Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 207 The Force Appears\r

It was late at night that Liu Adou was free because the National Guard came. At the same time, Liu Adou finally knew that the man borrowing the helicopter in the afternoon was Osborn's president, Norman Osborn.

Liu Adou was also surprised, because he really didn't see that this man of integrity would be the heinous Green Goblin in the future. At least it looks like Norman is personable now, at least he looks very kind, without showing any arrogance or complacency.

The security department of the Osborn company surrounded the flying fish, and no one was allowed to approach it. The security departments of this kind of consortium are all privately armed, which are usually responsible for protecting the company’s assets and, when necessary, can also act as militants to protect the company’s interests. There is no difference between their equipment and the army, and many security guards were originally veterans.

Seeing Osborn’s armed security guards surrounding the aliens, the people watching the excitement were unhappy, "Why, what right do you Osborn company have to surround the aliens? The aliens were caught by Spider-man. It is on American soil and belongs to every one of our citizens."

But no matter what the people said, the security guards meticulously surrounded the cordon, not allowing anyone to approach.

Liu Adou shook his head straight, these people only dared to talk, no one dared to go up with so many guns.

"Liu, what are you looking at." Spider-man found that Liu Adou had been staring at the aliens gradually surrounded by the tarpaulin tent, feeling strange.

"Nothing." Liu Adou said, "The situation has stabilized. We have to think about how to deal with the two green elves over there."

The elf princess is awake, but has been pretending to be unconscious. Liu Adouxin said that he would let you sleep for a while, so pretending to check the pulse, he secretly input a ripple to let the princess continue to sleep.

And Benn sits beside his uncle's corpse dumbly not knowing what he is thinking, or thinking nothing.

"People die and never come back to life." Liu Adou said, "If you believe me, let me help you freeze your uncle's corpse. I have a chance to bring it back to your hometown in the future."

"Liu?" Spider-man was taken aback, "Don't you let the government help them?"

Liu Adou shook his head: "Their identities can only be known by the two of us. We must never let others know that they are aliens. People are not ready yet. If their identities are exposed, it will be absolutely disastrous for them."

Spider-man stopped talking, he understood, but he was an S.H.I.E.L.D agent, so he really didn't want to hide it. But seeing Benn lost his uncle like him, Spider-man's sympathy instantly increased. He knew that if S.H.I.E.L.D were to know the identity of the alien, he would never be free even if he did not dissect it. Coupled with the loss of his uncle, Benn’s self-reproachful expression reminded Spider-man of himself two years ago, and he was like that back then.

"What's your name?"

Liu Adou didn't get Benn's answer. He was really a poor boy: "Spider-man help, you move the fairy princess into my car." Liu Adou moved the body by himself.

"Get a good night's sleep." Liu Adou saw that the boy's condition was very bad, so when he touched Benn's shoulder, he typed a ripple to make the boy fall asleep.

"Then I will go first." Liu Adou said to the Spider-man outside the car: "Please keep their identities secret."

Spider-man nodded cautiously. He didn't ask where Liu Adou would hide them, because he trusted Liu Adou to protect the two young aliens.

Kailan Erwin had a nightmare. In the dream, her father and queen left her and she was not able to get enough to eat or wear. She was wandering alone all the time, walking and walking on the wasteland, and suddenly saw that there was something in front of her. A team, she joined them excitedly, but no matter how she shouted or asked, no one would respond to her. She was still alone, and as the army continued to advance, she didn't know where they were going.

The dream is very real, as if the whole body was filled with lead. The green elf princess was hungry and cold, but her footsteps kept changing. She didn't know why she wanted to be with these silent people, perhaps because she was a compatriot.

But at the end of the dream, Kailan didn't get any hope, because she finally saw the end of the front, which was a huge mouth in the abyss, full of death. But all the members of the team jumped into the giant mouth without realizing it, and fed the owner of the giant mouth with their bodies.

No matter how Princess Kailan stopped it, it was useless. Her compatriots, her people, and her are in two spaces. She can't help anyone at all. She can only watch her people make senseless sacrifices, going to death like walking corpses.

A sense of helplessness and powerlessness instantly hit my heart, piercing Princess Kailan's heart into a leaky hornet's nest. No matter what she did, she couldn't save her subjects. She could only hide in a corner and cry like a child, unable to do anything about what happened in front of her. Then after she saw the father and queen mother, she also appeared in the team, and walked towards the abyss innocently.

"Father and queen?!!!" Kailan rushed over with tears, but it still had no effect. She knew she could only watch her parents incompetently follow the lead and fall into a huge mouth to die. No, I couldn't accept this result. Kailan shouted and broke his throat and scratched his nails, but it was still useless.

The dream was so real and the pain was so heartbreaking. After Kailan fled and witnessed the complete destruction of the guards, she felt a strong sense of anxiety in her heart. The separation from her parents made her full of crisis. This dream is the most true expression.

In a remote corner of the Expo, Liu Adou asked Aisha to help seal Jason’s body in ice. At the same time, six Zita Swiss soldiers were also frozen together. The definitely weapons have been taken down by Liu Adou, although it was It doesn't seem to be useful.

"What are you going to do?" Aisha saw Liu Adou's sneaky look, knowing that he must have a bad idea again.

"I will transport these ice sculptures to Antarctica and keep them safe." Liu Adou said, pointing to the frozen Chitauri: "As for this corpse, it will also be transported to the Antarctic. This young man needs a motivation to cheer up again."

Aisha looked at Liu Adou, but he still didn't say his plan.

"The two young men are the first group of aliens we have ever met in a real sense, and one of them is still your fan. Don't you think this is an opportunity?" Liu Adou's eyes lit up, not knowing what he was planning.

Aisha didn't know what opportunity this was: "What does this have to do with me?"

Liu Adou shook his head repeatedly: "Aisha, you are too lack of imagination. I will teach these two people how to survive in the universe, and then they will become our pioneers in the universe."

"Do you want to use them?" Aisha's words are really ugly, what do you mean by using them.

Does Liu Adouxin say that he is so like a badass? "A win-win, a win-win, understand? You see, they definitely have a bloody feud with Chitauri. I give them strength and they help me do something in the universe. This is a win-win."

"..." Aisha still doubted Ah Dou's motives.

In fact, Aisha really wronged Liu Adou, and Liu Adou didn't really want the two young elves to do anything dangerous. The most was to spread Aisha's singing or tell him some strange things in the universe, nothing more. . As the price of exchange, Professor Liu Adou will give them the power necessary for survival in the universe, a kind of unpredictable Ability, which is also one of the knowledge of the magic box space-the original force. ..

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