Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand and fifty-eight chapters peace of mind\r

"Hurry up." The screen was shaking, and the camera was spared for the time being, but no one knew when these reporters would lose their expensive equipment.

"It's terrible. Now we don't dare to approach at all. We can only continue to move with the refugee group, and it is very likely that we will directly enter Europe." The reporter was also reflexively black. But now Cairo is ruined, and the distance to see the iron sand tornado is getting bigger and bigger, I am afraid that other cities will not be safe, God knows what human beings will become in the end.

"What the hell should I do?" Roar Roar Roar Roar——

The rapid Roar sucking and shaking pictures made the audience feel nervous. Some cities close to Cairo have been affected. A large amount of metal is flying into the sky, and the area of ​​damage is getting bigger and bigger.

"Photographs of military satellites prove that more cities have been destroyed. At this rate, all the metals on the earth will be sucked into Cairo within a few hours. When the building collapses, the city falls, and everyone will die."

"Where is superhero?!" the official asked, patting the table.


"Superman is dealing with the meteorite of Pluto. Wonder Woman does not seem to be in Washington. After the Revenge League broke, Captain America has been in a semi-retired state for a long time without news. Vision is guarding the portal..." The only known heroes also have things, no Those who are idle can only say that when there are several crises at the same time, there are still too few superheros on the earth.

"Damn it, why is this? Call Vision back, immediately!"

"But we haven't set up a star gate at the portal, and it's too late for Vision to return."

What is this called, why is it so unlucky? "What about Kidd? Where is Kidd, the strange thief? Didn't he come back from the special zone?" The intelligence of the special zone is shared, so these American officials also know about Kidd's situation in the special zone.

"Kidd has always been out there, no one has ever been able to find him. Now we can only hope that Superman can rush back as soon as possible." However, Pluto is so far away, even if we rush back, the earth will only be in ruins.

But if the destruction really spreads across the world, heroes busy in their respective cities will also be dispatched, but Kidd didn't give them a chance.

When the TV reporter frantically called the superhero and read out the names of the heroes one by one, the camera assistant suddenly stopped and raised his hand: "Look!"


The camera and the host raised their heads reflexively and looked in the direction they were pointing, showing a dull expression.

The shaking lens captured something from the iron sand tornado flying in the sky, extending the focal length and focusing, allowing the picture to pass through the iron sand to the world through a clear picture.

what is that?

The majestic palace connected by the Arch of Heaven? Is that the city in the sky? The screen is constantly shining with various light performances such as the refraction, reflection and diffraction of sunlight. Rainbow, silver light, golden light, constantly telling everyone about the powerful presence of this city in the sky.


But when this picture appeared, everyone was sluggish, even Apocalypse and the Four Horsemen, no one knew why the floating city appeared.

Can't you get closer? This is the second thought of the person in charge of the TV station, "Call me, let them come closer and take a clearer shot."

There is no need to contact, the person who reacted has already approached. How can I be a reporter, and I would still be curious when encountering such unthinkable things, "Audience friends, have you seen it? Just now, we captured a city in the sky, yes, it is a city in the sky, I don’t know. What is this? But I have a feeling that everything is about to change." The reporter said: "Now let's lean in to let everyone see clearly." "You won't believe it, there is really a city floating in it. The sky is indescribable. I feel that it must be God who heard our prayers."

Apocalypse is very upset, because this city in the sky is more compelling than his Pyramids: "Who broke into my territory?"

He did not answer immediately, but waited for a short silence before Kidd said: "Since you ask questions sincerely, I will tell you with great compassion, for the love and justice of mankind, for the peace of the earth, gorgeous and charming. The Golden Saint of the Zodiac is here!"

Kidd, right?

Is it Kidd?

That's right, it's Kidd!

Isn't it Kidd?

The audience whispered, what is the Golden Hall Saint Seiya of the Twelve Yellow Zodiac, it is clearly Kidd who appeared on the screen. Kidd stands in front of the Aries Palace, which is the starting point of the Sky City, and appeared in front of audiences around the world. .

Although it was just an appearance, everyone’s hearts suddenly calmed down, whether it was a refugee who was running around and displaced, a frontline reporter who was facing difficulties, a remote residents who were worried and anxious, or a leading official who came up against the crime. Everyone surprisingly settled down the moment Kidd appeared.

It seemed that a voice told them that Kidd would definitely win. Perhaps Kidd has always given them the impression of being omnipotent. Anyway, Kidd seems to have no record of failure, at least they don't know when Kidd failed.

But Kidd is really as gorgeous as ever, this Sky City wouldn't be stolen by Kidd from the gods, right? The audience who was still worried about whether or not they would die just now are already thinking about Kidd's gossip.

It seems that Kidd also likes the Golden Saint Seiya of the Zodiac, some otaku thought, but the careful people soon noticed that the number of palaces in the Sky City is exactly thirteen. This Sky City will not be a sanctuary, right? ?

"What is a Saint Seiya of the Zodiac?" Apocalypse was dumbfounded, and his gorgeous appearance suddenly brought him a lot of questions. What is this city, who is this white man, and what is Saint Seiya? Apocalypse realized that he had so many questions, which was unprecedented.

"What is it? You can see for yourself!"

Just when the audience was wondering, Kidd slowly walked out of the gorgeous golden saints, the most luxurious background wall in the world.

Kidd has been waiting for this day for a long time. You are envious of it. From now on, this most gorgeous background wall belongs to Kidd alone.

Aisha was also among them. She originally wanted to save people directly, but Kidd contacted her and asked her to return to the palace and appear together.

Dog eyes, the dog eyes are going to be blinded by the shiny golden armor, too many, why is there such a gorgeous team? Across the screen, the audience can feel the richness of Hong Guoguo.

But they didn't expect that they would see the real golden saint one day. Many people have watched the movie, but they are only false for the Saint Seiya, but today their views have to change.

Gemini Uchiha Itachi, Leo Hyuga Fireworks, Virgo Hyuga Neji, Sagittarius Anna, Libra Tiantian, Capricorn Hagaki Sayun, Aquarius Minami, Pisces Aisha. Eight of the twelve golden saints have been gathered, and the background wall has begun to appear in scale.

"The Saints will stop you." Kidd stopped taking action this time. ..

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