Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 205 Bad News\r

Iron Man ran out of energy, and his calculation was wrong this time, or the situation exceeded the calculation. In the end, Tony had to run out of energy and dropped a nuclear bomb on the Zetaru mothership in the universe.

At the same time, Ada's shocking throw also successfully closed the portal. Apparently Chitauri didn't have enough time to fix the portal, and could only watch the portal close a little bit.

Then the nuclear bomb exploded.

A dazzling spot of light lit up in the universe, the most beautiful Firework, and the destructive energy spread instantly. This was the last view of the universe that Tony saw as he fell through the shrinking portal.

In the movie, when the portal is closed, all the aliens immediately fall to the ground. Obviously, this is impossible in reality. What Chitauri said is Thanos' number one thug. Even if the mothership is cut off, they continue to fight. But the grasshopper after autumn can't jump.

The Hulk caught Iron Man, and Tony was almost deprived of oxygen. Fortunately, the steel garment in the Hulk's eyes was just a toy. He pulled off its mask forcefully, allowing Tony to regain oxygen.

"Hulk, can you help me back to the Stark Building?"

The Hulk looked up at the enemy still guarding the mansion, smiled, and then lifted the Iron Man and jumped out for about twenty meters, rushing towards the mansion. Tony wants to change his armor, then go back to the battle, the battle is not over yet.

Avengers reorganized the front to cooperate with the belated National Guard and began to clean up the defeated soldiers. The New York Center was severely damaged, but fortunately, it took only two hours from the start of the war to the end, so the damage was limited to the center and not many houses were demolished. I have to say that this is just a small battle, not a big battle. This point of destructive power is really not enough. Switching to Superman vs. Superman, half of the city has already been demolished. However, even if the loss is small, this is the first time human beings have been invaded by an alien civilization after the industrial revolution, and soon humans will enter a period of trembling and worry.

Aliens are not all as friendly as Superman, so if aliens come from the universe with countless warships launching an attack from space, how should humans respond? In other wars in Level Universe, the earth is too small.

The red cloak floats freely because it is not bound by gravity. Able to hear sounds from any corner of the earth, Superman has been paying attention to the war in New York. This contact war can be said to account for four points of humanity, and it may change the entire history of mankind. But everything is determined by human beings, and Superman can only guard it silently.

call out--

Superman turned into a phantom and disappeared from the orbit of the universe, but the stalwart figure made people look at him.

Human beings always think that they can control everything. The study of the Cosmos Cube is for this reason. Unfortunately, they failed and attracted Chitauri.

But now that the war is over, the people on earth can only eat the evil fruits silently and lick their wounds. Because the portal is closed, you can't find Chitauri at all, and there is no place for revenge. In fact, even if it is found, how can humans take Chitauri? If the Chitauri army were to come out, even if the superhero came out, it would not be able to save the earth.

Anyone who knows the cause and effect understands that this big event will definitely make a huge change in the world.

However, these have nothing to do with Liu Adou for the time being. He is cooperating with Spider-man to direct everyone to self-help. He can't count on the police and no ambulance, so he can only help himself.

"Everyone put a conspicuous sign, red coat or put up some poles in the position of the seriously injured and immobile." Liu Adou shouted. There are too many wounded to be saved. He is called an old Chinese doctor for some minor injuries. Of people were dealt with.

"Press the wound." Liu Adou let a wounded man with a broken forehead press on the wound of a seriously wounded man.

"I have disposed of everything that might explode." Spider-man returned: "I need to do something else."

Liu Adou looked around: "You need to maintain the traffic. When the concert is about to end, there will be more than 10,000 people rushing back to the city. The traffic is absolutely chaotic." Although Adou has notified Xiaojiao and asked her to be there. After the concert, I will inform you about the situation in New York City, but you can't go wrong just in case.

Spider-man has no objection, because Liu Adou showed a strong leadership ability. He organized all the people who were not injured or slightly injured at the first time, and then found people with medical knowledge to form an emergency team, and the rest The people attacked to find the seriously wounded.

In short, Liu Adou controlled the chaotic scene with the fastest speed, which made Spider-man admire. The definitely Spider-man didn't know that the people at the scene obeyed Adou's orders because of his face.

Next to Liu Adou, the young man who lost his uncle hasn't recovered yet, and the elf princess is still in a coma, but maybe he was shocked and fainted if he was not injured.

"What's your name?" Liu Adou asked the boy.

The boy didn't respond, he didn't want to say anything now. Ah Dou understands him, so let him stay for a while.

In the Expo Garden, the last song was "LETITGO", which ended perfectly.

After Aisha came on stage, wearing the queen's costume and wearing a crown, she wanted to reproduce the classic scenes of the movie on the stage. The audience atmosphere reached the final climax when Aisha made the miniature mountain castle. Everyone is singing along, Letitgo~Letitgo~......

Then Aisha's skirt began to change, transforming into the classic Ice Queen suit in the movie. The audience said that even if there is only one scene in the entire concert, it is worth it. It is perfect and so happy. Many of Aisha's fans are also movie fans, so this ending is definitely the greatest sincerity.

"Aisha, stay on stage after singing." Little Pepper said: "There are some situations that require you to explain to audience friends."

Aisha thanked the audience friends and said: "Everyone, please stay here. There are still some things I want to announce."

There are still activities? In three hours, Aisha was still perfect, which made the audience admire, and they felt a little distressed for the program. They didn't know that Aisha was already going to Awakening the cosmos, and the three-hour battle was nothing.

Aisha was also taken aback when she heard that New York was invaded by aliens. How did she feel that time had fallen back to the age of mythology? But the battle is over, just for fear that everyone is worried about chaos in the family.

"The following news is not good news, so please calm down," Aisha said.

Whispering, what bad news? The audience showed puzzled expressions.

"At the beginning of the concert, there was a huge amounts of accident in the center of New York City. It is estimated that many people were injured." Aisha did not say anything about the alien invasion, fearing that they would not be able to accept it, "And the road to the Expo It has also been severely damaged, so please take a rest in the Expo Park for now. Stark Enterprise will take care of your board and lodging. Don’t worry about going back because there are still many wounded on the road waiting for treatment. At the same time, we need some volunteers to help. ."

The absence of an ambulance does not mean that the seriously wounded will not go to the hospital. Moreover, the board and lodging for more than 10,000 people here must be distributed. The security in the Expo site is obviously not enough.

The audience looked at each other. ..

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