Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-nine chapters\r

Walking up the mountain, halfway up the mountain is the first pass of the World Association-the first pass in the world. Anyway, Xiongba likes to name the buildings of the World Conference as "First in the World".

From here, you can see the disciples of the Tianxiahui. Many people are practicing martial arts. They are young faces. It seems that they are new salesmen recruited by the Tianxiahui.

"The scenery of the Tianxiahui that I saw ten years ago is better than that. Ten years ago, the leader of the gang has developed the Tianxiahui to such a level that people admire." Since pretending to be a mud bodhisattva, Liu Adou doesn't mind saying good things. .

Seeing the majestic appearance of the Tianxiahui, Mingyue was also secretly surprised. She used to only listen to what everyone said how cruel and innocent the world will be, but now she sees a flourishing, which is really different from the rumors, and the status quo of Wushuang City is even stronger. too much. Now Wushuang City is full of lifelessness.

"Oh, you can count as coming back. The helper can't wait." Wen Chouchou rushed down the steps a few steps: "Have you found the mud bodhisattva?"

"General Wen, fortunately not insulting your life, the mud bodhisattva and his disciples are here." Qin Shuang said.

"Great." Wen Chouchou looked at the mud bodhisattva and Mingyue: "Then you two will follow me, and I will take you to see the helper." "Palace Master Qin, Lord Bu, the helper is dead, you two come back. After that, I will go back to rest first, and then the helper will meet with you."

Led by Wen Chou Chou, he has been climbing to the highest peak where the first floor of the world is located. Wen Chou Chou is proud of the spring breeze. He has already started shouting before he enters the door: "Bang lord, overjoyed, overjoyed, help lord."

The mud bodhisattva was lost and recovered, and Xiong Ba was also very happy. Although he still doubted how the mud bodhisattva avoided him before, it doesn't matter anymore, what matters is his destiny for the rest of his life.

"Ten years, the old man has been waiting for ten years." "At the beginning, you said that the time is not up, and it can't be regarded as the fate of the old man in the second half of his life. Is it finally possible now?"

"It's still not possible." The mud bodhisattva said to the male tyrant's murderous gaze: "Now I am completely different from ten years ago. I have leaked too many secrets. I am afraid I can't calculate the fate of the male gang lord as easily as ten years ago. ."

"??" Xiongba stared at the mud bodhisattva.

The mud bodhisattva lifted the mask: "Look."

Sure enough, the face was covered with venomous sores, and the scars of Grape File size were all over the cheeks, forehead and chin.

Xiongba frowned: "Then you mean that the fate of the back of my body is unknown?"

"It's not like that, it just needs some assistance."

"Auxiliary?" "You come to listen."

The mud bodhisattva hesitated to speak, and finally shook his head: "Others may be able to, but the male gang leader can't, because you don't meet the conditions of assistance."

"What supplementary conditions, you can say it quickly, how can you know that the old man can't meet it if you don't say it?"

It seemed very embarrassing. After a psychological struggle, the mud bodhisattva slowly said: "That is to use the three souls and seven souls of the loved ones as the introductory of the fortune-telling. This method is very dangerous. Losing the soul, the light one becomes an idiot, and the heavy one never sleeps." "But the male gang leader, you have no children, you really have no blood relatives, so I didn’t want to mention it before." "The male gang leader, it’s all because I have been regressing for ten years, and now I have neglected even the technology of eating. It is really worthy of death."

Xiongba is thinking, he definitely has children, and two, one son and one daughter. However, his son ran away from home to do arrests soon, and his daughter was placed under house arrest on the island of the lake, slightly better than the prisoners.

Is it cost-effective to catch a daughter for fortune telling? Xiongba is calculating: "Is something going to happen?"

"That's not necessarily true. It's just that I've become weaker and weaker in recent years, so I should prepare for the worst." Anyway, it's just flickering. Liu Adou has to see if Xiongba will agree.

The so-called tiger poison does not eat children, and Xiongba's relatives around him are only his daughters. Will he agree? Liu Adou was very curious, and sure enough, the question of the test of human nature is the most exciting and eternal topic.

On one side are his own evil ambitions, on the other side are his own relatives, weighing the importance, the dark and tender struggle in human nature. Even when Xiongba encountered this kind of problem, his face was tangled and he didn't know how to choose.

"The hero, let go, the world is now in full swing. It doesn't matter if you don't have fortune-telling. As long as you uphold the idea that those who have the way help more than those who lose the way, you will surely unify the rivers and lakes." Exciting heroes.

"No." If you don't tell fortune-telling, you don't know what to do, and superstitious people are always paranoid. He said in his heart that he might be able to succeed, his daughter is okay and he can also know the future fate, and it may not happen. If something goes wrong, definitely let the mud bodhisattva pay for his life.

"The male gang leader?"

"I want to count, you don't know anything about the mud bodhisattva, in fact I still have a daughter."

"Oh? Do you want to use Lingqianjin as an introduction?" Said the mud bodhisattva and shook his head: "No, no, I really don't have a foolproof certainty, or forget it. If you have a daughter, you should enjoy heaven. . Don’t do such a dangerous thing."

"No, if there is nothing wrong with You, you will definitely succeed. I believe that luck is on my side." "Nud Bodhisattva, just say what you need."

It's really foolish, but the mud bodhisattva is a leader in the fortune-telling world. Although the hero is superstitious, he knows nothing about the fortune-telling industry. Definitely allows the mud bodhisattva to decide the process of fortune-telling.

So Liu Adou borrowed his status as a mud bodhisattva and said that he wanted a clean place, and said that he fasted and bathed for three days, and then officially began his fortune-telling three days later. But before that, he still has to discuss with his daughter about the dangers of fortune-telling at the moment.

However, how could Xiongba talk to his daughter about these things, only to exchange them with her daughter, if she is willing to help, let him move around freely for a while.

Youruo is also naive, thinking that he can leave the island of Huxin by doing a little thing, so naturally he is 10,000 willing.

So three days later, I told the fortune on the island in the lake.

Youruo looked at the mud bodhisattva and Mingyue curiously, wondering what they were going to do.

"Youruo, you can do whatever the mud bodhisattva wants you to do later." Xiongba said: "As long as you complete this mission, you will be able to leave Huxin Island for a while."

"Grandma Auntie knows." She was obviously Sister File Size, but she didn't speak the same manner as Sister File Size.

Mingyue heard Youruo's aunt and almost laughed out loud.

However, Liu Adou said in his heart that the hegemony is still big, and he is willing to let his daughter do such a dangerous thing. It really is nothing more than hegemony. In the original book, Xiongba also began to attach importance to family affection after losing his dominance.

"Then File Size will just close her eyes."

"Oh." Youruo is also naive, it is true that Liu Adou does what he says, and he is not an evil person in Liu Adou, otherwise he will hehe hehe.

When You Ruo closed Youlan's eyes, the time around him stopped, and Liu Adou took You Ruo into the illusion.

Obviously in the house, Youruo felt the breeze slowly. She opened her eyes curiously and found that there was green grass around her, horses neighing in the distance, and a fairyland scenery.

"This is?" It's amazing, You Ruo is the first time to see the broad scenery of the grassland, but why did he suddenly come to the grassland? "anyone there?"

There is definitely someone, Liu Adou is here: "Youruo, the daughter of a male tyrant."

Looking through the sound, it was a holy young man: "Who are you?"

"I am the true face of the mud bodhisattva in front of you." Liu Adou said: "Now you are in an illusion. Only your mind enters it, and your body is still in the island of the lake."


"What I want to tell you now is the truth about this fortune-telling, things that your father never told you." Liu Adou wanted to counter the domineering daughter. ..

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