Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 167-Weird Pirate Square\r

A treasure of the deep sea, priceless and rare-the blue of the deep sea.

The overwhelming publicity in the media has made people in New York know that there is such a treasure to be exhibited in Times Square in New York. The unbounded exhibition held by the famous businessman, philanthropist, and environmentalist Ms. Roberts, that is, there is only a simple cordon, and everyone can see gems up close in Times Square.

"Ms. Roberts, why should such a precious treasure be displayed in the noisy Times Square?" the reporter asked.

Roberts is a capable old lady in her sixties. She is well-dressed. Although the years have left wrinkles around her eyes, she cannot stop her temperament: "Everyone should also know that besides being a businessman, I am also an environmentalist. People, I want to tell you through this exhibition that the sea belongs to all human beings, and we cannot allow the sea to be polluted."

"Do you know that there will be no people from the police participating in the exhibition without boundaries?" the reporter asked.

"There will be no police participation in this unlimited exhibition. I will only arrange a small number of security guards to take charge of the surrounding order." The reporters recorded Roberts's words.

But suddenly a reporter asked a question that cooled the audience: "Miss Roberts, if the thief Kidd sends a notice, what are you going to do?"

Quiet, Kaito Kidd is a character that is difficult for reporters to describe. It has been two months since Stark Industries made a high-profile appearance last time. Now suddenly mentioning it, not only the reporter but also Ms. Roberts was taken aback: "We haven't received the notice letter from Kaito Kidd for the time being."

"If the thief Kidd sends a notice, will you call the police?"

"Maintaining social order is the responsibility of each of our New Yorkers. If I receive a notice letter, I will contact the police." Ms. Roberts said.

"If there is a notice, will this exhibition without boundaries be cancelled?"

Ms. Roberts is obviously very upset that reporters are entangled in this issue: "No matter what happens, the exhibition will continue as usual."

Liu Adou saw this lady's attitude on TV, and he said that even if there were police officers, he would not miss it. However, the exhibition will start on April 1st, just to make an April Fool's Day joke. The notice is like this: "Swim in the sea of ​​fools, and take away the treasure of the sea-Kaito Kidd."

"Perfect, there will be a lot of people at that time, I, a strange thief, can swim in the vast sea of ​​people, and take the deep blue of the ocean with ease. It really deserves its name."

In the past, the notice letter was usually sent out by pretending to be someone else secretly, but this time Ah Dou decided to change it.

On the morning of March 31st, Liu Adou went out, holding a suitcase in his hand, just like an ordinary office worker. Take the bus to the city center.

Since most residents in the suburbs have their own cars, there are not many people on the bus. Liu Adou found a back position to sit down, thinking that he had to make some big moves this time. The appearance of the previous Stark Expo obviously did not turn around many Iron Man fans, but this time there are many potential fans in Times Square, and Liu Adou is ready to do a big fight.

The symbol of New York, Times Square, also known as Times Square, is known as the crossroads of the world and a world-renowned shopping mecca. Tourists from all over the world come here to shop. Therefore, the buildings around Times Square are full of electronic billboards. The advertising time is calculated by the second, and the real time is money.

Liu Adou has been in New York for a few months, and he is no stranger to this place. He carried a suitcase and walked to the local restaurant. After ordering two dim sum and a drink, Liu Adou opened the suitcase, which contained a laptop and some electronic devices.

The waiters are no wonder, there are many people working and entertaining in nearby restaurants. To some extent, Liu Adou is indeed also in the office, just to prepare for stealing.

After a while, Liu Adou had already invaded all the nearby billboards. Since he was going to play the big one, Liu Adou had to let everyone know that the thief Kidd was coming.

With a smile on his face, "I press." Press Enter.

All of the colorful electronic advertising screens outside suddenly turned white, all of which were notices from Kaito Kidd.

Tourists who were shopping and playing looked up and were stunned by this incredible scene. It seemed that he was in the palace of the strange thief, everything was controlled by the strange thief Kidd.

"God!" Who would have thought that the strange thief would be so bold and invaded all the billboards, declaring in this way that he would steal the blue of the deep sea tomorrow.

Liu Adou heard the shock Roar outside, and he could also think of the advertising company's furious look. His actions must have cost them a lot of money. But this is effective. Look at the people who ran out of the restaurant to watch the excitement. He knew that the news would spread soon, and it would definitely be lively tomorrow.

The tourist holds the camera in his hand, holds the opposite billboard high, and rotates his footsteps so that the lens can shoot as many screens as possible. It was too shocking. All the display screens were white. The tourists who took the rotating lens read the text on the notice: "Swim in the sea of ​​fools, and take away the treasure of the sea-Kaito Kidd."

I've heard of the phantom thief before, but I always thought it was blown out by the phantom thief. Most of the fans of the thief are citizens of Gotham City, and only they can understand the feeling of being saved by Kidd from the nuclear bomb. Although people in New York have heard of Kidd the thief, they never think that the thief will be more powerful. Even if Liu Adou stole Iron Man's model, they only thought that Iron Man didn't care about the old, scrap-like model at all. But now Liu Adou let them see why Kaito Kidd has such a high influence in Gotham City, because he is high-profile and gorgeous enough.

A high-profile thief, a high-profile thief that makes people stunned. Not only send the notice letter openly, but also let everyone know about the notice letter.

"Cool!" Young people are most receptive to this gorgeous arrogance.

Everyone in Times Square is surrounded by an indescribable feeling, which is a very complicated feeling. Obviously knowing that the thief is a thief, he should not have a good impression, but the incredible performance of the thief makes people feel the heartbeat speeding up. The so-called "no" in the mouth, but the body is very honest. I knew that I couldn't worship the thief, but I was conquered by the performance of the thief Kidd all the time.

This is the charm of the strange thief, which makes people want to stop.

Kaito Kidd was about to do it on April 1, and the news flew all over the United States with wings on. The diehard fans of Gotham City even immediately threw down their work and began a walk-and-go trip.

The police who got the news found Ms. Roberts as soon as possible. Ms. Roberts could not decide this. The police must intervene.

Even Spider-man couldn't help but want to meet the thief Kidd. Such an arrogant thief would have to see if he had more legs and more hands than others. ..

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