the electric current and became stiff again.

It was another opportunity. When Long Aotian saw the sword ghost attacking the white whale's eye, he immediately followed, but it turned to the other eye. The two blinded the beluga's eyes at the same time, and did not give the beluga any chance at all.

However, these injuries are not enough to kill the beluga whale, it is just a relatively serious skin trauma, and it takes several days for the wound to bleed before the beluga whale enters a weak state.

A stronger attack was needed, Long Aotian thought quickly. He can feel that the beluga whale is completely angry now, as long as it is given a chance, the beluga will definitely launch a thunder counterattack, so it cannot be given a chance.

"Everyone, do your best." Long Aotian shouted, his whole body was surrounded by flames, "Zero-style war dance fire attribute impact spear." Boom, burning, Long Aotian turned into a fireman, and stretched his spear toward the beluga. The big eye socket was pierced, killing it.

"Zero-style war dance song moon wandering song." Miao Miaozi is also going to attack, and the melodious music also has a murderous intent. This music has many syllables and is not harmful to humans, but for Beast, I listened to these special bands of syllables. It will make Beast fall into a different negative state. Hypnotic Ability, weakness, rage, etc.

"And me, I won't lose to you." Fengyun sees his teammates working so hard again, and he is not good at paddling. Now the fog is a little bit lighter. If you can see the shadow of your teammates, you won't hit the wrong person. : "Zero-style war dance row cloud god arrow." A quick arrow that can blast all clouds away.

Hunters all used the Fighting Ability of masters. For a while, sword ghosts had hallucinations. These people should not be hunters but knights, but the strongest knights.

Why do they become hunters? Is it for the people to deal with dangerous creatures specifically? Professionals, are they talking about this?

It is admirable. Although the hunter's purpose is not certain, the sword ghost still admires them, with super strength, but walking in the mountains and looking for dangerous beasts to hunt down, this spirit makes people yearn for. And their professionalism is also amazing, they are indeed the professionals hired by Kidd.

At the moment, the sword ghost really changed his attitude towards the four hunters. ..

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