Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-three chapters\r

In the face of Shaking Sword Twenty-Three, Wuming conceded defeat. It was meaningless not to admit defeat with a sword that could not be resisted by a mortal body. However, Wuming is so much stronger than Xiong Ba, and Xiong Ba in the original book has no chance to admit defeat.

The nameless with ten levels of skill is still human after all.

But now it's up to see how the Sword Saint will go back, or just fly into annihilation, and the nameless said kindly: "Sword Saint, your soul can't last long, you should go back quickly. If you are happy, you can slowly be happy later."

The Juggernaut came back to his senses, thinking that he was indeed out of the body, and realized Sword Twenty-Three with a vigor, but he hadn't thought about how to collect the sword. It can be said that although Wuming conceded defeat, he won to some extent. If the Juggernaut died, Jian 23 will not exist in the world. Then Wuming who conceded defeat only gave up the world number one for a few minutes, and then he Still No. 1 in the world.

The Juggernaut's body remained motionless, maintaining a flying posture, because there was still a small amount of True Qi in his body constantly overflowing, but when the True Qi was exhausted, the Juggernaut's body would fall, and his soul would fly away.

The primordial spirit is a big light bulb, radiating radiantly, floating around on the side of his body, unable to find a way to get in.

Haha, Liu Adou still needs to do it. Seeing that the Sword Saint Yuanshen can't find a way back, Liu Adou grabbed the Yuanshen and stuffed the big light bulb into his body.

"Is it interesting to force the nameless to surrender in a desperate way?" Liu Adou was dissatisfied with his apprentice's behavior: "If it weren't for me, you would be a dead martial arts number one."

The Juggernaut had nothing to say, because what Liu Adou said was true, but he had to win, he was right.

"Tsk." Liu Adou knows that Juggernaut is quite proud when he sees Juggernaut like this: "Don't think that if you force Wuming to admit defeat, it is really better than Wuming. Yes, Sword Twenty-Three can kill Wuming, but you can never. It's like defeating Wuming." "At least you lost to him in manner."

"Just laughed." Wuming doesn't matter, "Juggernaut has realized the strongest sword, and it has indeed surpassed me." "I don't know Taishan, and I don't know if you hide it deeply."

Wuming is very humble, and did not underestimate Liu Adou because he was not much older than Jianchen.

"Liu Adou, don't be so polite."

"Your Excellency is a strange thief?!" Although he lives in seclusion but is unknown and not isolated, he is well-informed because he opened a restaurant: "I have long heard that the strange thief is young and promising. "The Infinite Sword System and the Imperial Sword Jue are both powerful, and they are one of the powerful moves Wuming has seen.

"You're welcome."

"Jianchen ordered to go down and prepare food and drink. I want to entertain both of you."

At the moment, Jian Chen woke up like a dream and nodded blankly. Wuming shook his head slightly, his apprentice's aptitude is generally dull, and his greatest advantage is his loyalty. He has always protected him from the darkness of martial arts, and has developed Jian Chen's character so slow.

"Two of you follow me to the guest room." Wuming led the way.

Juggernaut does not drink, because he thinks that drinking is a mistake. Liu Adou doesn't drink much, but he can. Wuming is a wine lover, but he is well controlled and never gets drunk.

The dishes are not sumptuous, with eight dishes and one soup, only two meat dishes, but they are better than usual.

The Juggernaut uses tea instead of wine, and the three are very harmonious.

"Weird thief, I have heard that you played with the male tyrant many times, and even took the male tyrant's daughter as a righteous daughter. Isn't that true?" Wuming was curious.

"I know you guys think I'm too young, don't you?" "Don't worry, I have a rejuvenation technique. The daughter of the domination was originally eighteen this year, but now she is only an eight-year-old naughty boy, so there is no problem at all."

... Wuming was shocked, but the Juggernaut felt that Master did not deceive people: "My master is a celestial means. Originally, my life was almost exhausted, and it was Master who continued my life for me, giving me more time."

"Unbelievable." Wuming was shocked, but the Juggernaut is not a big talker, so he believed: "Guai Thief, you have such strength, you should take care of the world and the common people, and don't make it difficult for you to dominate."

Juggernaut's eyes are getting colder, he doesn't understand what nameless means? Xiongba is suspicious and cruel, and the world will be full of corpses. Who in the martial arts does not want to get rid of the Xiongba and hurry up, how can Wuming speak for Xiongba? !

Anonymous explanation: "Although the ambition of the dominance is great, the Tianxia Society has indeed suppressed a lot of disputes in the world. Since the Tianxia will gain power, the world has stabilized a lot. If the hero can unify the world's martial arts, then there will be no unnecessary fights in the world. ."

Wuming is still an idealist, delusional that the hero can become the hero and stabilize the world. However, the idea of ​​namelessness is destined to be unfulfilled, and Xiongba's character shortcomings are too great, and sooner or later he will die by himself.

"Hmph, then why don't you avenge those decedents who were slaughtered innocently by the world?" The Juggernaut was unhappy, and Wuming kept saying for the stability of the world, but not talking about the bloody crimes the world would commit, it was simply partial.

... Wuming is not sophistry, he thinks that decedent is already done, as long as the living is well, it is already a first-class existence of the Virgin.

Liu Adou is also very speechless. He doesn't agree with Wuming's words: "It is not possible to stop investigating the sins of the hegemon because of the death of people, and not to seek justice for the innocent who died, and to decedent. What is the morality and law of the world?"

"But if the male tyrant dies, many more people will die in the world. I don't want to see the souls succumbed to charcoal." Wuming said.

"Life is smashed?" Liu Adou didn't understand: "Since you don't want to see the sullen of life, why don't you do it yourself? With your prestige in the martial arts, the hero is killed, and most people can naturally stay still and rest. This is not correct. Is it righteous?"

...In fact, Wuming is not interested in doing what the martial arts leader, this work is not done by humans.

Nameless and silent, he has died in feignity, so naturally he is unwilling to be nosy.

"The world will be destroyed. This is not something you and I can decide." Liu Adou knows Wuming is like this, knowing that he doesn't want to bear the entire martial arts: "Because he listened to the mud bodhisattva's approval, thinking that he would be slapped by himself for the rest of his life. His second disciple and third disciple have subverted, so now he has already started to destroy his right hand." "It's just that Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng won't be killed by the male tyrant so easily. Instead, the male tyrant will be backlashed."

Juggernaut and Wuming are both the first time they have heard of this kind of thing. If this is the case, Xiongba is indeed a bit too superstitious.

"I didn't expect Xiongba to be so superstitious." Wuming was also stunned. A generation of heroes would actually listen to fortune-telling, and even act on his own disciples, which was unheard of and incomprehensible.

The Juggernaut was also dumbfounded, and he obviously didn’t understand how there could be such a superstitious person: "If Feiyuntang and Shenfengtang lose their masters, then the strength of the Tianxiahui will have to be discounted, and perhaps it will really give people a chance to take advantage of it. machine."

It is really impermanence, the sword sage Wuming seems to have seen that the world will rise in the hands of the hero and decline in the hands of the hero. ..

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