Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand and eighty-eight chapters provoking discord\r

"Big Brother, Brother Yun, it's so lively." Nie Feng liked the occasion, showing a gentle smile.

"Isn't it? The last time was when I wished Master birthday at the beginning of the year." Qin Shuang was also very happy. The three of them were mainly responsible for safety work, but it was enough to leave them to guard at various gates. They had a lot of time. Watch the excitement.

"By the way, where is Kong Ci? I haven't congratulated her yet." Qin Shuang said.

"She is dressing up now. I'm afraid she won't be able to come out until the master announces it." "Big brother, wouldn't it be more festive when we congratulate the guests later?" Nie Feng said.

Bu Jingyun didn't speak, Qin Shuang nodded and said okay.

"Hey, my three uncles, I said why you guys are still talking and laughing here, and the helper told you to go and receive guests." Wen Chouchou walked over gracefully with a fan, like a madam who asked a girl to pick up guests.

"Master asked us to receive guests? Wasn't this your job in charge of Wen before?"

"The helper said that before you were young, now you can all be alone. Naturally, you should meet friends from the World Club. Don't say it, come with me." Wen Chouchou took the three to the first floor of the world. .

From the bottom of the mountain to the first floor of the world there are 1,080 steps. Most people are sweating and panting. Even if the ancient people are in good health, landlords who have not practiced martial arts are still out of breath.

The three brothers stood at the door and saw people clasp their fists. Wen Chou Chou introduced them one by one. I have to say that Wen Chouchou's memory is not covered up. He can remember all the messy people, even if they have to look at the gift list, they can remember it.

Bu Jingyun looked upset, but he could only bow down like a machine.

Qin Shuang and Nie Feng greeted others with smiles.

One morning, there were a constant stream of people on the 1,080 steps, and the crowds were crowded with guests.

At noon, everyone was seated, serving dishes and pouring wine, and the At the moment atmosphere really reached its zenith.

Xiongba was sitting at the main table, and there was an empty seat next to him on the right. Everyone knew that this would be the seat of the adopted daughter Kong Ci. Before the banquet, Xiongba stood up, his voice made it clear to all the guests who came to the table.

Everyone calmed down, and only heard Xiongba say: "Thank you for coming to the world during your busy schedule. I will take part in the Xiongba adoption ceremony. Today I want everyone to witness..."

Under the leadership of Wen Chouchou, Kong Ci, dressed in a gorgeous dress and a golden crown of crested head, dragged a long back swing and walked out of the side door.

Everyone was surprised, Kong Ci was very beautiful, and got full marks after dressing up. I used to be a maid who basically didn't dress up, but now it's a sparrow that has become a phoenix.

Bu Jingyun was even more stunned. He always thought Kong Ci was beautiful, but he didn't expect it to be so beautiful.

The men present were all staring at Kong Ci's facial features, it was so beautiful, and the women present were all jealous, even the maids of the Tianxiahui, why were they not accepted as righteous women?

The Xiongba didn't adopt Kong Ci indiscriminately. Kong Ci's father was the first to follow the Xiongba. He was one of the founders of the Tiandihui, but he died early. Therefore, the adoption of Kong Ci by Xiongba was absolutely definitely.

"Today I officially accepted Kong Ci as a righteous daughter. From then on, she is the File size sister of the Tiandihui." When Kong Ci stood by her side, she announced domineeringly.

"Congratulations to the male gang leader." Wanhe came to the tide, and the male tyrant was overjoyed.

On the point of adopting a daughter, Liu Adou believes that he and Xiongba still have a lot in common. But he knew that Xiongba hadn't finished talking yet.

Sure enough, the tyrant pressed his hands and signaled everyone to be quiet: "This is the first happy event today, and I have a second happy event to announce."

Everyone showed their expressions of listening: "That is, my three disciples have also reached the young age of marriage, so I will choose one of them to marry Kong Ci and be my dominant son-in-law."

Everyone was taken aback, isn't this giving gifts again? The faces of the small family are all white, and this year the World Conference alone gave so many gifts.

Bu Jingyun is happy, he thinks Xiongba will definitely choose himself. Qin Shuang and Nie Feng were normal. Although Qin Shuang had a good impression of Kong Ci, he was a gentleman and would not force Kong Ci to make a decision.

Nie Feng has a bright moon. Although Kong Ci is good, his childhood sweethearts are not his food. Mingyue is a cute girl from the heavenly descending style. Although it is Kong Cixian, Nie Feng prefers the bright moon. Therefore, Nie Feng's face was embarrassed, and he prayed in his heart that it should not be him.

Xiongba saw all the expressions of the three in his eyes, and said that Bu Jingyun seemed to really like Kong Ci, so his plan can be fulfilled: "I decided to marry Kong Ci to my eldest disciple Tianshuang in three days. Hall Master Qin Shuang, all guests can leave for three days off without preparing gifts."

"Congratulations to Clan Master Xiong, Sister File Size, and Congratulations to Hall Master Qin." Congratulations were also unanimous.

Qin Shuang had a happy face, but he didn't expect it to be him. Nie Feng quickly congratulated Qin Shuang. But Bu Jingyun's expression changed drastically. Kong Ci was his person, so how could he marry Qin Shuang. Just when Bu Jingyun was about to go crazy, a yellow light shot in from the front entrance of the first floor of the world.

Along with the change came a clear voice: "The imperial decree is here."

Boom, it is the golden imperial edict that is blasted and nailed to the background wall of'Tianxia'. Everyone looked again and found that there was a person beside the imperial edict, who seemed to be standing there instead of entering the door from the outside.

But before the imperial decree appeared, there was no one there at all?

"Imperial decree?!" Xiong Ba squinted his eyes, then said viciously: "Kai Thief?!"

Weird thief? !

Is this young man in front of him a strange thief? ! But why does the thief hold the imperial edict? I don't understand at all.

"Today is my auspicious day. I don't want to kill anyone. What the hell are you doing here?" Xiongba stared at Liu Adou.

"Definitely is here to congratulate the male leader for adopting a daughter, so I went to the palace to ask for this imperial decree." Liu Adou held up the imperial decree: "Seeing the imperial decree, if you see the supreme being here, why don't you kneel down?"

Everyone looked at each other. The emperor didn't work. Although everyone hadn't opposed it yet, they wouldn't obey the emperor's orders.

Xiongba's expression changed. He knew that everyone was looking at himself now, whether he had directly opposed the emperor, or was succumbing to the general trend and temporarily acknowledging the emperor.

"How do I know if this imperial decree is real or you forged it?" Xiong Ba didn't want to kneel: "You are a strange thief, and you are not a member of the official family. Don't want to deceive me with a fake imperial decree." He already wanted to do it.

Everyone knows that Xiongba does not want to directly show his disdain for the Supreme, but since the holy aims are in the hands of the strange thief, it is indeed suspicious. In this way, there is no problem even if the male tyrant does not kneel. The male tyrant does not kneel, nor does the others kneel.

"Yes, you can't prove that your imperial decree is true." "Come on and catch this brave thief, and dare to forge the imperial decree. The nine tribes should be guilty of the crime." The guests also roared.

Gee, it's really kind of unrequited. ..

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