Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-three chapters sacrifice\r

Between chaos and chaos, Subaru Nayuki survived. When the witch’s breath left Subaru Nayuki, she performed a time reset for the last time, but this time the power only affected Subaru Nayuki, so Subaru Nayuki Resurrected again full of blood. Walking in the chaotic town, the residents who lost the sun cried and robbed the ground, completely confused, and the seemingly simple residents also completely burst out the dark side and began to rob and set fire.

In despair, the evil of mankind was completely magnified, and Subaru only felt that he had entered hell, showing his beauty once again, and his facial features were wrinkled together. If this was hell, he would surely be able to act as a kid.

Why is this happening? Caiyue Subaru didn't understand, he didn't understand what was going on. Why did the originally kind residents suddenly become like this? He didn't know why the sky suddenly lost the sun, and he didn't know why time was still rolling forward when he was obviously dead? Shouldn't it be reset?

Nagyue Subaru feels that he has lost his most important thing. Emilia is the first, then Death Reincarnation is second. Now Emilia ignores him, Death Reincarnation has disappeared, and he has nothing.

"Let's go to the manor and kill the witch!" Just when Caiyue Suba was aimless, I heard the farmers in front of them raising their farm tools to attack the manor.

In response, many people went to the manor in a mighty manner, the sun disappeared, and the world was about to end, so now they can do whatever they want.

You have to notify Emily, but Caiyue Subaru thought, hurriedly ran away. It was not easy for him to think of Amelia at this time.

In the manor, Parker was forcibly sent back to the crystal because the sun disappeared, but there was also Anna, and the White Shadow Hand Paladins who remained behind.

"Don't worry, it is my master who corrected the time of the entire continent, and the sun will rise soon." Anna knew the inside story.

Emilia looked at the night sky outside: "I'm afraid everyone is scared now. I must tell everyone the truth and calm everyone down."

"I protect you." Anna supported Emelia to do so.

So the two parties met between the manor and the village, and Emilia thought that the residents would hide in the house like hamsters and shiver, but underestimated the madness of those who rushed into despair in the last days.

Seeing the residents holding farm tools with grim expressions, where is the kindness in the weekdays? Emilia was startled, she didn't understand part of the disgust of people.

Fortunately, Anna and the accompanying Owen would not let them get close: "What are you going to do? Don't come up."

"Everyone, listen to me." Emilia only thought that everyone was scared, so she prepared to comfort her.

"Don't listen, don't listen, it's all because our lord supported you as a half-elf to find bad luck, it's all your fault, all half-elf's fault, it's all because of you, the end of the world is coming."

"Yes, it's because you arrived in our territory. First the Witch Cult came and now even the sun has been taken away. Everything is your fault." Everyone was crazy.

There is no way that half-elves, a species that is deeply discriminated against, will naturally take the blame for everyone in times of crisis.

Coming late, he obviously ran very hard, Nai Yue hated Pleiades, why didn't he help Amelia when he worked so hard?

However, Emilia didn't need his help at all.

It's true that everyone is attacking her now, everyone hates her, but as a half-elf, she is willing to use her own efforts in exchange for everyone's approval. And the extra help of the Pleiades Cai Yue will only help more and more.

"Everyone, the sun will rise, and the world has not yet reached the end." Emilia said, "Don't give up, everyone."

"Who would listen to half-elves, liar, witch!" The crowd was excited.

Although Amelia was prepared, she did not expect that under the pressure of the doomsday, everyone would target her in this way and force her grievances. Amelia stood there, anyway, she could still support it.

These guys, Naizuki Subaru can't help it again: "You bastards!" He jumped out: "You don't even know that Emilia is working hard?" I have to say that sometimes fans are more hiring than idols. Hate is not without reason.

If Emilia held back, the residents might be comforted. But the Emilia fans who suddenly jumped out shouted, saying that you don't understand Emilia, which is hateful.

Why don't they understand? Emilia is a half-elf, the most evil and unknown existence in the world, and a universally recognized truth. But this kid has never been big or small, and has no manners. He likes to play with children in the town when he is old. He doesn't say a word to his peers at all. He doesn't understand anything like Nai Yue Subaru. .

"Boy, don't be too arrogant. Don't think that you can be a half-elf with just a few words. People like you should starve to death and die like garbage." "Lianhe peers I don’t have the courage to make friends. I just play around with the children in the town. I only think about pleasing women and thinking about how I can coax children. It’s not a man at all."


Unexpectedly, the residents' eloquence was so good, and Caiyue Subaru had nothing to say.

"Naoyue Subaru, you leave, it's none of your business." Emilia worried that she would hurt Caiyue Subaru if she did it after a while: "This is my business, you go!"

"I want to help you." Caiyue Subaru still insisted.

"Caiyue Subaru, I don't need your help." Emilia said.

Anna pushed Subaru Nayuki aside: "This is the anger that Amelia can calm down, and only Amelia should stand up. Don't be nosy, if you really think about it for Amelia. If you do, please leave. She doesn't need to pass the microphone, all she needs is our silent support." It's Anna who is Emilia's true friend.

Can’t help Emilia, Nayuki Subaru is going crazy: "Why, why, do you want to prevent me from being together with Emilia?!" "Obviously I like her so much, I am willing to give everything for her , And even life, I helped her time and time again, to retrieve important badges for her, and also want to help her become a king, why you don’t understand."


Anna really couldn't stand it anymore, such a stubborn man should be beaten. So she slapped the green Pleiades on the cheek: "Don’t be wishful thinking anymore. If Emilia really needs help, she will definitely bring it up. You don’t even have the most basic respect for your friends, so you can talk about how to help. Friends?! Be like a man."

Everyone despised, Emilia was embarrassed, and the Pleiades of Nayue lost her face and only felt that she had no place to shelter.

Anna said to everyone: "Please listen to Emilia's words. You can not believe it, you can doubt, you can attack, but please don't let down Emilia's kindness, please stay true to the virtues that a human being should have. , She is not an enemy."

Anna is also very hardworking. ..

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