Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand 481 chapters sword gate\r

Liu Adou returned to Wushuang City with three apprentices. The martial arts school in this world is a powerful place. How could Wushuang City be the overlord of one party. Mingyue has a house in the city, which is much more comfortable than staying in an inn.

Mingyue naturally welcomes her junior and younger brothers and sisters to stay in. Grandma was shocked when she saw the Juggernaut. Seeing that the Juggernaut was respectful and respectful to the strange thieves, even Mingyue respected the team. She felt that the sky was dark and the whole person was going crazy.

"Master Juggernaut, Mingyue is just a junior, how can I keep your old man busy." Grandma was sincere and frightened.

"Even though Mingyue is young, she is my senior sister now. As an apprentice, I naturally have to serve the senior sister. This is the truth from ancient times to the present." The Juggernaut was not happy when he saw his grandmother stop him from working.

"What?" "How could it be? How could Mingyue be your senior sister?" Grandma didn't understand.

"We have all worshipped Master as our teacher." Sword Saint Risuo definitely said, "You are not allowed to be rude to our Master in the future."

"What is your master?!" Although there have been speculations, this answer is too amazing, grandma can't accept it.

"Naturally it is Master Liu Adou." The Sword Saint said respectfully.

"Ah!" Sure enough, it was him, grandma couldn't accept it, and fainted ‘ah’.

Mingyue takes care of her grandma, and the others choose their own rooms.

"It's a bit old and simple than the place where my grandmother lives, but my old lady doesn't mind." You Ruo took a bite of my grandmother and my grandmother, and didn't know when to make corrections: "Master, we are all settled down. When will you teach me Sword? I also want to fly like a elder sister. It's so handsome."

"Starting tomorrow, today you can look around and get familiar with the environment."

"It's great, my old lady can also guard the sword!"

...The quality of this apprentice needs to be honed.

Liu Adou didn't have any requirements for housing conditions. He settled down. He was already in a mess now watching the World Conference. Wen Chou Chou saw that the hero had not come out, only to find that the hero was injured and the sister File Size was missing.

This is anxious and ugly. Fortunately, Xiongba woke up after nightfall. His face was gloomy. He didn't expect that there was a master beside the mud bodhisattva. Then he escaped from his eyes because of that girl.

Let Wen Chou Chou stabilize the world, and Xiong Ba immediately began to heal his injuries. Wen Chou Chou is pretending to be calm, saying that the male tyrant is in retreat and no one is seen.

The embarrassment is ugly and ugly, but it's good if the tyrant can stop for a few days, then Liu Adou is about to seize this unparalleled city. Anyway, the city lord is also a fake. This is to help Mingyue. She has worked hard for the people's livelihood in Wushuang City, and even went to the stage to sing in order to raise money to support beggars.

However, Liu Adou does not support this behavior. Directly giving money to beggars will only increase their inertia.

In fact, as a city owner, you don’t need to do too much. As long as you establish a good system and ask everyone to strictly follow it, there will naturally be a lot of people working hard to farm, open trade routes, and find ways to improve their living standards. That’s right, it’s important. It is to give civilians a chance to work hard.

Now Wushuang City is full of smog, and the lord’s family is domineering everywhere, and levies miscellaneous taxes, and the lord’s mansion has taxes and only recruits soldiers and horses, regardless of the life and death of the people.

Definitely, the situation in Wushuang City now is not only internal worries, but also external worries. This fake city lord is not easy, but there is no doubt that Wushuang City is declining.

The people need to recuperate, so Liu Adou convened a meeting that night to talk about his thoughts: take Wushuang City as his base, encourage farming, develop commerce, reduce tax burden, and resume production.

Mingyue gave a hundred support and looked at Master gratefully.

But some people objected: "You are a rebellion." Grandma knocked on the ground with a cane and said.

"I am also the city lord of Dugu City. I support Master, and the Dugu city can replace him if he is not up to date."

Uh, grandma's words are blocked back, isn't the sword saint the previous city lord? It wouldn't be rebellious to say that, it was just something inside Dugu's house.

"Master, leave this to me!" The Juggernaut took the initiative to ask Ying. Since Master is considering Dugu's family, then he should lead by example. It's up to him to kick the offspring.

Sword Saint Yujian left and returned within an hour, and everything was done, "Master, this is the Great Seal of the city lord. I have locked up the father and son of Dugu and thought about it."

Sure enough, the elder predecessors were one of the top two. "Starting to promulgate new laws tomorrow, Mingyue, and Juggernaut, you must go deep into the grassroots to supervise them to implement the new instructions, instead of violating them."

Liu Adou wants to educate Youruo, and naturally it is also "Nine Heavens Shenhua", which is suitable for girls to practice.

If you are an ancient spirit spirit, there are always many questions: "Master, what is the name of our school?"

"No name, no faction."

"Ah? Master, you are so powerful, and you know how to imperial swordsmanship. How could you be a nameless and uninhibited sect? This is not on the stage." "Or Master, let's give our sect a name. You must know that in the arena The sect name is very important. If I meet someone and the other party wants me to report to the sect, I can’t tell. Isn’t it shameful?” He said, “I’m going to call the fairy sect.”

"It's ugly."

"That's called the Invincible Gate."

"Have you ever read a book, how did you name it so straightforward?" Liu Adou thought that now he is in ancient times, so he must have a more poetic name.

"I've definitely read a book." Youruo used her brain to find a nice name: "Master, it's better to call it Jianmen. But using the sword as the name is straightforward and smooth."

Jianmen? It seems that there is no Sword Sect, but it seems that this Sword Sect has already been registered. Forget it, Jianmen, it's really okay. Anyway, Liu Adou didn't think of a good name: "Then it's Jianmen."

"Master, really use my name?"

"Yes, our school will be called Jianmen from now on."

"It's great, Master, you are so kind to me." You Ruo has never done such a great thing. This is a name for the whole school. Master actually believed in himself so much, and she cried with emotion.

"Silly girl, why are you crying."

"Master, I have never, never been so happy." You Ruo leaned on Liu Adou's shoulder, tears in her eyes and wet Liu Adou's clothes.

"Okay, stop crying, let's make a plaque now and hang it out."

As a result, this world has one more school, without any excitement, and hung the name in a deserted manner, and even the senior sister and the second senior brother only learned the content later. However, Mingyue and Juggernaut had no opinion either. Sword Sect was okay. Although not domineering, it was simple and clear and not bad.

People who went to the streets the next day could see that the new plaque replaced Ming Mansion, which was regarded as the expropriation of Mingyue Family. ..

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