Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and forty-nine chapters of truth\r

When all the comrades who bathed in the blood of the white whale stood together intact, Long Aotian smiled happily.

"Don't smirk, next time you will accompany me to hunt the rock dragon, my favorite equipment is broken, you still laugh."

Sword Demon was shocked to see Fengyun recover from his severed hand again, saying that he couldn't understand it.

"I used to help with the monster's materials, what should I do now? The white whale is so big, we can't handle it." Miao Miaozi said embarrassedly looking at the body of the white whale.

"It's not necessarily. This dungeon doesn't feel like the overall game of Monster Hunter. There are obviously no humanoid creatures on the mainland except for players, but there are human NPCs in the dungeon." Feng Yun said curiously again.

"That's why it's a dungeon." Long Aotian didn't want to tell everyone the truth for the time being: "As for the beluga whale's corpse, we don't need to deal with it. Our mission is just crusade, and the mission reward is the live map."

"Ah? I also want to know whether the white whale's materials can be used to make equipment. The effect of the white mist seems to be very good, at least very handsome." Feng Yun said again.

"Our mission has been completed, and we are going back."

"Go back? But how do you go back?" Miao Miaozi was stunned. When they came, they passed through the portal. What should they do when they go back?

"Don't worry, I know how to go back." Long Aotian looked at the body of the beluga whale, and felt a little pity in his heart. He managed to kill it. In order to defeat the beluga, they used a lot of precious materials.

"Several people, I want to go back and inform the army to take away the body of the beluga whale, do you keep it or come back with me?"

"Let's stay for a while." Long Aotian said.

Sword Demon didn't talk nonsense, and set off immediately.

The Long Aotians succeeded, and Kidd said that he had to thank them no matter what, so Kidd came.

Seeing Kidd, the three players were surprised because they thought they were in the game. Only Long Aotian was calm. He knew that Kidd appeared because Kidd agreed with his three teammates and prepared to announce to them. the truth. Fortunately, I don't need to lie to them in the future.

"Kid? Why is there an image of Kidd in the game?" Fengyun thought that he was really playing the game: "Wow, for the first time to observe Kidd so close, it is so handsome." "Is it because we defeated The special NPC that Moby Dick came to give us rewards?"

Kidd shook his head: "I'm very sorry. Although you have helped me a lot, there is no special reward. Thank you for removing a harm for the special zone. Your strength has been recognized by me. I hope you can continue to assist Long Ao in the future. Heaven contributes to the unknown area of ​​human exploration."


What's the meaning?

The amount of information is a bit big, everyone needs to digest it. This NPC is as smart as ever, and it seems that Kidd has a connection with Long Aotian. Is it a hidden mission? What does it mean to eliminate harm to the special zone and contribute to the unknown area of ​​human exploration? Is it the background of this game?

The game background of "Monster Hunter" is that after the disappearance of a technological civilization, the world is ruled by Ellucats and monsters, and then humans as alien refugees come to the cats to find their own homes. It does have some relationship to say this.

"But aren't we refugees? How come we are exploring unknown areas?" Fengyun became confused again.

"It seems that my game really brings you in. I'm very pleased." Kidd said: "Now I'm talking about unpublished information, so I hope you can keep it secret, which means "Monster Hunter". This game is originally not a game, but a real planet, but it is very far away from the earth. You usually go online just to connect your brain waves and the artificial body on the cat to play the game."

Ah? ...

"And now you are in a special zone, do you know? It is the world connected by the portal that appeared in Tokyo two years ago. With the deepening of the exchange between the United Nations and the special zone, the special zone empire has carried out external exploration with the help of the United Nations. I have found a new continent, and you are now standing on the new continent of the special zone. At the same time, the person who invited you to solve the beluga whale is really my strange thief Kidd. I also have a relationship with Long Aotian."

"..." Continue to be stunned and still need to digest.

"Aotian, did you know in advance?" Miao Miaozi probably understood, that is, all the monsters she killed were living beings, not game data. She only felt sick when she thought of this.

"I also made a mistake before and went through the portal to other planets. Later, when Kidd came to save me, I only knew about it." Long Aotian would not say that he was reborn.

"Really? That doesn't mean that I killed a lot of creatures?" "Obviously, I don't even dare to kill chickens." Miao Miaozi felt that she was going to collapse.

"Uh, you don't need to worry about this, because you said that the monsters you killed were biochemical weapons used by evil aliens to destroy the civilization of the planet. You are fighting against monsters to save Eluka. Although the evil aliens have been It’s gone, but I think this setting is very good, and it’s used to build the game. On the one hand, it uses your players’ labor to help Ai Lumao rebuild its home. On the other hand, I can also bring a good entertainment product to the earth. It’s a way of doing multiple things in one fell swoop."

"The biochemical weapon of evil aliens?" Still can't understand.

"Yes, I went to that universe to investigate the weird events in that universe. After I went there, I discovered that an evil civilization was using monsters twenty times higher than native life to invade various planets. You see different File The size of monsters is entirely due to the different file sizes of different civilizations, so the file sizes of monsters are also different. For example, the original monster on the planet of Ailumao is only about 10 meters, while the monsters on the human-like planet will be 40 or 50 meters high. Yes, can you understand?"

Understand, "Then why do we want to leave Meow Star now?" The storm again grasped the key to the problem.

"Because I need to form a special team that has a full understanding of monsters and specializes in dealing with all kinds of monsters in the universe, in order to deal with dangerous beasts such as beluga whales that may be encountered in the future." Kidd told the truth.

Is everything real? The three looked at their characters incredibly: "Are we now controlling clones? No wonder it always feels exactly like a real person."

"It's incredible, has the world's technology reached this point?" In the cloud, I think about squeezing the bus to work, arranging to buy food, going home and changing the battery of the remote control, sudden brain waves appear The remote-control cyborg technology is almost like watching a sci-fi movie.

"I didn't expect that the hottest game in the world turned out to be a real planet found by Kaito Kidd. I'm afraid no one would believe it even if I said it."

"I don't prevent you from making it public, but I still hope everyone keeps it confidential."

Everyone nodded, saying that they would not disclose it. However, there are many surprises in my heart: "Then where shall we go to fight against monsters in the future?"

"If there is a mission, Long Aotian will be notified. The mission is not mandatory, because it is impossible for humans to fight against dangerous creatures in the unknown universe as rich rewards as killing monsters in a cat, but the rewards for fighting against unknown creatures are general. It is a cash reward, not much, because the crusade is mainly assigned by the government."

...It's really amazing, continue to be stunned. ..

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